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  1. #1
    coffeejunky is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    Some questions..

    Met a guy really nice dude online. I contacted him btw.

    Very knowledgable. Hes a nutritionist...says he has a masters in bio chemistry (and i believe it the way he was talking..talked on the phone with him for a few hours about nutrition and steroids just any questions i had he anwserd)

    I initiated the the questions if he sells..he tells me yeah to his friends and people hes close too. I jokingly say i wouldnt fall into that catagorey.

    he laughs and says well man i dont really know you.

    Anyways. He tells me if i am dedicated enough and show him i am he will be willing to possibly supply me but i have to get to know him first.

    Alright um he says he gets his stuff from mexico and makes it himself...

    I initiated all the talk, i called him etc. He says he would rather help someone out whos looking to do this then let them go about it badly you know?

    I think he quoted me 8 weeks of testE 500mg a week would cost me Edited

    also told me something called torenisine would be a good pct.

    He seems legit and nice and just wants to help...ive been sending him my diet the past few days and telling him how it going to show my drive, determination etc.

    But i see all of these posts about people being scammed so you never know...just wondering how it looks to you guys?

    thanks for any help!
    Last edited by Big; 06-10-2010 at 08:21 PM. Reason: aparently has not read our rules

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    we don't talk about sources, prices, or how to get gear here.

  3. #3
    coffeejunky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    we don't talk about sources, prices, or how to get gear here.
    well im just asking if he sounds like a typical scammer people come across...please dont just delete the thread mods..

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    if i was a nutritionist i would be focused a lot ore on diet then gear. what are your stats?
    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?
    Diet: ?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I didn't delete it, but most scammers don't sound like scammers.

  6. #6
    coffeejunky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    if i was a nutritionist i would be focused a lot ore on diet then gear. what are your stats?
    Age: 20
    Height: 6
    Weight: 205
    BF%: 15-17
    Cycle Exp: this would be my first?
    PCT Knowledge: minor
    Training Exp: 2 years
    Diet: Very spot on...even more so now that ive talked to him.
    He was alot more focused on diet and he even said i should train longer and you know get to my max potention while being a natty and went into a very long story/explanation of why etc. I told him i dont want to wait. And if that was my choice hed rather help me than me get scammed, or hurt.

    So i mean in a way he tried to talk me out of useing...would a scammer do this? He called me today...for the past few days ive been giving him a run down of my new diet and how im feeling.

    He called me today and said thats good and how im doing.

    He also brought up that his friend just went up to mexico to get some of the stuff they need to make it and said the exhange rate or something changed a little soo the price may be a little more (something like that)

    He also said that he wants to know if im legit and am really wanting this. So i already orderd some needles and plan on opening a bank account and ordering the pct ahead of time too show him im serious about this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I didn't delete it, but most scammers don't sound like scammers.
    I know. Do scammers usually spend hours on the phone with you discussing whatever youd like? helping with your nutrition...

    Do they usually give you their full name, phone number...hes a profession eater also btw...
    Last edited by coffeejunky; 06-10-2010 at 08:41 PM.

  7. #7
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    bro this guy should not be getting you gear and i will tell you what, he is not a good one because if he knows your 20 and is encouraging you to cycle you should look else where. You are to young man. keep on making gains naturally. yawnnnn
    check this out
    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

  8. #8
    coffeejunky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    bro this guy should not be getting you gear and i will tell you what, he is not a good one because if he knows your 20 and is encouraging you to cycle you should look else where. You are to young man. keep on making gains naturally. yawnnnn
    check this out
    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.
    He explained all that to me. I appreciate your concers though.

    He tried to talk me out of it for 30 minutes he discussed all about the body. Then after he got the feeling i wasnt changeing my mind he tells me he started when he was younger (about 18). I ask him if it had any negative affects he says no, but he wouldnt know how he would be if he would have never touched it you know. He has a masters in bio chemistry and is getting his Phd.

    I told him im going to do it anyways. He says hed rather help me than me get hurt/scammed elsewhere and get screwed.

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