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Thread: Severe shoulder pain, can barely move my arm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Severe shoulder pain, can barely move my arm

    Okay guys, about 2 nites ago I pinned my shoulder with 1cc of test prop. I've used the same prop on my quads and glutes with fair pain and soreness, but this is completely different, I think I ****ed something up big time. Once I got the needle in, I aspirated, no blood. However, as I started to push the plunger to inject the compound, I noticed that I had to apply a lot of preassure, so I pretty much forced the oil into my shoulder. Once I took the needle out, I had blood come down from my shoulder all the way down to my forearm. The pain was incredibly bad, I had to jump in the tub and turn on hot water it was just unbarelable.

    Today is the 3rd day, the first two days the pain was unbareable. It felt like someone was repeatedily stabbing my shoulder. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move arm or even grab a water bottle or anything. I took Advill, tylonenel, used icepacks all sorts of stuff, but they didn't do much. Today on the 3rd day the pain is gone, when I just let my shoulder relax, but I still cant do anything with my arm. I cant raise my shoulder upwards or laterally, it just wont go, and it hurts if I try to.

    My shoulder is not hot or red. I'm sure it isn't an infection, it isn't really swollen either. What did I do wrong guys? I know I shouldn't have forced the oil into the shoulder, but why was it being like that in the first place? was I not in the muscle? :/ please help me out its been almost 3 days the pain is better but I still cant do anything with my shoulder. If the oil is stuck in my shoulder will it go away by itself once the half life of the compound expires?? or what do I have to do??
    Last edited by WoD; 06-01-2010 at 12:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ive never heard of what youre describing. My advice...get to a doctor asap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Ive never heard of what youre describing. My advice...get to a doctor asap.
    I had an ER doctor visit my house 2 nights ago. He told me he doesn't see an infection and he said Advill should make the pain go away. He just said I probably nicked a vein or an artery and its causing the irritation, but it should be fine. I still don't know what to do though, the pain is better, yet my shoulder still feels like its paralyzed .. but I think I may have injected into a tendon? is this possible? I remember reading something about it quite a while ago, that if the needle is in a tendon u must apply a lot of preassure in order to get the oil in.

  4. #4
    from research ive done you should never force most likely missed mussle.i use to work with drug addicts in a program and they use to have sores like that from missing shots of dope and shit but it always went away.just be more carefull next time.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by killtosleep View Post
    from research ive done you should never force most likely missed mussle.i use to work with drug addicts in a program and they use to have sores like that from missing shots of dope and shit but it always went away.just be more carefull next time.
    How long do u think its gonna take to subside? =/ it'll be 3 days since my inital shoulder shot in like 7-8 hours, and test prop's half life is just about 3 days right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    also...unles you have large delts...DONT inject into them. This gets seen alot on here. Stick to quads and glutes if you can.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    also...unles you have large delts...DONT inject into them. This gets seen alot on here. Stick to quads and glutes if you can.
    I know, I regert it so much. This is my 2nd cycle, my first was 500mg test e and I since I was a newbie I was afraid of glutes/lquads. Thus, I was just rotating my shoulders, for the 2 injections of the week. So I thought whatever, lets hit the shoulders once with prop, since I had no problems with them in my previous cycle. I'll b sticking 2 quads/glutes from now on.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2009
    For me, any area I pinned for 1st time takes about 3-4 days for pain to subside. After that, less than 2 day for pain (more like mild ache for me) for subsequent shots.

    I'm now doing few things to make it easier and seem to work (only did it twice so far)... 1) after drawing, I warm it up using warm tower or on my hand before shooting, 2) I use heating pad for about 3-4 minutes right after shooting and 3) massage the area for about 3-5 minutes.

    Twice I did, I hardly feel the pain - just slight dull feeling and I'm g2g next day (did it on quad and delt so far).

  9. #9
    the pain should go away within a week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    probably hit a nerve

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    how long of a pin did you use?? if you somehow made it into a tendon, that would probably cause bursitis. and if thats the case you should be better in a week.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    probably hit a nerve
    I inject ED and most often no problems. But, if I hit a nerve or go through a vein I always have more post injection pain, for days. Like another member posted, if the plunger is not going down well, pull out the pin and move it. Don't force the plunger. You will probably be fine. Ice helps more then heat at this point.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2008
    Not to try and scare you but I pinned in the same place and had problems for 3-4 months. To describe it it felt like a pulled muscle. The pain was isolated to one area and limited movement. That was in the 2nd week of a cycle I had to stop. The cycle I attempted before that I refractured a previous Boxer break the 3rd week in. Shitty luck

  14. #14
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    Apr 2010
    Wow I think i might have hit the axillary nerve most of the pain is isolated in the back of my shoulder. I used a 1 inch needle could it have even reached the nerve? Im very scared guya the pain has subsided to a fair degree and i can use my shoulder for some simple stuff but i still canb raise it laterally or above my head without a lot of pain. Do u guys think its the nerve??

  15. #15
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I inject ED and most often no problems. But, if I hit a nerve or go through a vein I always have more post injection pain, for days. Like another member posted, if the plunger is not going down well, pull out the pin and move it. Don't force the plunger. You will probably be fine. Ice helps more then heat at this point.
    i apologize for the double post im using my cell phone to post. Bro if uve nicked nerves before how much damage can the needle cause to the nerve?? And how long did it take u to recover :/

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Don't freak out on us! You'll be fine. I've had occasional pain for a week with a bad injection. But, if you're seeing some improvement every day like you just said, Im sure you'll be fine. Generally, if I hit a nerve, I'll feel and see a twitch. Sometime a little more pain.

  17. #17
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    Staring into glory!!
    I stay away from delts with prop. I had the same problem the one time I did delts. The pain was way worse than quads and glutes. I had a bad injection in my right quad a month ago and the pain diddnt go away for weeks. Felt like a horrible cramp that ran down my quad to my kneee.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Happened to me in my glute..... the plunger wouldn't go.... I forced it and it eventually gave..... shooting the oil out at an alarming rate LOL. Felt like a fire poker in my ass.....

    Pain lasted about a week.....


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Man with all the test Im running these new hot ass avatars are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!

    You and 007 have a little battle going I see....

  20. #20

    so how did this all end up?

    Quote Originally Posted by WoD View Post
    Okay guys, about 2 nites ago I pinned my shoulder with 1cc of test prop. I've used the same prop on my quads and glutes with fair pain and soreness, but this is completely different, I think I ****ed something up big time. Once I got the needle in, I aspirated, no blood. However, as I started to push the plunger to inject the compound, I noticed that I had to apply a lot of preassure, so I pretty much forced the oil into my shoulder. Once I took the needle out, I had blood come down from my shoulder all the way down to my forearm. The pain was incredibly bad, I had to jump in the tub and turn on hot water it was just unbarelable.

    Today is the 3rd day, the first two days the pain was unbareable. It felt like someone was repeatedily stabbing my shoulder. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move arm or even grab a water bottle or anything. I took Advill, tylonenel, used icepacks all sorts of stuff, but they didn't do much. Today on the 3rd day the pain is gone, when I just let my shoulder relax, but I still cant do anything with my arm. I cant raise my shoulder upwards or laterally, it just wont go, and it hurts if I try to.

    My shoulder is not hot or red. I'm sure it isn't an infection, it isn't really swollen either. What did I do wrong guys? I know I shouldn't have forced the oil into the shoulder, but why was it being like that in the first place? was I not in the muscle? :/ please help me out its been almost 3 days the pain is better but I still cant do anything with my shoulder. If the oil is stuck in my shoulder will it go away by itself once the half life of the compound expires?? or what do I have to do??

    im going through word for word what ur feeling.

    i just started my 2nd cycle 1ml test prop eod and enanthate+sus tues and thursday.

    1ml test enanthate
    1ml test prop
    1ml test sus ( test prop-30, test isocaproate 60, test decanonate 100, test phenylpropionate 60

    the first day i loaded all the above into a single 3ml syringe and my delt was really sore for 36 hours and then it calmed down. Two days later i did it again in my other shoulder but this time i put
    1ml test e + 1ml test sus in one syringe and the 1ml test prop in a separate syringe. This time i did two injections in the same shoulder..

    long story short i cant move my arm after almost 36 hours and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

    In your opinion is the mix/dose wrong?
    Is doing two pins in the same shoulder at the same time the reason for so much pain?
    Should i be icing it or putting heat on it now?

    it seems like i fucked up a little more than you. i just wanted to know did you recover fully? and how long did it take?

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