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  1. #1
    bh1 is offline New Member
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    Question D-Bol & Test E Bulking Cycle Question

    This will be my 2nd cycle, I am about a week away from finishing my first (cutting cycle). Went great, only 8 weeks of test prop, t3 and clen . dropped bf by about 7% while adding a bit of lean mass and had descent strength gains. I'm not starting it til late September, but just wanna get everything ready and make sure everything looks ok.

    I'm planning on:
    Test E: 750mg, week 1-10 or 625mg, week 1-12
    D-Bol: 30mg/day, week 1-5

    Nolva for PCT at 40mg for first 2 weeks, and 20mg for next 2 weeks.

    I will have some arimidex on hand. But my question is should I run it along side the cycle or should I just use it if problems arise?

  2. #2
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    I take adex eod. but i am prone to gyno. i think the advice i have read here on adex is most wait to see if they need it but if you are gyno prone then just use it during the cycle.

    start at .25 eod and see how that works. i personally take .5eod but again, that is what works for me

  3. #3
    bh1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info...

    Another question, do you think it is worth buying arimidex ? Or is having Nolva on hand good enough to start using if problems arise?

    I've read tons of conflicting things on this.

  4. #4
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    I keep aromasin on hand for Estro. I would cut your dbol back to just 4 weeks, save your liver a week of abuse.

    What did you run your prop @? If it was low, like 350/wk, then maybe just go with your lower Test dose of 625 this time around and enjoy the gains.

  5. #5
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    ive ran dbol @ 50mg/wk for 5 wks and didnt notice anything but elevated blood preasure. 5 weeks is fine.

  6. #6
    bh1 is offline New Member
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    I ran prop at 100mg eod, so 350mg/week.

    And as for the d-bol, maybe I'll just play that by ear, see how it goes then decide whether or not to continue for 5 weeks, but I think I should be fine.

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