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06-10-2010, 07:31 AM #1
Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis during PCT ex Test Suspension Cycle & HGH
__________________________________________________ _________________Day 38_______________Day 89 p12__________Day 93 p16__________Day 101 p24
ERYTHROCYTES: 5,08 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]______________________________________4,65_________________5,33____________________________________5,08
LEUCOCYTES: 7,6 mila/mmc [4 - 9]__________________________________________14,4_________________7,5_____________________________________9,3
- NE: 4,2 / 55,9 % [2 - 6 / 37 - 80]
- LY: 2,5 / 35 % [0,6 - 36 / 10 - 50]
- MO: 0,7 / 8,7 % [0 - 0,9 / 0 - 12]
- EO: 0,3 / 2,5 % [0 - 7 / 0 - 7]
- BA: 0 / 0,6 % [0 - 0,2 / 0 - 2,5]
HEMOGLOBIN: 15,1 gr/dl [14 - 18]___________________________________________13,2_________________13,7____________________________________13,1
HEMATOCRIT: 44,2 % [42 - 52]_____________________________________________39,8_________________41,5____________________________________39,8
MCV: 87 femtol [82 - 98]__________________________________________________85,6_________________77,9____________________________________78,3
MCH: 29,7 picogr. [27 - 31]________________________________________________28,4_________________25,7____________________________________25,8
MCHC: 34,2 gr/dl [32 - 36]_________________________________________________33,2_________________33_____________________________________32,9
RDW: 13,7 % [11,6 - 16]__________________________________________________ _____________________16,2
GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 65,7 % [37 -80]________________________________________76,4_________________43,2____________________________________51,7
GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,8 % [0,0 - 7]_________________________________________0,5__________________1,6_____________________________________1,3
GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,9 % [0,0 - 2,5]_________________________________________0,8__________________0,3_____________________________________1
LYMPHOCYTES: 23,4 % [10 - 50]____________________________________________16__________________48______________________________________36,5
MONOCYTES: 7,2 % [0,0 - 12]______________________________________________6,3__________________6,9_____________________________________9,5
PLATELETS: 150000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]_________________________________362000______________270000__________________________________148000
PCT: 0,13 % [0,1 - 1]
MPV: 7,5 fl [5 - 10]
PDW: 17,5 % [12 - 18]
GLYCEMIA (basal): 91 mg/dl [70 - 110]__________________________________________________ _________92______________________________________83
INR: 1,2
APTT: 28 s
FIBRINOGEN: 190 mg/dl [180 - 350]
HOMOCYSTEINE: 11 mcmoli/l [6 - 15]
MYOGLOBIN: 27 ng/ml [10 - 46]
AZOTEMIA: 62 mg/dl [15-40]______________________________________________46____________________73
CREATININE: 1,1 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]__________________________________________1,2___________________1,1
HYPERURICEMIA: 6 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2]
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 156 mg/dl [140 - 220]___________________________________142___________________173
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 35 mg/dl [20 - 40]
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 103 mg/dl [< 150]_______________________________________130
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 35 mg/dl [> 40]_________________________________________12___________________22
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,5 [till 5]________________________________________________11,8__________________7,9
APO A1: 190 mg/dl [115 - 220]
APO B: 79 mg/dl [55 - 125]
RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,41 [0,35 - 1]
TRIGLYCERIDES: 90 mg/dl [< 150]
GAMMA (YGT): 32 u/ltr [15 - 85]___________________________________________27___________________39
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 96 u/ltr [50 - 136]_________________________________57___________________79
BILIRUBIN TTL: 1 mg/dl [0,2-1]__________________________________________________ ____________________________________1,16
BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,25 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]__________________________________________________ __________________________0,33
BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 0,67 mg/dl [till 0,7]__________________________________________________ ____________________________0,83
TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 26 u/ltr [15 - 37]__________________________________63
TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 62 u/ltr [30 - 65]__________________________________104
FERRITIN: 125 ng/ml [24 - 336]
LIPASE: 324 u/ltr [114 - 284]______________________________________________234__________________218
AMYLASE: 69 u/ltr [25 - 115]______________________________________________66___________________75
LDH: 170 u/ltr [100 - 190]
CPK MB: 230 u/ltr [35 - 232]
CK NAK: 160 u/l [till 167]
PROTIDES TTL: 7,5 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]
ALBUMIN: 60 % [51 - 63,3]
ALFA 1: 3 % [2,2 - 4,3]
ALFA 2: 10 % [9,5 - 14]
BETA: 11 % [10-14,5]
GAMMA: 19 % [12 - 20]
A/G RATIO: 1,45 [1,0 - 1,7]
PSA: 0,6 ng/ml [till 4]__________________________________________________ ___1,23________________0,61
PSA FREE: 0,23
PSA FREE/TTL: 0,38 [>0,15]
PAP: 1,3 ng/ml [till 3,5]__________________________________________________ _1,5
IGG: 1455 mg/dl [681 - 1648]
IGA: 309 mg/dl [87 - 474]
IGD: 55 u/ml [till 100]
IGM: 101 mg/dl [48 - 312]
IGE (prist): 39,07 iu/ml [1,31 - 165,3]
HIV-Ab (1+2): 0,15 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HCV-Ab: 0,12 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HBS-Ag: 0,35 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HAV-Ab (IgT): >85 react miu/ml [<35]
HAV-Ab (IgM): 0,07 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
TAS: 111 ui/ml [0 - 166]
VDRL: negative [negative]
CRP: 2 mg/dl [till 5]
REUMA TEST: <20 iu/ml [<20]
ESR: 6 mm/h [till 15]
LYSOZYME: 9 picog/ml [4 - 13]
ACE: 10 mcg/l [6 - 12]
RAST Egg: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yolk: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Crayfish: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yeast: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Pork: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Fish Mix: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Olea Europaea Pollen: 0,1 [<0,3]
VITAMIN A: 630 mcg/l [300-650]
VITAMIN E: 15,6 mg/ltr [5 - 20]
VITAMIN C: 1,1 mg/ml [0,5-1,5]
VITAMIN B12: 697 pg/ml [179 - 1162]
VITAMIN D3: 42 ng/ml [10-45]
VITAMIN H: 85 ng/ml [70-100]
VITAMIN K: 25 mcg/ml [15-30]
VITAMIN PP: 0,7 mg/ml [0,5-0,8]
SODIUM: 143 meq/l [136 - 145]
POTASSIUM: 4,5 meq/l [3,5 - 5,1]
CALCIUM: 9,4 mg/dl [8,5 - 10,1]
MAGNESIUM: 2,1 mg/dl [1,8 - 2,4]
PHOSPHORUS: 3,8 mg/dl [2,7 - 4,5]
IRON: 147 mcg/dl [35 - 150]
ZINC: 101 mcg/dl [80 - 125]
CHLORINE: 105 meq/l [98 - 107]
COPPER: 111 ku/l [76 - 153]
GASTRIN: 32 pg/ml [28-125]
MELATONIN: 55 pg/ml [20 - 85]
C-PEPTIDE: 1,3 ng/ml [0,78 – 1,89]
INSULIN : 3,37 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]__________________________________________________ _____________3,55____________________________________2,08
GLUCAGON: 56 pg/ml [40-130]
ACTH: 21 pg/dl [till 50]
CORTISOL: 16,64 mcg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]_________________________________________12,45______________19,89___________________________________17,4
FT3: 3,47 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]_________________________________________________3,95________________4,03____________________________________2,83
FT4: 1,27 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]__________________________________________________ _1,62_______________1,4_____________________________________1,33
MSH: 10,5 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]
HTG: 9,65 ng/ml [0,0 - 35]
TBG: 21 mcg/ml [15 - 32]
TSH: 4,79 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]_____________________________________________2,48________________2,66____________________________________4,37
FSH: 4,19 miu/ml [1,27 - 19,26]_____________________________________________0,55_____________________________________0,72
LH: 3,88 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]_______________________________________________0,15_____________________________________2,58
PREGNENOLONE: 161 ng/ml [10 - 230]
ANDROSTENEDIONE: 1,89 ng/ml [0,3 - 3,1]
ALDOSTERONE: 155 pg/ml [10 - 160]
DHEA: 7,9 ng/ml [2,5 - 9,5]
DHEAS: 233 mcg/dl [106 - 464]
DHT: 625 pg/ml [250 - 990]________________________________________________1250_____________________________________300
TESTOSTERONE TTL: 3,1 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]_________________________________44,7_________________0,48_________________1,61________________4,84
TESTOSTERONE FREE: 15 pg/ml [8 - 47]_____________________________________219,68____________________________________5,9
SHBG: 37 nmoli/l [13 - 71]_________________________________________________6_________________________________________24,8
ESTRONE: 48 pg/ml [40 - 60]
ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 34 pg/ml [<20 - 47]____________________________________150_________________27
ESTRIOL: 6 pg/ml [4,7 - 7,1]
PROGESTERONE: 0,98 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]____________________________________1,41
PRL: 3,4 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]______________________________________________15,12________________0,62_________________1
IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_______________________________________________159__________________238
HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]__________________________________________________ ____________________11,1____________________________________10,5
COLOUR: straw-coloured__________________________________________________ ____________________straw-coloured
APPEARANCE: limpid [limpid]__________________________________________________ __________________lightly opalescent
PH REACTION: 5,7 [5 - 6,5]__________________________________________________ ___________________5
SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1021 [1015 - 1028]__________________________________________________ _________1017
PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0,0 - 10]__________________________________________________ ______________none
HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]__________________________________________________ ___________________traces
GLUCOSE: none gr/litre [0,0 - 0,2]__________________________________________________ _____________none
KETONE BODIES: none [none]__________________________________________________ _________________none
UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0,0 - 0,2]__________________________________________________ _________none
BILIARY PIGMENTS: none [none]__________________________________________________ ______________none
NITRITE: none [none]__________________________________________________ _______________________none
SHAPE: homogeneous [homogeneous]
CONSISTENCY: poltacea[/COLOR] [poltacea]
COLOUR: brown [brown]
ODOUR: sui generis [sui generis]
MUCUS: absent [absent]
BLOOD: absent [absent]
PARASITOLOGICAL: negative [negative]
SALMONELLA: negative [negative]
HELICOBACTER PYLORI: negative [negative]
GIARDIASIS: negative [negative]
VOLUME: 2,9 ml [>= 2]__________________________________________________ __1,8_________________3,1
PH: 7,9 [7,2-8]__________________________________________________ ________8,6_________________8,2
APPEARANCE: own__________________________________________________ _____own_________________own
VISCOSITY: within limits [within limits]______________________________________increased +++_______increased +
FLUIDIFICATION 45': physiologic [physiologic]________________________________irregular_____________physiologic
SPERMATOZOON CONCENTRATION: 90.000.000 /ml [>= 20.000.000]______________58.000.000__________3.400.000
EJACULATE SPERMATOZOON COUNT: 249.900.000 [>= 40.000.000]______________104.400.000_________10.540.000
2ND HOUR MOTILITY: 59 % [>= 50 %]_______________________________________40__________________30
TYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 36 % [>= 35 %]______________________24__________________26
ATYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 70 %______________________________76__________________74
IMMATURE MORPHOLOGIC: 200.000_________________________________________220.000_____________200.000
LEUCOCYTE: 300.000 /ml [<= 1.000.000]____________________________________absent______________absent
ERYTHROCYTE: absent [absent/rare]________________________________________absent______________absent
GERMINAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]________________________________________rare_________________rare
EPITHELIAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]_______________________________________rare_________________absent
SPERMAGGLUTINATION ZONES: rare [absent/rare]_____________________________rare________________absent
________________________Day 1__________Day 8__________Day 15__________Day 22__________Day 29__________Day 36__________Day 43__________Day 50__________Day 70__________Day 78__________Day 98
SYS (mmHg)_________________119____________119____________123____________119_____________128____________131_____________105_____________115____________116_____________118_____________122
DIA (mmHg)__________________60_____________50_____________52_____________50______________56_____________51______________42______________50______________41_____________39_______________57
BPM________________________68_____________74_____________68_____________64______________67______________76______________73______________70______________81_____________64______________75Last edited by BJJ; 07-22-2010 at 04:02 AM.
06-16-2010, 03:10 AM #2
Sperm and blood pressure updated.
Awaiting new blood results.
06-17-2010, 04:52 AM #3
I am recovering, even though, in spite of the aggressive PCT I am running, it seems to take longer than expected.
I am glad, anyway, my LH is back in the normal range raising as well as testosterone ttl.
I will start today in the last 2 weeks of PCT, HCG @ 500 iu eod.
Let's see if I can improve my recovery.
Perhaps I should go with ed injections @ 500 iu. Any ideas?
06-17-2010, 05:40 AM #4
Cortisol is creeping up. You not taking anything to counter it?
06-17-2010, 05:49 AM #5
06-24-2010, 11:11 AM #6
Either FT4 and FT3 are going down in spite of 50 mcg ed of T4 ingested.
TSH instead, almost doubled.
Insulin and glycemia are fine.
Any comments appreciated.
06-24-2010, 11:44 AM #7
Elivated TSH leves are expected if FT3 FT4 levels are low.
When it functions properly the thyroid is part of a feedback loop with your pituitary gland. First, the pituitary senses the level of thyroid hormone that the thyroid has released into the bloodstream then pituitary then releases TSH that stimulates the thyroid to release more thyroid hormone. When the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone the pituitary detects this reduction in thyroid hormone and it moves into action. The pituitary then makes more TSH to help trigger the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone, this is the pituitary's effort to return the system to "normal" and normalize thyroid function. Therefore a TSH that is higher than normal suggests a thyroid that is underactive and not doing its job of producing thyroid hormone for whatever reason, ilness, stress, obstruction e.g. recombinant Growth Hormone .
I would increase your T4 to 100mcg ed from 50mcg ed.-XL
jing jai
06-24-2010, 12:22 PM #8
07-03-2010, 11:05 AM #9
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What type of HGH are you using?
02-04-2011, 11:48 AM #10
BJJ will u update any of your bloodwork?
02-04-2011, 11:55 AM #11
the first results are in the beggining(i mean for example ERYTHROCYTES in the beggining is 5,08 and as it continues on line it refers to the next values for the ERYTHROCYTES? and of course for all of them?) of the cycle and as we move on in day 38,day 89 its showing relevant blood,sperm,urine ect. results?
02-04-2011, 12:24 PM #12
02-04-2011, 12:26 PM #13
02-04-2011, 12:41 PM #14
02-04-2011, 01:19 PM #15
read the 2nd cycle log
02-04-2011, 01:40 PM #16
I am sorry, I hate to be childish. However, I can't overlook the fact that someone said your crap smells "sui generis" which if I remember my latin translates to "unique" or of "its own kind" and I thought my job was bad.
02-04-2011, 01:45 PM #17
02-08-2011, 09:31 AM #18
10-12-2012, 11:20 PM #19
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10-12-2012, 11:25 PM #20
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)