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Okay guys, about 2 nites ago I pinned my shoulder with 1cc of test prop. I've used the same prop on my quads and glutes with fair pain and soreness, but this is completely different, I think I ****ed something up big time. Once I got the needle in, I aspirated, no blood. However, as I started to push the plunger to inject the compound, I noticed that I had to apply a lot of preassure, so I pretty much forced the oil into my shoulder. Once I took the needle out, I had blood come down from my shoulder all the way down to my forearm. The pain was incredibly bad, I had to jump in the tub and turn on hot water it was just unbarelable.
Today is the 3rd day, the first two days the pain was unbareable. It felt like someone was repeatedily stabbing my shoulder. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move arm or even grab a water bottle or anything. I took Advill, tylonenel, used icepacks all sorts of stuff, but they didn't do much. Today on the 3rd day the pain is gone, when I just let my shoulder relax, but I still cant do anything with my arm. I cant raise my shoulder upwards or laterally, it just wont go, and it hurts if I try to.
My shoulder is not hot or red. I'm sure it isn't an infection, it isn't really swollen either. What did I do wrong guys? I know I shouldn't have forced the oil into the shoulder, but why was it being like that in the first place? was I not in the muscle? :/ please help me out its been almost 3 days the pain is better but I still cant do anything with my shoulder. If the oil is stuck in my shoulder will it go away by itself once the half life of the compound expires?? or what do I have to do??