I've read up on this stuff and want to try it out. What's the longest you'd recommend running this and H drol?
I've read up on this stuff and want to try it out. What's the longest you'd recommend running this and H drol?
Stuffs highly toxic on the liver. Wouldnt go over 5 weeks.
I was hoping to extend it to 6 weeks with liver protection...is 5 weeks the established rule?
Also, I can't find Tren Xtreme anywhere online, nor a clone of it besides on eBay. Anyone have any suggestions?
Actually 6 weeks is the general cap for ph's. The more harsh ones like superdrol clones, and phera compounds should only be ran for a maximum of 4 weeks. Really the only one you could run safetly for longer than that would be Bold or 11-oxo which could go for 8 weeks.
Although tren isn't methylated, it's still extremely harsh compared to some other PH's so definitely cap it at 6. Generally you'll want to dose it at 90 mg ED for all 6 weeks, but if you're not feeling it or you're a really big guy you can bump it to 120 mg for the last few weeks.
Also run CEL cycle support preload 2 weeks and then throughout cycle at 8 caps a day. For liver support go w/ Primordial Performance Liver Juice. Obviously run a SERM for PCT (nolva is ok, shit about oral tren and nolva giving you prolactin gyno is bs). Also get your hands on some p5p and run that at 200-300 mg ed for prolactin support.
The reason why tren products are so hard to find is because they were officially made illegal last fall, along with phera and bold products.
is that legit xtren?
wow im thinking about replacing XTren for something else, i've given up looking for this stuff.. anyone have any suggestions on what to replace it with?
Somebody told me that I could find it on eBay..I don't see what the big deal is, SD was sold on there for months after it got banned.
If you buy PHs on ebay be sure its well known brands and the seller has an established feedback history. Also becareful about buying this stuff period, Tren was one of the last to be banned in Jan. It wasn't just discontinued like M-drol and H-drol was. So Tren is considered a controlled substance just like all real gear. I have read the updated steroid laws from a few states and the Tren Ph compound is listed right there with test, deca, and the real tren.
Last edited by matt77; 06-07-2010 at 08:58 PM.
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