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  1. #1
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    First post, first cycle questions

    I'm 30 years old, weight is currently 178 at 5-9 (after 12 days on my cycle) at about 12% BF. My Cycle is 500 Test weeks 1-8 and 50mg dbol per day for the first 20 days. I have nolvadex from Ar-r and clomid on hand for my pct and in case of Gyno but have not been taking my novadex during my cycle. Below are my current questions.

    Should I be taking the 20mg of novadex ed with my cycle and if so what are the main reasons for it?

    My nipples are a starting to get a little sore, i'm thinking this is because of the lack of novadex. yes/no?

    I wanted to stay fairly conservative on my first cycle which is why it is so short but I'm really enjoying the gains and would either like to increase my cycle length or plan for a second cycle. Can I go 12 weeks or should I cycle off and if so for how long?

    Right now I'm injecting into my leg mostly because its easy to get at and I'm injecting myself. Is it ok to just continue in this location?


    (fingers crossed my newbie post is not too newbie)

  2. #2
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    Feb 2010
    I found this in the educational threads you may want to read it.

  3. #3
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2007
    Yup, I read that one before and I guess my understanding is you run an AI or SERM to prevent gyno during your cycle then you bump it up after as a PCT. I guess I was just looking for more clarifying info. Would you recommed I start doing the 20mg of Novadex ED now after being 9 days in? How about my other questions?

  4. #4
    discobizkid's Avatar
    discobizkid is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004
    All good questions.

    Nolva - You could get by with 12.5 mg/eod during cycle.
    Why? Prevention of gyno and other side effects, acne etc.

    Nipples sore - start running the nova now!! I would start with 20mg ed for 2 weeks and tapering to 12.5 eod being that you're already showing signs of gyno.

    Duration - You can go 12 weeks.

    Injection sites - ALWAYS rotate sites. You don't want to end up with an abscess. Rt quad, lft quad. Rt glute, Lft glute. Pretty safe pattern to follow.

    By the way, Ar-r supps work very well. I use them religiously.

    Good Luck

  5. #5
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    thanks! Great info. Do people inject the glute themself? Seems like I would need a little assistance on that one.

  6. #6
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    thanks! Great info. Do people inject the glute themself? Seems like I would need a little assistance on that one.

    Some do - it's definitely possible.

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