Hi guys, been reading some useful info on this great forum since the begining of the year, since i started training seriously again too(3 months off), anyways iv decided to hold off a test cycle until i stripped quite a lot of bodyfat away which has been quite succesful so far, but iv got a beach holiday coming on the 19th july(7weeks away). So is it wise to cram a short cycle of var in say 30mg ED for 33days or 40mg for 24 days while stacking with clen and t3 ?
So it could look like this:
Var 0/0/30/30/30/30
clen 60/0/80/0/100/0
t3: 50/75/100/125/100/75
PCT Clomid:50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Or should i stay with the var while on holiday(taking it through customs) or just keep stripping using the clen sand sort out a proper more sutained cycle after i get back
Stats:Age :31
Weight 209 pounds
Training: seriously:6 years
Cycle exp: just clen this year
BF ; not sure anybody wanna take a guess?
Training 5days a week Monday-chest, Tuesday arms, weds legs, thurs back, fri shoulders, Cardio 3-4 times a week 20-30 mins.
Aims: strip down while keeping strength ready for a Test e cycle
This is the killer though which i know im gonna get flamed foriet is not what it could be due to a massive house rennovation which just keeps dragging on, hopefully kitchen up and running in a couple of weeks, but if it aint cold or microwaved or bought in or eat out, i cant have it, tough!?? tell me about it.
What are your thought and advice guys, thanks in advance.