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  1. #1
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010

    Help critique my second cycle.

    Hey guys. Wondering if some experienced vets can help critique my second cycle.

    My first cycle was Test C @ 500mg/wk for 10 weeks. Nolva as PCT @ 40/40/20/20. Went from 185 to 210, now sitting at 205.


    Age: 22.
    Height: 5'9.
    Weight: 205.
    BF%: approximately 12, visible abs.

    My proposed cycle:

    Test E @ 500mg/wk for 15 weeks.
    EQ @ 400mg/wk for 15 weeks.
    Dbol @ 40mg/ED for the first 4 weeks.

    Nolva on hand.

    PCT: HCG @ 500iu/ED for 2 weeks. (This is where I need your help)
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20.

    Here are my questions:

    Should the EQ be stopped two weeks prior to the test? E.g. Test C for 15 weeks/EQ for 13. I have enough for 15 weeks and I'd prefer not to frontload since I am kickstarting with dbol. I feel it would be too much. Thoughts?

    This is my first time using HCG. Would that dose be considered too high? I've read 250-500iu per day.

    When exactly should the HCG be implemented in this cycle?

    If I can't get my hands on HCG, what would be an alternative aggressive post-cycle recovery?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    1-15 Test E 600mg PW
    1-15 EQ 600mg PW
    1-4 Dbol 40mg ED
    10-15 HCG 500iu 2x PW ***Optional***
    Nolva/Clomid 30 days (additional 15 days if necessary) when half life of steroid is complete.

  3. #3
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    eq is to low, I would also bump up the test as well

    10 to 14 days after last injection you need to start your pct... nolva and clomid work the best..

    also need an AI on hand

  4. #4
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Reasoning behind not bumping anything any higher is because it is my second cycle. I had great results with 500mg Test/wk, and feel that upping it slightly higher won't cause any significant muscle gains.

    The EQ profile on here says that users who dosed at 400mg and then at 600mg saw no significant changes or muscle gain.

    I can get an AI but I prefer 10mg of nolvadex alongside the cycle if gyno symptoms show up.

    In reference to the first post, are you saying the HCG is optional? Or just twice a week slin shots are? Only reason I'd like to include it this cycle is because when I finished the last I had little sexual desire.

  5. #5
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Bro it really sounds like you have your shit together and I am really glad to hear it...I have ran eq back in the day and really find anything under 600mg ew is a waist of time. I would save the money on the eq and go with deca or npp but hey like I said above you sound like you have done your research so I give you a thumbs up...

    Quote Originally Posted by jordann View Post
    Reasoning behind not bumping anything any higher is because it is my second cycle. I had great results with 500mg Test/wk, and feel that upping it slightly higher won't cause any significant muscle gains.

    The EQ profile on here says that users who dosed at 400mg and then at 600mg saw no significant changes or muscle gain.

    I can get an AI but I prefer 10mg of nolvadex alongside the cycle if gyno symptoms show up.

    In reference to the first post, are you saying the HCG is optional? Or just twice a week slin shots are? Only reason I'd like to include it this cycle is because when I finished the last I had little sexual desire.

  6. #6
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Yes it's optional. Hcg is not a necessity during a cycle.

    With my experience, anything below 600mg of EQ isn't significant. Even at that dosage, it's nothing magical. There are better alternatives out there.

    So my reasoning behind bumping the test was because of my theory on EQ being more beneficial at 600mg or higher.

  7. #7
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Bro it really sounds like you have your shit together and I am really glad to hear it...I have ran eq back in the day and really find anything under 600mg ew is a waist of time. I would save the money on the eq and go with deca or npp but hey like I said above you sound like you have done your research so I give you a thumbs up...

    You did your homework, we need more people that take time to dedicate themselves to research before posting. Great job.

  8. #8
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. I will take your word for it and up the EQ. Only reason I was hesitant is because a friend was using my sources EQ @ 600 during his frontload and had bright hot skin and was burning up. He lowered the dose and was fine. Everybody is different so I can always drop it down if that happens.

    I was contemplating deca but the remarks about the amount of water retention have been misconstrued so much. I just don't know what I'd be in for. As you can tell from this cycle I'm looking for slightly leaner, quality gains. A bit of water weight never hurt anyone though.

    I may just do nolva/clomid and skip HCG with the PCT since it's a little harder for me to get my hands on it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I don't know much about pct, however i think your cycle is a little lengthy for only a 2nd, tone it down to 12 weeks.

  10. #10
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhero d-bolman View Post
    I don't know much about pct, however i think your cycle is a little lengthy for only a 2nd, tone it down to 12 weeks.
    I don't understand your logic since EQ should be run for at least 12 weeks. Hence my proposal of 15 weeks to see better results.

    But, what I have decided on now is to drop the EQ completely and keep it relatively simple:

    Test E - 750mg/week for 10 weeks.
    Dbol - 40 mg/day for 4 weeks.


    Nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 150/150/100/100

    I've also been reading that people sometimes throw in viagra or cialis during their PCT to help keep the libido on track. This is something I'm heavily considering since I noticed a huge drop in libido coming off my last cycle, and it's already hard enough to keep up with the lady.

    Any questions or comments please feel free to chime in.

    Thanks for all of the info so far.

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