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  1. #1
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    proposed 2nd cycle (hcg?)

    Hey guys this is an outline of my next cycle. My experience is a couple of prohormones and one 12 week test E (600mg/wk) kickstarted with dzine which is a prohormone. I'm 25 I weigh 228 and I'm around 15% bf. I'm only going on in the winter so I have time to trim the bf down slightly. my lifts are squat: 510, dead ~550 and bench ~360

    The main goal of my last cycle was strength as I want to compete in powerlifting. That's likely going to be the goal for this cycle as well. I'm unsure about the hcg so if someone could give me some advice about how to run this let me know.

    Anyway heres the cycle:
    A50 week 1-4 @50mg/day
    Test E 1-14 @750mg/week
    Test P 15-16@500mg/wk
    Hcg 2-7 and 9-14 @500iu/week
    Adex 1-14 @0.25mg eod adjusted as necessary

  2. #2
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by coldfear View Post
    Hey guys this is an outline of my next cycle. My experience is a couple of prohormones and one 12 week test E (600mg/wk) kickstarted with dzine which is a prohormone. I'm 25 I weigh 228 and I'm around 15% bf. I'm only going on in the winter so I have time to trim the bf down slightly. my lifts are squat: 510, dead ~550 and bench ~360

    The main goal of my last cycle was strength as I want to compete in powerlifting. That's likely going to be the goal for this cycle as well. I'm unsure about the hcg so if someone could give me some advice about how to run this let me know.

    Anyway heres the cycle:
    A50 week 1-4 @50mg/day
    Test E 1-14 @750mg/week
    Test P 15-16@500mg/wk
    Hcg 2-7 and 9-14 @500iu/week
    Adex 1-14 @0.25mg eod adjusted as necessary
    if i were to use the two different types of test like that, i would think it should be like:

    Test E: 1-14 @ 750mg/week
    Test P: 1-2/3@ 750mg/week

    the test E wont kick in for 2-3 weeks minimum, so if you want to feel the test effects right away i would do this..

    the hcg should just be ran at 500iu every week:

    HCG: 1-16 @ 500 iu per week

    no reason to come on and off it like you have in your cycle, keep it stable during the whole cycle

    the anadrol is good. dbol or anadrol will give great strength / kickstarts

    EDIT: you are stong as **** btw haha

  3. #3
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Starting the HCG the 2nd week will be fine.

    I would also kickstart AND end with prop!

  4. #4
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    Well I was going to use the test p for the last two weeks while the long ester clears my system. I don't really need it at the beginning because the anadrol will be working. The hcg protocol is from this site I believe. I read some info saying that hcg loses effectiveness because the testes become desensitized to it, therefore its better to take breaks. And thanks for the compliment about my strength I still feel like a little girl in the gym sometimes though haha
    Last edited by coldfear; 06-14-2010 at 08:33 PM.

  5. #5
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    Sorry to bump this but does anybody else have an opinion?

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