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Thread: test c and d bol question

  1. #1

    test c and d bol question

    whats up fellas it's been a while, getting ready for a cycle of cyp 12 weeks @ 500 a week i may bump it to 750 a week not sure yet, i will decide before i start. i'm gonna start off with some d-bols never used them before i have done several test only cycles and a test and winny oral cycle, question is i have 15mg tabs and enough for 6 weeks @ 30 mgs but a buddy told me to do 45mgs a day and get more, is 30 mgs enough for never using them or should i just use 45 a day, also should i just use 750 a week of test or keep @ 500, thanks for any help. oh and would clomid and nolva be good for pct keepin the clomid @ 50 the shit makes me a little weird @ 100, and since i have never had any sides from test or the winny other then acne should i get some adex to either have on hand or thoughout cycle, thanks

    gym 3 to 5 days a week for the last 4 years
    not sure of Bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    your cycle looks good and the dose of dbol is okay.

    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    get a solid diet going and maybe even prime before you start your cycle

    good luck

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Agreed^^ cycle is fine,
    dbol dose is fine, no need to ramp it up,
    If clomid gives you sides what are hard to cope with reduce the amount like stated, see if it helps,

  4. #4
    cool thanks alot, all the times i used clomid @ 100 i started thinking about shit to much always worrying about things it just made me feel weird so i dropped it down to 50 thanks again for the help

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