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  1. #1
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    1st Cycle - Test Prop/Anavar Critique

    First cycle (guessing PHs do not count, or do they?).

    Decided on test prop and anavar . I do not mind needles so the EOD or ED pinning should not be an issue.

    23 years old
    around 10-12% BF

    Been lifting since 8th grade for football, baseball, and hockey. Carried on lifting throughout high school for sports and then on through college for cheerleader (yes, I was a male cheerleader for a large Big 10 School. For an example of some of the fun and sometimes highly intense stuff we would do: YouTube - Awesome Cheerleading Stunts ). I am competitive by nature and am now (just graduated) looking up on taking up some adult league hockey and possibly even some competitions in the future.

    Goals: Not really sure what to expect as through my research gains can be different for everyone. I am guessing 12-15lbs of solid lean mass while hardening up with the Var is not out of the question.

    Ultimately, slowly declining bodyfat (would like to try and get around 8%<) while slowly increasing lean mass would be my goal.

    Diet: Usually do a carb cycling intermittent fasting (as per Martin Berkhan's LeanGains). High carb/high protein/low fat on workout days (usually every other day, but might up the workouts while on cycle), and high fat/high protein/low carbs on cardio/no workout days. Consists of chicken breasts, steaks, omega 3 eggs, ground beef (usually 90/10), occasionally some whey protein and then for carbs I have been doing a good bit of simple sugars postworkout (this is my first meal, since I workout fasted, strength has actually increased once I adapted to this approach and leaned out significantly) to replenish glycogen stores. So cereals, bagels, pasta are usually in place there.

    I have been slowly leaning out while slowly increasing strength on Martin's Intermittent Fasting program and it truly has made a difference in my life. My blood sugar levels are much more stable throughout the day, I do not have to worry about constantly preparing food and when I eat, I can eat big! I mean big like around 2000 calorie meal post workout which feels awesome.

    Any help on my diet to achieve my goal would be appreciated.

    Workout Program:
    Could possibly use some help on this too as I have been through so many programs from football in high school (anyone remember the Bigger Stronger Faster magazines (BFS Magazine Archives), I used to read them like mad and same with the coaches. They used to pull tons of different shit out of that magazine.

    For college cheerleading, a lot of my work was on developing explosiveness and power. Power clean and snatches (sometimes with a squat throwing in while fully extended) with large rubber bands on the barbell that were attached to the ground made up a bulk of my workout along with squats, deadlifts. The university I cheered for has quite an athletic program so they had a good bit of equipment that I no longer have access too.

    Current Program:
    All lifts are usually done with barbells instead of free weights.

    8 Day Training Cycle
    Day 1:
    • Squats - 5x4-8
    • Bench Press - 5x4-8
    • Chinups - Weighted 5xFatique
    • Pushups - Weighted 5xFatique

    Day 2: Cardio/Abs (P90X ab routine which is has developed my abs pretty nice) or off day, depends on how I feel. Am thinking of adding in more working days while on cycle, what do you think?

    Day 3:
    • Deadlifts - 5x4-8
    • Standing Military Press - 5x4-8
    • Barbell Bent Over Row - 5x4-8
    • Paralell Bar Dip - Weighted 5xFatique

    Day 4: Same as day 2

    Day 5:
    • Squats - 5x4-8
    • Dumbbell Incline Bench - 5x4-8
    • Close Grip Bench - 5x4-8
    • Chinups - Weighted 5xFatique

    Day 6: Same as day 2

    Day 7:
    • Barbell Lunge - 5x4-8
    • Standing Military Press - 5x4-8
    • Reverse V-Bar Dips - Weighted 5xFatique
    • Pullups - Weighted 5xFatique

    Day 7: Same as day 2

    Ok now onto the plan. Here is what I have concluded after about 2 months of researching various forums (about 7-8 forums that I know of that are active on anabolics) and reading Anabolics 2009 - Anabolics 9th Edition by William Llewellyn, I have decided that a test prop/anavar cycle would help me achieve my goals.

    I have enough prop to run for a LONGGG time and about 5grams total anavar (which probably will not be used all this cycle)

    • Test Prop: 50mg ED or 100mg EOD - Weeks 1-12 or 14
    • Anavar 50mg ED - Weeks 1-12 or 14

    I have seen short esters run mostly around 8 weeks, but have also seen a lot of people saying that 12-14 weeks could work too.

    The anavar is run a long time for an oral, however heard it is not really bad on sides/toxicity around 40-50mg.

    I was also thinking of running the Var like this:
    Var 40-80mg - Weeks 1-6 & Weeks 9 or 10-12 or 14.

    • HCG - 250IU 2x week - Weeks 3-12 or 14
    • Arimidex - .25-.5 EOD - Only if needed only on cycle
    • Milk thistle - 3g/day for liver support for Var
    • Fish Oil - 3g/day for blood pressure support/general health

    • Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20
    • Clomid: 100/100/50/50 or 50/50/50/50

    Supplements on cycle:
    • Creatine - 5g daily
    • BCAAs - 10g before fasted training
    • Maybe some Caffeine or a Preworkout before workouts for energy - Not sure if this will be needed on cycle?
    • Multi-vitamin - Filling in the blanks

    Injection spots: Rotation of both sides glute, delt, thigh.

    Final Thoughts/Questions
    Let me know what you think overall of this setup and make some suggestions. It has been in the making after countless hours and a couple months of heavy research and reading. However, I am sure there will be some good suggestions from the individuals/veterans on here.

    Other questions:
    • I have been thinking of getting a few other supplements such as beta-alanine for workouts. Do you think it would be worth it on cycle? I am thinking no.
    • What supplements really compliment your cycles?

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    rookie builder's Avatar
    rookie builder is offline Associate Member
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    It looks like you've done your research. Your program looks good but you're hitting all major muscle groups every other day, which is good for leaning out dropping some fat. If your working them to fatigue this could ultimately halt gains by not allowing enough time to heal(grow). Thats something you may want to think about changing considering your looking to bulk up a bit. I'd say 15lbs of lean mass is on the high end of expectation here. I mean you know your body better than anyone and everyone is different but I would guess 10lbs +/- 1 is realistically ''average''. As for your Anavar component of the cycle I think you'd be better served with 6 week cycle than the long one you're proposing even with the liver support. I'm no expert this is just my opinion. Others should chime in, just take a collective of the advice and make the best decision you can for you. Happy lifting.

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, Anavar is liver toxic. There are studies that point to 6weeks to 8 weeks for an Anavar cycle.

  4. #4
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    looks good man. Drop the creatine while on. dont need it imo, plus there is research that shows the receptors that take it in are dormit while tes levels are high

    im doing a prop only cycle now heres a link to my log. input apperciated

    2nd cycle log


  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Your workouts are a little different then what a typical bodybuilding program would be made up like. I see no isolation exercise for biceps, calves,or hamstrings. Not really necessary, all depends on your goals. Working out body parts pretty frequently for those rep ranges. At your stage of development you may be able to get away with this. I trained 2x a week until I became too strong to recover between workouts. But overtraining on your program looks to be a possibility.

    IMO I would up the test just a bit, 350 per week is a little low but you will see some gains with this. 125-150EOD is where I would put it.

    Remember you grow when you rest. I wouldn't cut calories on off days. When on cycle, you should pick cut or bulk and stick with it. Very difficult to do both. If you pay close enough attention to your diet, you won't put on too much fat. But if you don't get enough food, you may not get the results you desire.

  6. #6
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot everyone!

    I agree I should look into tweaking my workout program. Currently am reading Supertraining by Siff & Verkhoshansky, Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition by Vladimir Zatsiorsky and William Kraemer, and the classic Starting Strength by Rippetoe.

    Maybe I should break down workouts in specific bodyparts each day with some accessory exercises then? For example:

    Monday - Legs
    Squats - 5x4-8
    Barbell Lunges - 5x4-8
    Leg Presses - 5x4-8 (not a big fan of machine work)
    Calf Raises - 5x4-8
    Leg Extensions

    Tuesday: Chest
    BB Bench Press
    Incline Press
    DB Flys

    Wednesday: Back
    Barbell Bent Over Rows
    Seated Cable Rows or Lat Pulldowns
    Straight bar Cable Pushdown
    Chinups or Pullups

    Thursday: Shoulders, Traps
    Standing Military Press
    Front Raises
    Side Raises

    Friday: Arms
    Never really do arm work, my arms grow quite easily with the main compound lifts. But if running like this:
    DB Curls
    V-Bar Pushdown
    Incline Curls
    Dips or Lying Triceps Extension

    Saturday: Grip strength works or Off day or Cardio/Accessory work to fill in the gaps
    Sunday: Same as Saturday

    Of course all of my workout programs will be determined how I feel. If I feel I am overworking then I take a day off or so.

  7. #7
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    I like this program better, of course, it's suited a bit more for a bodybuilder. I couldn't train 5 days in a row. If possible, break up the week with a day off in the middle so you're not training more then 3 days in a row. I try not to work out more then 2 days without a day off, but Im older and train fairly heavy. I need that recovery time.

    Good to see you're doing such thorough research. Why work so hard without knowledge?

  8. #8
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I like this program better, of course, it's suited a bit more for a bodybuilder. I couldn't train 5 days in a row. If possible, break up the week with a day off in the middle so you're not training more then 3 days in a row. I try not to work out more then 2 days without a day off, but Im older and train fairly heavy. I need that recovery time.

    Good to see you're doing such thorough research. Why work so hard without knowledge?

    Exactly! Knowledge is a wonderful thing and I love reading and learning as well as lifting (absolutely hate cardio though dont we all).

    I am thinking of running the workout program 5 days. Probably will go Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, then 4th day of, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7 off.

    Will probably start it after I am through the final two sessions of my 8 day training cycle.

    Thanks for the help!

  9. #9
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focusmen View Post
    looks good man. Drop the creatine while on. dont need it imo, plus there is research that shows the receptors that take it in are dormit while tes levels are high

    im doing a prop only cycle now heres a link to my log. input apperciated

    2nd cycle log

    If you don't mind, PM me with some of the research you've come upon that concludes this. I'm interested. I've got reserach that can attest to it's benefits. If you'd like to check it out, I'll PM ya.

  10. #10
    TJM5054 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    If you don't mind, PM me with some of the research you've come upon that concludes this. I'm interested. I've got reserach that can attest to it's benefits. If you'd like to check it out, I'll PM ya.
    I also just read some interesting stuff of the positives of using around 15grams of Creatine while on cycle.

  11. #11
    rookie builder's Avatar
    rookie builder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future22 View Post
    Thanks a lot everyone!

    I agree I should look into tweaking my workout program. Currently am reading Supertraining by Siff & Verkhoshansky, Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition by Vladimir Zatsiorsky and William Kraemer, and the classic Starting Strength by Rippetoe.

    Maybe I should break down workouts in specific bodyparts each day with some accessory exercises then? For example:

    Monday - Legs
    Squats - 5x4-8
    Barbell Lunges - 5x4-8
    Leg Presses - 5x4-8 (not a big fan of machine work)
    Calf Raises - 5x4-8
    Leg Extensions

    Tuesday: Chest
    BB Bench Press
    Incline Press
    DB Flys

    Wednesday: Back
    Barbell Bent Over Rows
    Seated Cable Rows or Lat Pulldowns
    Straight bar Cable Pushdown
    Chinups or Pullups

    Thursday: Shoulders, Traps
    Standing Military Press
    Front Raises
    Side Raises

    Friday: Arms
    Never really do arm work, my arms grow quite easily with the main compound lifts. But if running like this:
    DB Curls
    V-Bar Pushdown
    Incline Curls
    Dips or Lying Triceps Extension

    Saturday: Grip strength works or Off day or Cardio/Accessory work to fill in the gaps
    Sunday: Same as Saturday

    Of course all of my workout programs will be determined how I feel. If I feel I am overworking then I take a day off or so.

    This looks better but I would do legs in between chest and back and do arms on chest and back days, back/bi's--chest/tri's but at the end of your large muscle workout. This way you can get a full days rest for whole body.
    Last edited by rookie builder; 06-02-2010 at 08:50 PM.

  12. #12
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rookie builder View Post
    This looks better but I would do legs in between chest and back and do arms on chest and back days, back/bi's--chest/tri's but at the end of your large muscle workout. This way you can get a full days rest for whole body.
    Thanks a lot! Will be implenting this after my last session of my previous 8 day training cycle.

    When do you think is good time for cardio? After my weight sessions or before? Nothing long probably around 20 minutes LISS.

  13. #13
    rookie builder's Avatar
    rookie builder is offline Associate Member
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    I do cardio pre wo

  14. #14
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    Just an update on where I am at.

    Am up about 4 pounds so far with strength going through the roof. Vascularity is up (firehose veins). Feel like I could go on forever, which I tend to do but am fearing some overtraining might be happening when I do this (slight trouble sleeping and getting up the next morning, lethargy).

    Heading into my 2nd week of Test Prop which I decided on 125mg EOD and Anavar 50mg. Started noticing some bloating, water weight so implented .5mg arimidex and wokeup the next day a couple pounds lighter.

    Also started HCG this week and will be doing 250iu every 4th day until last prop shot.

    Thinking about picking up DHEA to run on cycle also.

    Feeling like never before in the gym and after with tons of euphoria.

    Shots all going well except my first right delt shot...Got a little red, swollen, and a knot like feeling underneath the area where I shot it. No fever or anything and eventually it started going down. Have only rotated delts and glutes so far, will be implenting quad shots this week.

    Diet has been on and just picked up a good bit of whey isolate and some Victoria MIlk Protein and Egg White protein for a bed time protein. Today though was quite a cheat day with a whole pizza and a good bit of Half Baked ice cream. It was much needed, reminds me of why I do not do it often (feel like shit after).

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