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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    rugby meathead 3 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    Well after 6 years of lifting, supplementing, and eating right I'm finally ready to take the next step and try out steroids . My first cycle is going to be 10 weeks using tren (trebolone acetate), testosterone , and HCG . I have been doing research on all of these but I still don't know too much. My stats as of now are, 6' 1", 245lb, 19% body fat, 415 bench press, 575 squat, 530 deadlift. Some of my questions are:

    1. how much is a good amount to use and when/how often should they be taken?
    2. where is the best place to inject them at?
    3. is HCG just post cycle or can you take it in cycle, if so, when?
    4. how many calories per day would be good if my goal is to lean down too?
    5. what other supplements would be good to take (i.e. animal pak, multi vitamin, protein)?
    6. is it ok or necessary to use a preworkout drink?

    My goals are to increase in strength and size while leaning down.

    Also, during the next rugby season I am considering doing a test equipoise cycle, would that be worth looking into or is there something better I could do.

    Thanks alot
    Last edited by rugby meathead 3; 06-07-2010 at 11:06 AM.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you need to do some more research. If you did some research you wouldnt have all these questions and some are pretty basic. Also do not run tren for your 1st cycle and at 19% bf you should drop that before doing anything. Of course if you did any research you would know that.

    Check out the educational threads on top.

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    First off, I would definately drop some excess weight before cycling, it will decrease the chance of side effects. Being your first cycle, most people will advise you to run test only as it is best to see how your body reacts to anabolics. If you still choose to run both compounds, you will want to run the test 2 weeks longer than the Tren to keep test levels up while the tren is leaving your system. 19Nors can shut you down very harshly. I will bold the answers from your questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by rugby meathead 3 View Post
    Well after 6 years of lifting, supplementing, and eating right I'm finally ready to take the next step and try out steroids . My first cycle is going to be 10 weeks using tren (trebolone acetate), testosterone , and HCG . I have been doing research on all of these but I still don't know too much. My stats as of now are, 6' 1", 245lb, 19% body fat, 415 bench press, 575 squat, 530 deadlift. Some of my questions are:

    1. how much is a good amount to use and when/how often should they be taken?
    You have to choose your test as they use a different injection protocol depending on the compound (test prop, cyp, enan etc.), same with the tren(either tren ace or tren enan). shorter esters need minimum every other day injection, longer esters, twice a week. Do you research in the profiles section to decide which one you will use
    2. where is the best place to inject them at?
    Most compounds seem to work best will gluteal injections, but if you are pinning frequently you want to rotate sies. www . spot injections . com
    3. is HCG just post cycle or can you take it in cycle, if so, when?
    it is used well during cycle to keep yourself from being completely shut down. Some use during PCT but its best to keep yourself going during cycle and then recovery is much easier and doesnt require a heavy PCT
    4. how many calories per day would be good if my goal is to lean down too?
    This is completely up to you. You want to do two very different things at once, lean up and add mass. A good clean high protein, moderate carb and fats diet equalling around 3500-3800 cals will help shred someone your size up. Im 5'9, 220 @ about 12% right now and I take in less while cutting
    5. what other supplements would be good to take (i.e. animal pak, multi vitamin, protein)?
    weed out the good supps from the overendorsed crap. Protein shakes have their place, but not as a meal replacement. one maybe two a day max. Eat real food. Definately do no take in weight gainers!!
    6. is it ok or necessary to use a preworkout drink?
    not necessary. but its ok. I dont use any but some people like their NO shotgun, superpump etc. I actually find that while they give you a great pump 20 mins into your workout and you look great, it really seems to make finishing a workout properly difficult for me. Like I get a great pump, but so much so that I cant keep working the muscle. Hard to explain, negative experience for me

    My goals are to increase in strength and size while leaning down.

    Also, during the next rugby season I am considering doing a test equipoise cycle, would that be worth looking into or is there something better I could do.

    Thanks alot

  4. #4
    rugby meathead 3 is offline New Member
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    @Knockout Power, thanks a lot man, that was all really helpful. And @gixxerboy1, I understand that I don't know a lot about what I'm doing which is why I'm on here in the first place, so I don't get messed up. But I will be looking into the other threads and doing more research

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