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  1. #1
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    I think my buddy got bunk gear

    Ok so my friend got some hepta test 425. He has been taking it for 3 weeks at 1cc twice a week so 850mg. Anyways he weighed 217 when he started and he has put on absolutely no weight and no size and it seems as if his strength is even come in down. But he started with a deca 300 1cc twice a week and finished but started the test two weeks before the deca was gone. He has got huge nasty red knots where he has been injecting and they stay for damm near 2 1/2 weeks.

    The stuff is really thick and is hard to pull through a 25mm x 1 needle. His last week and half he bumped up to 3 shots at 1cc every other day starting on monday and still has seen no gains or anything ??

    Any help would be appreciated should he stop immediately? I mean he only has like a week left maybe 2 weeks. But is it just too early or what ?? We are thinking its bunk for sure. I mean his lumps and inj spots are soo sore its hard for him to walk sometimes.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Modesto Hard Core View Post
    Ok so my friend got some hepta test 425. He has been taking it for 3 weeks at 1cc twice a week so 850mg. Anyways he weighed 217 when he started and he has put on absolutely no weight and no size and it seems as if his strength is even come in down. But he started with a deca 300 1cc twice a week and finished but started the test two weeks before the deca was gone. He has got huge nasty red knots where he has been injecting and they stay for damm near 2 1/2 weeks.

    The stuff is really thick and is hard to pull through a 25mm x 1 needle. His last week and half he bumped up to 3 shots at 1cc every other day starting on monday and still has seen no gains or anything ??

    Any help would be appreciated should he stop immediately? I mean he only has like a week left maybe 2 weeks. But is it just too early or what ?? We are thinking its bunk for sure. I mean his lumps and inj spots are soo sore its hard for him to walk sometimes.

    wow, what was the planned cycle specifically? I can't tell from the way that is written, it looks like deca only, then transitioning to 4 or 5 weeks of test. please give us the details of the planned cycle.

  3. #3
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    Sorry bro.. Yeah it was planned as deca 300mg twice a week and on his last to weeks of deca than trans. to test 425 twice a week to a 4-5 week cycle also.......Im fairly new to teh site obviously and new to the game too.....Can i post up pics of teh bottle or can i name the label ??

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    can't mention the lab name or show it in pics
    what is the planned pct?

  5. #5
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    Nolvadex and or clomid. But he is trying to get on some other test like 400 or so from someone else ?? good or bad ?

  6. #6
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    So gear has to be fake stuff huh ??? I mean he should be seeing significant gains by now right ??

  7. #7
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    sounds like he should stop everything, run a full pct, and spend a year or so studying before he just starts injecting himself with hormones he is clueless about, guys like him are why steroids have such a bad name.

    on a different note, how is your cycle going?

  8. #8
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    I have actually seen significant gains and came up in alot of areas. I was more than happy with the results of such a short term cycle. I took nolva as a pct and iam doing just fine....i have recently just switched up my workouts to try and shock the muscles and do something different.

    My next cycle will be in a few months after i cut down some more body fat and will more than likely be test and eq or maybe winstrol . I havent really been looking into it yet cause im not ready to jump on anything else. I have some goals to reach before i get back on anything. Thanks for the comment though.
    Last edited by Modesto Hard Core; 05-31-2010 at 10:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Modesto Hard Core is offline New Member
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    So i wanted to ask another question does anyone think he should just stay completely off and get on some pct instead of trying to cycle again ??? Thoughts on this would help thanks so much

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    from what i can gather he did deca for 4 or 5 weeks and stoped and started test and will do that for 4 or 5 weeks and stop. he does realise it takes 4-6 weeks for either of those to kick in. So he stopped before they did,

    yes he should stop everything and do a pct.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    sounds like he should stop everything, run a full pct, and spend a year or so studying before he just starts injecting himself with hormones he is clueless about, guys like him are why steroids have such a bad name.

    on a different note, how is your cycle going?
    Quote Originally Posted by Modesto Hard Core View Post
    So i wanted to ask another question does anyone think he should just stay completely off and get on some pct instead of trying to cycle again ??? Thoughts on this would help thanks so much
    I already answered that

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