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Thread: AIFM on first stack?? No Test?? Natural gyno??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    AIFM on first stack?? No Test?? Natural gyno??

    H: 6' 5''
    W: 240
    Age: 20
    BF: about 15-20%

    Hey guys.

    Just want to tell you a little bit about myself.

    I play baseball, so I'm not trying to focus on getting "cut" right now, or going for the best sexual look. I'm looking to get much stronger, while still being able to maintain a fairly fit look.

    I have natural gyno. Yeah, natural bitch tits and puffy nipples. It's really f***ing cool

    I've been using AIFM for about 2 weeks now and I can honestly say this s**t works. I still have some gyno and puffy nips but it's really been reducing the amount of fat on my chest.

    For my first question, is there anything else on the market that can help me out with the natural gyno. I've pretty much come to grips with the fact that surgery is going to happen within the next few years.

    For my second question, I'm going to have to explain a few things first.

    I have 18 vials of Deca, 2 bottles of AIFM, plus 100 syringes and 100 needles on hand.

    I have 3 orders of 100 pills of GP (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) Dbol on the way (it's arriving on June 10th).

    I just made an order for 15 vials of Test E, 10 more vials of Deca and some Arimidex (28 pills @ 1mg per pill), Nolva (20 pills @ 20mg) , and Clomid (40 pills @ 50mg per pill). (they're not coming for about 2 weeks)

    Keeping all of that in mind, today I made my first injection of Deca.

    I used AIFM this morning (about 4 squirts per tit)

    Is it alright if I run 400mg/week of Deca, plus the AIFM, two weeks before my Test E and Arimidex arrive?

    Also is it alright if I run the 400mg/week Deca before the Dbol comes on June 10th?

    I'm open to any suggestions you have for me reguarding my cycle, and any other opinions you may have.

    Thanks guys and god bless,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    20 years old, TOO YOUNG.
    Read this:

    Terrible cycle too. Absolutely Awful.

    Plus you should never start a cycle without having every base covered, what if the dbol doesn't arrive and the test either, then what are you going to do? What about a prolactin inhibitor for the Deca?
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 06-04-2010 at 06:22 PM.

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