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Thread: Problems out the yin yang

  1. #1

    Problems out the yin yang

    ok i was all natty for 2 year made good progress and then whn i turned 18 i found out about American cells "tren xtreme" gave it a try and was immidiatly loving progress like that i lost alot of weight from 215 to 195 in 4 weeks (dont have pics or id put them up) then i did a fewmore pros and didnt really get anywhere after that, then tried dbol and after the tren i developed a mild case of gyno and didnt eve nknow what it was at the time, the guy who sold me all of it told me it was fat!! i was ignorant as hell so went with it, after the dbol i took tamoxofin and a hardcore test to get my natty levels back up, wait a month after all that and did a 8mls a day of var' leaned up pretty well from it and loved it, gyno got worse after the dbol and better after var, got surgery, im still healing like day 10 now after surgery and it look like it will actually heal nicely, but what im getting at is that i didnt lose at all after or b4 my surgery, as soon as im 100% in a few weeks im gunna do a liquid tren,tamo,and var....i have hard times getting coversions to ml's if anyone could help me with how to take all of this so i can go back on with life and not get gyno!!! much advice needed like lets assume ive been tricked many times by the "facilitators" and told wrong doses of things and dont the timing of things at all really

  2. #2
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    So, even though you had some pretty seroius problems you want to make the same mistake 2x?

    How about learning something from the first time. Doing some research on WHY and learing that one of the main reasons is due to your age... You are to young to use AAS due you your hormone levels.

    If you are lucky that is the only problem you will have but I'm betting you will have several others down the road and especially if you dont STOP now until you are 24+

  3. #3
    ok what other problems am i looking at?

  4. #4
    and honestly i wanna keep goin only because i know the mistakes were made mainly on l;ack of knowledge of what i was takn at the time that mad me get it, if they had been more educated on it as well then i wouldnt be in this situation

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    well if you think you are more educated now, post a sensible cycle and pct as well as your current stats, because post 1 of this thread sounds like someone who is still clueless.

  6. #6
    and thats why im asking for a lil help here, more education better everything turns out for me, what should i be doing with tren and var?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    tren and var? seriously?

    ok, lets back up
    body fat%?

  8. #8

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredz View Post
    and honestly i wanna keep goin only because i know the mistakes were made mainly on l;ack of knowledge of what i was takn at the time that mad me get it, if they had been more educated on it as well then i wouldnt be in this situation
    No, part of the mistakes/side effects are due to age, Honestly it has a lot to do with it if you want to believe it or not.

    You need to do some reading, searching and checking the sticky notes above like about why you should NOT do a cycle under 24.

    You could be looking a MANY side effect, some soon, some maybe years down the road and some you may never associate with AAS but they may be.

    You may/could experience ED problems soon or in the not distant future, low natural Test levels and various other hormone related problems just to start.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredz View Post
    you need proper diet and training, you have risked fvcking yourself up and achieved the stats of someone who doesn't even work out.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredz View Post
    and thats why im asking for a lil help here, more education better everything turns out for me, what should i be doing with tren and var?
    Sorry I couldnt help it. He said more sensible cycle, not more dangerous, stronger with MORE serious side effects.

    Your thinking is backwards. Better is SIMPLE and straight forward. It is not about what is the strongest or gives some people the biggest, fastest, best gains. it's about doing things sensible, starting slow, knowing how it effects your body and NOT wanting everyone to spoon feed you.

    Do some reading, research (not asking for answers). Most all the answers are here, you just have to LOOK.

  12. #12
    ok sorry, training comfortable with im fairly confident i have a good system for that, diet-2500cals, 285g protien, 25gs gluta, and keep my carbs down to a bare minimum

  13. #13
    lovbyts- ok, everything ive seen b4 one senisble first cycles are test and dbol kick start, i hate needles unless absolutely nesseccary

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredz View Post
    ok sorry, training comfortable with im fairly confident i have a good system for that, diet-2500cals, 285g protien, 25gs gluta, and keep my carbs down to a bare minimum
    2500 calories? are you trying to lose or gain weight?
    please list this diet, in detail.

  15. #15
    im still tryin to lose, 50g pro/5g gluta shakle in the morning followed with a few eggsusually some fish as well, midday another shake double the amount usually a few sandiwches and hella fruit along wioth whatever steak or anything i can stomach, then a few 50gs shakes throughout the rest of the day

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredz View Post
    im still tryin to lose, 50g pro/5g gluta shakle in the morning followed with a few eggsusually some fish as well, midday another shake double the amount usually a few sandiwches and hella fruit along wioth whatever steak or anything i can stomach, then a few 50gs shakes throughout the rest of the day
    easy enough, fix that mess, no steroids needed.

  17. #17
    i want to lose fat but gain muscle, i shoulda elaborated that sorry, ive heard nothing but good things abotu var, and tren seemed to be not that bad, besides the natural test shutdown, somethings ive missed on both obviously?

  18. #18
    and for the pct after i would use clomid and tamo, if im not mistken is fairly commmon?

  19. #19
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    no one here is going to recommend steroids for an 18 year old, especially an 18 year old who is built like they don't work out and has a horrible diet. you can follow our advice and make true keepable gains without screwing yourself up, or go to one of the many boards that will recommend steroids with no regard to your health or what's really best for you. ultimately that choice is yours.

  20. #20
    ok i would love to take your advice on how to take them and what exactly to take and so on, ill look threw the site to fix my horrible diet, please tell me what i should take then if not tren and var? are usuggesting things like T3 and things of that nature?

  21. #21

    NONE of the above.

    No one here is going to reccomend that you do ANY AAS or Peptides or Any hormones for that matter.

    Supposing you WEREN'T 18, Didn't eat like crap and train half ass, You'd still be a moron to try to run Only Tren and Anavar. There is no logic to this cycle. You screwed up your body once? Why start again? Read up over the next 7 or so years, train hard and come back educated.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you need proper diet and training, you have risked fvcking yourself up and achieved the stats of someone who doesn't even work out.

  23. #23
    thanks so much

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  25. #25
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    #1, 18 is to young to use ANY steroids because your body hormone level is at it's peak until after 24.
    #2, your hormone levels are not stable and you can screw up many things for life.
    #3, you are not done growing even if you think you are and you can fuse your growth plates prematurely.
    #4, AAS should not be used for loosing weight or gaining muscle until you are at your natural potential on size and being lean naturally or you are wasting your $$$
    #5, if you aren't into needles then stay away from orals or you could end up on a dialysis machine due to liver failure. Oral AAS are very had on your system. People do injection not to get MORE but to administer it more safely and not having to take 4x the dose to get less results and being filtered through your kidneys.

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't want to be taking steroids at your age, you havent fully developed yet and by taking steroids you will shut down your own bodies hormone production and this can have some serious sides at your age what you msay never recover from, you could end up with low testosterone for life and that brings a whole new set of problems what you wished you never had.

    You need to sort your diet out because at your age you can put a ton of muscle on with your hormones if you had the right diet, its plain to see by your stats that you are not eating right so build a solid base for the next few years, forget steroids it will cause you more harm than good.

  27. #27
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    BigRedz: Can you just shift to your level of things like Nitrox, creatine and natural test boosters.

    Steroids is serious stuff. And I wont suggest it unless your body is ready and your natural grow has been completed.

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