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Thread: Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Arrow Help!

    I took a sh!tty cycle a couple months back. (Feared taking test, as my job revolves around Walmart's h/o, &they are monsters in dealing out deadlines/stress - so I did not want to let the elevated test bounce my mood around and possibly risk my job)

    I really should have just either gone with a regular basic test based cycle, but I think taking just the OT (Tbol) for 6 weeks fkd with my libido/sex drive.

    I feel as I did after my very first cycle (5 years ago)- Trenbolone Acetate (Finiplex), where I had no PCT so i completely burned out my sex drive for a solid 6 months - due to faulty instruction, and not doing enough research on my own (at that point, I really had no clue anyhow)

    Definitely never going to mess around with what has already been deemed effective (test base).

    - What can I do now?
    Any PCT, or anything that will get my libido back up?
    I'm fkn drowning and I really wonder what my options are, besides wracking up to some test......

    Issue: Ran 40mg Nolva for PCT. Did not Taper.
    Result: Ineffective PCT / No 'horny' anymore
    Resolution: Redo PCT with 4 week taper 40-30-20-10mg
    Last edited by New2Anabolic; 06-14-2010 at 10:07 AM.

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Pin it to win it!
    Run a pct.

    Nolva and clomid. Hcg should help as well.

    Btw roid rage is a myth....

  3. #3
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    It's nice that people like to say that "Roid Rage" is a myth. (Also, I never said Roid Rage, as people always say exactly what you did- which I agree with! To an extent.)

    I understand that you don't see yourself as being a raging bull with horns while you're "on" -neither do I, but that isn't to say that your/my emotions aren't heightened due to a substantial increase of testosterone being present in your body. For Example: *A Super Quick Read*

    I am easily annoyed or 'ticked off' when I am 8 weeks into a Test based cycle, and all that I was saying is that I cannot risk that elevation tainting my responses or potentially help to encourage me to say something that I do not mean; espcially with my being new in this stressful job!

  4. #4
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    as for this ^^^^^^ i dont have a clue what your getting at but if i were you for your other problem run a standard pct hope this works out well for you and good luck

  5. #5
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    Haha yeah, I found out just re-running the PCT would fix whatever residue issue I had.

    Reg. above ^ I am just getting at behaviour is altered when you mess with hormones

  6. #6
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    dude i pretty damn sure 40mg test doesnt count as pct you need to jump start your natty test not supress it just stick to clomid nolva protocol
    regarding said "roid rage " its my opinion that people who have a attitude problem before using aas just become bigger idiots whilst on cycle.
    my wife says i become more mellow whilst cycling so i guess everybody is different

  7. #7
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    dude i pretty damn sure 40mg test doesnt count as pct you need to jump start your natty test not supress it just stick to clomid nolva protocol
    regarding said "roid rage " its my opinion that people who have a attitude problem before using aas just become bigger idiots whilst on cycle.
    my wife says i become more mellow whilst cycling so i guess everybody is different
    x2 to this a sense of well being yes "roid rage" quick to snap nope not me

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    dude i pretty damn sure 40mg test doesnt count as pct you need to jump start your natty test not supress it just stick to clomid nolva protocol
    regarding said "roid rage " its my opinion that people who have a attitude problem before using aas just become bigger idiots whilst on cycle.
    my wife says i become more mellow whilst cycling so i guess everybody is different

    Oops! Misstype. I meant Nolva ..

    Reg. emotional change, yes... everyone is different.
    Checking that link I posted, it briefly explaines the different chromozones(sp?) people have and how that easily effects them and their behaviour/demeanor.
    Adding test into my mix makes me a little edgey. I'm not some pissed off person 24/7 but if I have a bad day, I may be a jerk!

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