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Thread: fina vets, and smart members were are you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    sunshine state

    Red face fina vets, and smart members were are you?

    ok, since I got no reply to this question I'm going to post it again:

    I'm just trying to understand some info I read on previous posts,
    right now I'm doing test, eq, and winni I bought some liquidex because I'm very gyno prone. I'm also going to start fina within the next couple of days. My question is when I do the fina prolactin levels will go up(got bromo also) dones this mean my estrogen levels will be lower and I wont have to take liquidex everyday?? (I read a post that says if estrogen levels are high prolactin levels are low and vis versa.) My second question is people say propecia and fina or deca will speed hairloss. I dont know why or how but I have read that on previous posts. Is this true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I wouldn't reduce your anti-e regimen in the hopes that a higher prolactin level may suppress estrogen levels slightly. Continue with the dosage that has worked for you in the past. Propecia does not seem to be a good idea with deca but the jury is still out on whether it speeds up hair loss in tren. Tren is something you should stay away from if MPB is a problem for you in my opinion.

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