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Thread: Deca and Hair Loss

  1. #1

    Deca and Hair Loss

    From what I read Deca has very few side effects and on its profile it didn't mention hair loss. Doing a cycle has always been in the back of my mind, the main thing keeping me back is hair loss. I'm 19 and already have a little bit of a receeding hairline, my moms father and my father are also bald... not a good sign for me. I'm taking Propecia to hault future hair loss. I attatched a picture for you to judge for yourselfs. How does Deca affect your hair? Are there any other types of steroids that don't affect hair loss or keep it to a minimum. I've considered Anavar but that comes at a high price. D-bol seems out of the question.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	hairline.jpg 
Views:	811 
Size:	10.5 KB 
ID:	16034  
    Last edited by QKwik57; 02-05-2003 at 09:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    from past experiences and from what i've read deca is pretty mild on the hair being that it convert to DHN instead of DHT, so shouldn' tbe a problem, but you look similar to me with that hairline, i did some eq last cycle at 600mg/week qv and the stuff started making it thin, just some food for you to take in..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    I kinda have the same hairline problem....deca did not affect me at all.

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    Would he have an issue with winnies if it was his first cycle?
    Last edited by chinups; 02-06-2003 at 09:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yeah, winnies were harder for me than test and eq even dbol, i noticed more hair loss when i added the winny to my cycle, but they were ** if that makes a difference

  6. #6
    So if I would do anything with considering the hairline, Deca would probably be the best choice?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yah, id say deca is probably your best choice...and yes winny is definately rough on the hairline being a form of DHT (the primary cause for hairloss, prostate growth, etc...)

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