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  1. #41
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Td00 View Post
    What if he waits till he's 22 and does a mild 500mg/week Enan only cycle for 9-10 weeks with a good PCT?
    Thats just retarded..

    If the average male produces about 7mgs of testosterone a day which would be 49mgs ew, then how is 500mgs in anyway mild??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  2. #42
    daftones is offline Unhappy member banned
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    In diAnabolica mind lol
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    bro i have never once read someone here encouraging someone to run gear that has a shitty diet. There are more threads about people who are 25+ years old that are 5'10+ who weigh less then 165 and we tell them not to run gear too. its not a bitch out its simply we are sharing then same info you have available on this board but choose not to read or accept.
    See that's the thing, I read the info, and I understood the risks. I made a thread when my nuts started to shrink. I knew that this would happen, but I was wondering about sensitivity I had that particular day (I think it was just pain from me touching my testicles too much, went away when I stopped fu**ing with them), and instead of any answers, I got told that I should be made an example of, so that young people can learn from me and that I'm immature and don't know what I'm doing. My best friend, who is also 19, is competing at the Canadian National's for bodybuilding in August, so I have access to awesome diet, training advice along with supplements. So yes, I am young, but I did jump on, and telling me I shouldn't have will not change my future course of action. The ship has set sail, and other analogies etc.

    Then I see this:

    And I wonder why he was treated with respect when I wasn't. 2 years difference? I see people my age at my gym and I agree, most young people train like fu**tards and eat worth crap. Being a hard gainer, I learned young, with the help of my body building friend, how important it is to be dedicated in order to be worth your salt in the gym. I have a chip on my shoulder I guess. You guys give good advice, but I am young and it's always hard being spoken down to from people who you respect (even on a forum, where post count = respect ).

  3. #43
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Thats just retarded..

    If the average male produces about 7mgs of testosterone a day which would be 49mgs ew, then how is 500mgs in anyway mild??
    After researching for months now (i'm still a newbie), 500mg is way above the natty test production, but anything less than 500mg isn't really worth it if you're already going through the pinning, pct and all the risks that come with AAS no matter how little of any AAS you do.

    So 500mg/week of enan only would be on the mild side and safer since you only do 1 AAS and if something goes wrong, you'd know which AAS did it.

    *Note: my post shouldn't be taken as advice. lol

  4. #44
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    AAS are amazing drugs

    when cycled responsibly

    have little short term side effects

    but can have serious long term implications

    this is where folk make the mistake

    and is what the vet's are trying to get across

  5. #45
    stewiessexyparties is offline Junior Member
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    I am close to 21 and recently ran some test prop. Originally it was going to be 500mg 8-10 weeks with clomid and arimidex on hand. Since it was homebrew I had a friend carry out the last part of the process except he did not put enough BB in the solution so the test separated itself from the oil after a week. I used for that week and an additional 2 weeks but due to the crash (I tried to repair it by heating and more BA and BB to redissolve it) I decided to cut it short after the 3 and a half weeks. Due to using crashed test, my dosages were relatively unmeasured and considerably less than what I was going to be taking. I know this sounds stupid and thats why I cut it short but in this short time, my balls did not shut down, I gained and have been maintaining for quite some time, 7kgs of mass. I still did pct just to keep everything regulated but no problems otherwise. No loss in strength and I still feel fantastic. I definitely do not recommend the use of AAS for people my age. I have been training for nearly 3 years naturally, prior to this and may decide to compete in future.

  6. #46
    Devil's_Advocate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Your two weeks into a decca only cycle, answer this post after your cycle is over. Your answer will be different.
    FFS. Deca only.

    He's definitely not a person to be offering advice to others.

  7. #47
    VanillaGorilla1 is offline New Member
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    I understand that for some guys they don't want to sound like they're advocating the use of AAS to young people. But if you get over that, if you say "okay this guy says he's running some gear, he's got his mind made up and that's that", and then have a legitimate conversation about how you truely feel about the long-term effects of steroids I think some guys' answers would be a little different.

    I also think some guys may just be upset they didn't get into this stuff when they were 22 or 23, and didn't start til they were 30.

    Now of course there's guys that honestly feel like 21 year olds should stay away from this kind of stuff, and I respect that. But the respect has to go two ways. You can scold for a minute, but once you realize this person's mind has been made up long ago that they're going to get on a cycle, then just talk to them like a person not a little kid.

    This isn't aimed at a direct user, just in general. There's just too much downtalk going on here.

  8. #48
    VanillaGorilla1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Thats just retarded..

    If the average male produces about 7mgs of testosterone a day which would be 49mgs ew, then how is 500mgs in anyway mild??
    It's mild in the AAS world. You must know that.

    It'd be like if a lifelong crackhead said one rock a day is mild. Of course it's not mild for you or me, but for another crackhead that smoked 3 a day, one would surely be mild.

  9. #49
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daftones View Post
    See that's the thing, I read the info, and I understood the risks. I made a thread when my nuts started to shrink. I knew that this would happen, but I was wondering about sensitivity I had that particular day (I think it was just pain from me touching my testicles too much, went away when I stopped fu**ing with them), and instead of any answers, I got told that I should be made an example of, so that young people can learn from me and that I'm immature and don't know what I'm doing. My best friend, who is also 19, is competing at the Canadian National's for bodybuilding in August, so I have access to awesome diet, training advice along with supplements. So yes, I am young, but I did jump on, and telling me I shouldn't have will not change my future course of action. The ship has set sail, and other analogies etc.

    Then I see this:

    And I wonder why he was treated with respect when I wasn't. 2 years difference? I see people my age at my gym and I agree, most young people train like fu**tards and eat worth crap. Being a hard gainer, I learned young, with the help of my body building friend, how important it is to be dedicated in order to be worth your salt in the gym. I have a chip on my shoulder I guess. You guys give good advice, but I am young and it's always hard being spoken down to from people who you respect (even on a forum, where post count = respect ).
    Look on the 2nd page man, I am flamming him for lookign liek shit before and how i see no difference even though he is 6 weeks in and how no more definetion and barely any size. He will lose it all once he is off cycle becuase he does not get diet.

  10. #50
    MuscleCommand's Avatar
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    Many years ago, my first cycle was at 19 - a bottle of Anadrol -50. No stack, no PCT, diet was half-assed but I trained like an animal. These were the days before the Internet and I never even heard of Dan Duchaine or his book back then.

    I went with what I could get my hands on and pyramided up from 1/2 pill to 3 a day and back down. Guys in the gym used but were in the same boat as me - young, stupid and willing to take anything without the knowledge of how to do it properly.

    I gained a decent amount of mass. Can't remember how many pounds, but I looked really good and upped all my lifts a lot.

    No side effects that I can remember and nothing bad happened other than high liver enzymes on a blood test.

    If I could do it all over again, I would have waited until I was older and knew a little more about the stuff.

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