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Thread: PCT and AI effecting gains.

  1. #1

    PCT and AI effecting gains.

    currently running this cycle

    Test E weeks 1-12 500mg/wk
    Arimidex weeks 1-14 .25mg EOD
    Var weeks 8-14 60mg ED

    PCT nolva 20/20/10/10/10

    my question is could increasing my adex to .25 ED and not EOD effect my gains? and also will running ONLY nolva for my pct be efficent enough to keep most of my gains, or do i need to run clomid as well. ALSO regarding HCG, is it only for keepin ur balls in good shape, or does it help with keeping ur gains as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    proper pct, hcg helps in the recovery process my trying to keep your testis from atrophying while on cycle so they can be working full force asap when off cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    IMHO id go

    week 1 clomid 100mg
    nolva 40mg
    week 2 clomid 50mg
    nolva 40mg
    week 3 clomid 50mg
    nolva 20mg
    week 4 clomiid 25mg
    nolva 20mg

    I personally found clomid at 100mg pretty intense and for 18 days see it as a bit of overkill.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    also i dont really see much in the way of .25mg ed or eod effecting gains, maybe a little but nothing you would notice.

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