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  1. #1
    Ulysses's Avatar
    Ulysses is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Question Turinabol Question...

    Two questions. Given that T-bol is so relatively mild, is it okay to run it for an 8-9 week cycle at say 40-60mg. I am using it with Clen to lean up a bit and wondered if it's safe to run it longer than the standard 6 week cycle. I will run a good pct afterwards. I am 41 and been training for years...

    Second question is this: We know that T-bol is milder on the liver than say, D-bol, but because you have to take twice as much to get the same anabolic effect, does it then work out just as toxic, or even at double the mg dosage of an equivalent D-bol cycle does it still remain less toxic?

    Thanks! :-)

  2. #2
    junkiescumbag is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2010
    just take a liver supp. **** it you wont die

  3. #3
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    i'd say run it for around 6-8weeks max. given its a oral and ur liver is still breaking it down, hence the toxicity..

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