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Thread: critique cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    critique cycle

    Deca 400 mg a week Weeks 1-8
    Winstrol depot 50 mg EOD - weeks 1-8
    Fina 75 mg EOD - weeks 4-8
    Test prop 100 mg EOD - weeks 4-8
    Clen- 2weeks on 2weeks of starting in week4(run clen weeks 4,5 & 8,9)
    Clomid for after cycle
    also have nolv. do I need it for this cycle

    Want togain LBM and shred fat, don't want any bloat either, more or less a cutter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Well bro IMO if ur looking at this as a cutting cycle id drop the deca. And i wouldnt run the winny 8 weeks, 5 weeks max. Fina u need to run 8 weeks minimun. Reason being fina could take 4 weeks to get to an even consistant level. So once u reach that point u'll be stopping the fina. Plus id run the prop 8 weeks with the fina. Id recommend something like this.......

    Weeks 1 - 8 .75cc's fina ed
    Weeks 1 - 8 100mgs prop ed
    weeks 3 - 8 50mgs winny ed

    And id leave the clen off till after cycle. 3 days after last fina injection start clomid. I like this much better for a cutting cycle.


  3. #3
    Lucky I thought you were already in the third week of your cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Deca 400 mg a week Weeks 1-8
    Winstrol depot 50 mg EOD - weeks 1-8
    Fina 75 mg EOD - weeks 4-8
    Test prop 100 mg EOD - weeks 4-8
    Clen- 2weeks on 2weeks of starting in week4(run clen weeks 4,5 & 8,9)
    wow...looks like a cutter....

    I'd do this (it'll prolly look like what OG recommends)


    Prop @ 75-100mg EOD Wk 1-8
    Fina @ 125-150mg EOD WK 1-8 (BETTER @ 75mg ED)
    Winny @ 50mg ED or 100 EOD (4-8)
    start clen at week 3
    ECA - WK 1-2
    Clen - WK 3-4
    ECA - Wk 5-6
    Clen - Wk 7-8 (so you end winny and clen at same time...)
    (i recommend the clen with winny so that you maximize your diet time and effectivness) it will however help you KEEP gains and fat off POST cycle..and is often used in post cycle therapy!

    Just my .02


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'm already in my third week of this cycle using Deca and WInny, that;s why the Fina and Prop isn't starting until week 4, If need be I can just run the Deca for 10 weeks with Prop Weeks 4-10??? How does that sound, but then my Winny runs out 2 weeks before end of cycle, I don't know If I want to continue Test after no Winny, I want to get more of a cut effect.Is 4 weeks of Prop enough

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, yes 4 weeks of prop is fine. And u really dont have to worry about bloat or water retention using prop. Its a single ester test thats in and out of ur system very quickly. I still dont recommend running fina and deca in the same cycle. And i dont recommend running dbol and winny together. But its ur choice bro. Good luck!


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