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Thread: Gyno results

  1. #1

    Gyno results

    I got gyno from a superdrol cycle about 4yrs ago and have visited about 4 different doctors over the past 4 yrs about it. I finally got a quote on the surgery from a plastic surgeon. It was $2,825 for the surgeon and $2,065 for the Anethesis and extras. So a total of $4890. The quote came from the Louisville, Kentucky area and I was wondering if anyone knew of a better plastic surgeon or a better price.

  2. #2
    wow man, unlucky, im assuming your gyno must be pretty bad to consider surgery?? have you tried anything else to reverse it in the past, ie letro or nolva???

  3. #3
    yea i've actually tried both, letro and nolva with no results. Yea its bad enough that after a chest workout the next morning the lumps actually feel like they are just sitting in there pounding.

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