whats up fellas it's been a while, getting ready for a cycle of cyp 12 weeks @ 500 a week i may bump it to 750 a week not sure yet, i will decide before i start. i'm gonna start off with some d-bols never used them before i have done several test only cycles and a test and winny oral cycle, question is i have 15mg tabs and enough for 6 weeks @ 30 mgs but a buddy told me to do 45mgs a day and get more, is 30 mgs enough for never using them or should i just use 45 a day, also should i just use 750 a week of test or keep @ 500, thanks for any help. oh and would clomid and nolva be good for pct keepin the clomid @ 50 the shit makes me a little weird @ 100, and since i have never had any sides from test or the winny other then acne should i get some adex to either have on hand or thoughout cycle, thanks
gym 3 to 5 days a week for the last 4 years
not sure of Bf