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Thread: Possible glute abscess

  1. #1

    Possible glute abscess

    After injecting Tren Acetat for 3 weeks I suddenly noticed that when I was flexing my ass I could feel a ball (almost as big as a tennisball) in my right side

    But I only feel it when im flexing my ass.
    When I dont I cant feel it even if im pressing hard.
    And there are no redness, sore or pain in the ball when flexing or not

    Becouse of the half-life of acetat I inject ever other day 1ml each time, maby thats the reason?
    And Im pretty shure that all my injections have been sterile.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You need more then 2 injection sites for EOD. You're not running tren by itself are you??

    What are you stats?
    training exp
    cycle exp??

  3. #3
    Yes im running tren alone ,
    When you say 2 injection sites for EOD is it ok with left and right glute or you mean like glute and biceps?

    age 22
    ht 1meter.82cm
    wt 85

    been training for 5 years now
    This is my first injection cycle only used some small amount of pills before (turanabol,winstrol)

    But is it a abscess, shouldent it be sore or any pain?

    And after injecting in glute should I be careful doing squats and other trainings for that area

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!

    doesnt sound like you have much knowledge of AAS...and your precious cycles seem sloppy plus you havnt said how much and for how long you ran these compounds?

    and now your running tren alone which is a BIG NO NO. i suggest you stop and run some PCT...please tell me you know what this is?

    every cycle should have a base of test...

    doesnt sound like an infection.. if it was im sure it would be very painfull red and swollen, do you feel like you have a tempurature? also the site would feel hot.

    training the same body part as injecting shouldnt be an issue.. just a bit sure but im sure you can push through this

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    My friend would get knots in his glute when injecting winny... you're using the same site too much. But honestly, knots in your glute are the least of your problems. I would be more worried about your piece never working again.

  6. #6
    I guess BF stands for body fat? to be honestly I dont know what my BF is but I have always been skinny before I started training and im shure I got very low body fat.

    PCT is to build up your testo after cycle right?
    I dont have this but im gonna order it now , is HCG the same?
    And if I dont run PCT will my testo only be low for some weeks or forever?

    My previous cycles with turanabol only and winstrol only was for 5 weeks each with 30-40mg each day.

    And about my piece never working again, now you got me realy worried, is this if I dont use PCT

    And by the way why is tren alone a big no no?

  7. #7
    Frequent injections in a cycle including tren can give you what you described. Make sure you rub the area after pinning and soak it in the shower. Once your cycle ends and you give your cheek a break, it should disappear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    yes bf is body fat,
    pct is to kick your body to start producing natural test again, hcg is used in pct and can be run along side the cycle.

    running pct will give your body the best chance of recovery, that plus time.

    you should always run pct so its not really a question.
    dont freakout that your piece aint gunna work anymore, its just may take some time to bring back your labito and natt test.

    tren on its own is a big no no because it shuts you down so hard

  9. #9
    Im planning a new cycle like 5-6 weeks after this one so so if I "repair" my testo production it will get destroyed again , so can I just run PCT after my next cycle or should I do after this.
    And also can I use clomid by asia pharma as only supplement after tren ?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You really have no idea of what you are doing. Tren only is a horrible cycle. I would stop the tren cycle immediately and get on PCT (post cycle therapy) to try to get your body back on track. Clomid only would work for PCT as well as Nolvadex only if that's what you can get your hands on. You need to start this ASAP. Clomid 100ED one 2 weeks, then 50 ED for 2 weeks/ nolvadex 40 ED for 2 weeks then 20 ED for 2 weeks.

    Start reading the informative stickies at the top of this forum page. You will learn how to properly start a first cycle, what anillaries to have on hand incase of sides and how to run a PCT. All very important before you start AAS use.

    Also, you're almost 6' tall and 187 lbs. It's recommended that you reach or come close to your natural potential before you ever think about using AAS. You have a lot of time to grow naturally without AAS. If you are having a difficult time growing, you need to research diet and training further. Once again, this should be before ever thinking about AAS use.

  11. #11
    OK , I will start the PCT when I get the supplies, but should I go for Clomid or Nolvadex since I only want to get my test start working again and tren dont have any gyno/esstrogen effects

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I personally don't like clomid, I would rather go Nolvadex only.

  13. #13
    but aint that anti estrogens also? wont that be wrong when I get no esstrogens from tren?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    There's much more to it then that. Go on the nolva/clomid asap and read the stickies. You really don't know enough to even ask any sensible questions.

  15. #15
    Yes I know what i does, but I wonder since I only need my testo start working again but since I dont get any estrogen from tren, will it be bad to take something against estrogen

  16. #16
    listen carefully to what everyone is saying.
    STOP YOUR CYCLE! the sooner the better! NO MORE TREN!
    order clomid OR nolva and STOP THE TREN as soon as they arrive!
    clomid 50/50/50/50 (that's 50mg ed for 4 weeks) OR
    nolva 20/20/20/20 (that's 20mg ed for 4 weeks)
    you do not know what you are doing and are going to harm yourself! (if you haven't already)


    seriously, not trying to be harsh, but c'mon you're here for help, take it.

    let us know how the recovery goes...
    Last edited by upperhandy; 06-02-2010 at 11:53 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by packing09 View Post
    Yes I know what i does, but I wonder since I only need my testo start working again but since I dont get any estrogen from tren, will it be bad to take something against estrogen

    You have no idea of what it does or you wouldn't be asking.

    This is the link to Nolvadex and it explains what it does to help you recover from any AAS cycle. Im giving you advice and you keep asking why. This is because you have not done your research like you should have before you ever started.

    Take the advice, stop cycling until you've learned how to do it properly.

    Your natural test has been shut down by the tren. Nolva will help get it going again.

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