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Thread: first cycle, gained 4 pounds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    first cycle, gained 4 pounds

    So I wondered is this normal to gain only about four pounds on 6 weeks on test e cycle?

    I've added some more aerobic exercise in everyday life, and like always do my body workout 3 times/week of course.

    I eat 3 warm meals/day, myesli and coffee in the mornings, snacks I take usually cottage cheese or protein shake, sometimes an apple or banana. Basic foods during daytime, in the evening I usually eat omelette or chicken wings.

    My height is 5'7,5, weight 188 lbs, bodyfat about 16-18%, slightly puffy look in face.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sounds like your diet needs alittle working on..

    You should be eating 8 good meals every day...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    That's a shorrrrrt cycle for test e. And your diet undoubtedly needs work.

    Pct and try again in five months after you read more threads here

    All this advice is assuming you are in your early thirties. If not just eat more and work out harder

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by russiandave View Post
    That's a shorrrrrt cycle for test e. And your diet undoubtedly needs work.

    Pct and try again in five months after you read more threads here

    All this advice is assuming you are in your early thirties. If not just eat more and work out harder

    X2 on the cycle lenght, i was presuming he was on week 6??

    However if that is the end of your cycle then you need to do some more research, should have run it for at least 10 weeks...

    Your bf% is alittle to high aswell...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
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    May 2010
    I just did that 6 week cycle and on PCT now. I also thought that I should drop couple of pounds (6-8 pounds) and do longer cycle with test after that if I'm able to get it from somewhere. Actually I've NEVER done diet, always trying to get some bodyweight.

    You're about right. I achieve 27 years in this month.
    Last edited by Jaakoppi; 06-01-2010 at 12:29 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaakoppi View Post
    I just did that 6 week cycle and on PCT now. I also thought that I should drop couple of pounds (6-8 pounds) and do longer cycle with test after that if I'm able to get it from somewhere. Actually I've NEVER done diet, always trying to get some bodyweight.

    You're about right. I achieve 27 years in this month.
    your diet means what you eat. not necessarily dieting to lose weight. U still have to follow a certain type of diet to gain weight

  7. #7
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    Ok I see. I'm not considering myself fat at all, some fat tissue in back and stomach, but enough fat I can't see my abs almost at all.

    Any recommendations or do I have to research from here? I suppose I can find several dieting threads from here??

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You diet is rubbish to be honest, you need to eat like a bodybuilder if you want to add tissue and maintain it, your eating like a average woman and thats not going to do nothing in regards to building muscle tissue.

    Diet is very important so you need to fix this before you ever touch steroids again.

  9. #9
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    You're outspoken but I like it :b Yeah I bet you have to eat much more else than only fish and chips in the mornings considering high quality food.
    I hate eating a lot in the mornings but I guess I just have to get used to it. I've got pretty high basic intake in calories/day like atleast 1900 kcal/day.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaakoppi View Post
    You're outspoken but I like it :b Yeah I bet you have to eat much more else than only fish and chips in the mornings considering high quality food.
    I hate eating a lot in the mornings but I guess I just have to get used to it. I've got pretty high basic intake in calories/day like atleast 1900 kcal/day.
    You wont grow if you dont feed your muscles you have trained and that if your taking steroids or not, its an impossible task if you are not eating correctly, sorry to be blunt but its basic stuff when your bodybuilding.

    Why dont you head down to the diet section and post your diet and ask for help in reaching your goals, Fireguy1 is probably the best guy to ask around here to give you advice based on yourself and not out of a book, once you have changed your diet your body will change, best of luck

  11. #11
    I concur with the other people as to your diet. Thousands of calories, and then eat even more. There is no way you will see the gains unless you do so, and also get enough sleep. Nutrition and rest are two very important factors that a lot of people miss.

    Don't add crap food just to up the caloric intake, either. Lots of protein and good fats with a good amount of complex carbs (after training). Even with a short cycle, you can do much better than 4 pounds. Are you sure the shit was legit?

  12. #12
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    I'm pretty sure my stuff was legit. I bought two sachets from dealer (I'm from Finland and he is) I think those shots were vicious because I usually got pain in the injection area. In the week 2 or 3 I noticed I was getting more horny and actually not until in the weeks 5-6 my strenght levels rised. I've had itchy skin and some sweating during night time but nothing else.

  13. #13
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    Its really hard to tell whether it was legit. It may have been underdosed, it may have been good gear... but as stated before. 1900 cals is around what I use when Im hard cutting. If you were intending to add mass, you should have been at least double that spread over 6-8 meals per day.

  14. #14
    If you feel confident the stuff was good then you know you have to make the changes on your end. Getting good gains is a trial and error. I have had instances where the gear from a particular guy had been good in the past, different kinds also, but then I had a batch of crap with small gains like you described. For mass you have to eat at least 4 to 5000 calories and should do more than that. You'll should feel as if you never want to see a grilled chicken breast and brown rice again after you're done.

  15. #15
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    Jaakoppi - Im surprised that you gained even 4 pounds in that short amount of time and with ONLY about 1900 calories!!

    I would say check out the diet section for a few days and youll understand what you should be eating. Once you figure the diet out, you should explode.

    Good Luck brother.

  16. #16
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    How did you dose the test e?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Jaakoppi - Im surprised that you gained even 4 pounds in that short amount of time and with ONLY about 1900 calories!!
    Sorry I didn't find the right words to describe what I was going to mean. I meant that my daily consumption conserning my metabolism is about 1900 kcal/day.

    I haven't been calculated my calories, but I think they are rolling somewhere near 3000-3500 kcal per day, and yeah I know it's not enough for me.

    Thanks mate I will check the diet section.

    How did you dose the test e?
    I absorbet test from sachet to my 5 ml syringe and kept it in there. In the beginning I didn't change the new syringe but later I took new one and absorbet 1 ml every time from that syringe where that 5 ml test was.. worked pretty well I'd say.

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