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Thread: Adding Sust midway into dbol/deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Adding Sust midway into dbol/deca cycle

    i'm just about to start week 5 of my 10 week cycle which consists of 400mg deca each week (200mg every 3 or 4 days) and dbol 30-40mg per day. i say dbol 30-40mg per day cause i've been a bit slack and missed a couple of evening doses. my dbol will run out in 10 days.

    by the end of week 1 i gained 3 pounds, week 2 another 5, week 3 about 4 and so far this week almost nothing.

    i'm annoyed with myself cos this week i've had a personal upset and haven't stuck to my diet for the last few days or so and i've missed two training sessions (cos i've been so tired from lack of sleep) - so i guess that's why i haven't gained anything. Personal shit has been sorted now and i'm back with the programme.

    anyway my source has sust and test and i'm really tempted to do 500mg sust each week for the last six weeks of my cycle. is it worth it?
    Last edited by FedSki; 02-12-2003 at 09:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yes, but mostly no, sust wont kick in 3-5 weeks into your regimen, and by that time it'll almost be time to stop, try to find a shorter acting test if you wanna throw test in there (cyp, enant, isoprop, prop, etc...) even those are going to take a few weeks to manifest though excluding iso and prop, im doing something similar, im takin deca600 for 15 weeks, but i had originally planned on doin winny/fina with it, but 2 weeks in i changed my mind to bulk so now i've thrown in 500mg supertest (sust blend from tornel), wont kick in till around week 6-7 now, but oh well...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Vancouver BC
    your cycle definitely needs Test in it, and SUST is a good choice, as it is also a cutting AS. It will not cause water retention, but yeah its a good choice.. to stack your cycle with sust

    go for it

    and for your results..... they are mostly from DBOL, Deca doesn't kick in till week 3 or 4, but 12 lbs in 3 weeks isnt bad

    for my cycle I had dbol/PROP/deca.. (50mg DBOL), and my first 3 weeks I gained 16 lbs, and I kept 15 lbs after finishing my cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Vancouver BC
    hey DJON... IS Supertest same as KING OF TESTS (KOT)???

    and do you know anything about KOT? or know its chemical name?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i know the sust wont start working until week 7/8 but it will continue to be active for three weeks or so after my cycle ends (until week 13/14), just like the deca, right?

    so i'll still get 6 weeks of benefit out of a six week supply?

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