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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    WilliamCutting's Avatar
    WilliamCutting is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle

    I am planning on my second cycle.

    33 years old
    6' 1"
    241 lbs.
    15.5% body fat
    Training & diet OK (in my opinion anyway)

    I did my first cycle last year, which consisted of:

    12 weeks of Test E @ 500 mg.
    Weeks 1-4, I started with 40 mg of Dbol every day, which I lowered to 20 mg after about a week due to high blood pressure (my blood pressure returned to normal once I lowered the Dbol dosage).
    I started with Ldex @ 0.50 mg every other day, I increased that to 0.25 mg every day after about a month due to a feeling of hightened sensitivity in one nipple which went away and never returned.
    For PCT, I did 100 mg of Clomid & 40 mg of Nolva for 14 day, then 50 mg Clomid & 20 mg of Novla for 14 days. I started PCT 14 days after my last Test E injection.

    I have a few questions. I was thinking about doing another cycle of Test E for 12 weeks @ 500 mg per week. Will I experience similar results the second time around? I don't want to take Dbol again, I didn't like the side effects I felt from it.

    I do not have access to a lot of legit gear so I am limited as to what I can add. I do have access to the following, which I know are real and would feel comfortable using.

    10,000 iu of HCG
    (200) 10 mg Anavar pills

    Would there be any benefit to incorporating the HCG into the cycle or PCT?
    What about incorporating the Anavar into the cycle? (keep in mind I only have access to 200 10 mg pills)

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    HCG is good if you feel the boys shrinking during cycle. The Var is quite expensive, but if you can get it at a decent price then adding it @ 60ED for the last 6 weeks may yeild some nice lean gains towards the end of your cycle.

    If your diet is good and training is consistant, then a simple test cycle can be efficiently utilised for several cycles. You wont see the quick gains that you did with the dbol , but you will see good gains none the less, but dont expect to see them until around week 5, so dont get discouraged and start popping pills or doubting your gear.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can just do a test only cycle for your 2nd cycle and still see the same gains as in your first cycle, you probably wont see as much water weight due to the dropping of the dbol but in regards to muscle tissue gains of course you will see similar, if your diet is increase to support the new mass and training is on key.

  4. #4
    mr aas's Avatar
    mr aas is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You can just do a test only cycle for your 2nd cycle and still see the same gains as in your first cycle, you probably wont see as much water weight due to the dropping of the dbol but in regards to muscle tissue gains of course you will see similar, if your diet is increase to support the new mass and training is on key.
    i agree ,eat big,lift big to get big..the gear helps but your food is the key

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