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Thread: Dianabol in 1st cycle = hair loss??

  1. #1

    Dianabol in 1st cycle = hair loss??

    I have been researching the subject alot and came to this conclusion:

    Hair loss will happen if I am prone to it. I am 27 with no hair thining line , my dad has a full hair but my grandfather from mothers side is bald. Should I be concerned?

    Also read that Testestrone hair loss problems can be prevented with Finasteride (propecia).

    In the other hand Anadrol and Dianabol are very harsh on hair. While Anavar and Deca are more hair friendly.

    So should I still do Dianabol first cycle? What if week 2 on Dianabol I noticed hair shedding , I stop it and continue test??

    Can I use Test + Deca for first cycle??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolStroybro View Post
    I have been researching the subject alot and came to this conclusion:

    Hair loss will happen if I am prone to it. I am 27 with no hair thining line , my dad has a full hair but my grandfather from mothers side is bald. Should I be concerned?

    Also read that Testestrone hair loss problems can be prevented with Finasteride (propecia).

    In the other hand Anadrol and Dianabol are very harsh on hair. While Anavar and Deca are more hair friendly.

    So should I still do Dianabol first cycle? What if week 2 on Dianabol I noticed hair shedding , I stop it and continue test??

    Can I use Test + Deca for first cycle??
    You should only use test for your first cycle.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You should only use test for your first cycle.
    Yes I read alot that I should use only test for my first cycle to know how I react to it and for better segregation for problems source. But guess I wanted to add Dbol for greed.

    Should I add propecia for my cycle ? Topical spero in hand ? I already purchased Nizoral 2%.
    Alright man I'll stick to only test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I have a shaved head so I really haven't spent that much time looking into it. If I were concerned I would run it every cycle to be safe.

  5. #5
    baldnes genes come mostly from your mother so you might want to be careful

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 420daytona View Post
    baldnes genes come mostly from your mother so you might want to be careful
    But steroids accelerates baldness. Is it possible that I am 27 yo and was going to turn bald on age 35 without steroids? The only side effect that concerns me is hair loss.

  7. #7
    Hair loss will only be an issue if you use frequently. Don't worry about it for your 1st cycle (which I agree should be test only). If you're going to keep using for the next year or two, then you can monitor the hair loss. It's not going to happen overnight. And a lot of these side effects are reversible once you get off the sauce.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Its a side and different people experience sides differently (if at all).
    If its something you worry about use the above treatments/preventatives that you suggested, but there is not guarantee.

    And steroids wont 'make you bald' they just increase your testosterone and should you be prone to baldness it may speed up the process.

    But stick to test.

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