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  1. #1
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    HORRIBLE Pain in back of head

    I know there are a lot of answers to this out there but I'm trying to pin point the problem and see if anyone has had a similar experience.

    I'm on 750mg Test enanthate split 2x a week, letrozole for estrogen protection.
    I am on week 6 of 12 week cycle.
    Drinking about 2 gallons of water per day.

    Yesterday the pain hit so hard during a hard set on lat pull downs.

    Today It hit really hard on the leg press.

    Also has occured recently on some other sets cant remember specific lifts.

    I know that breathing properly is huge and I am focused on that and watching it. I also know that test can spike my Blood pressure, I checked it at the grocery store station thing yesterday and it was high which is expected?

    It will happend on my last rep of a heavy ass set and it hits like a truck sharp sharp pain and lasts for about a minute and slowly goes away over the next hour. Is it just that my BP is spiked? any advice how to avoid it? Foods to avoid? Any help is appreciated, If you dont know anything about it please dont just be like "GO TO THE DOCTOR" looking for some experienced responses please. Thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    If its blood pressure related I have no idea.

    I started getting bad neck pain in general after a few months back lifting. I remember one time getting it pretty bad on shoulder day while working my rear delts. What I did was literally walk over to the diagram that shows the different stretches on the wall of my gym, and then I copied the two for neck and did them. The relief was immediate. I recommend doing them slowly with not much pressure 30-60 seconds just like it says. If your gym doesn't have such a diagram just go on youtube. PS I was on 500 mg/wk test e but switched to cyp. This is about 10 weeks into cycle it started.
    Last edited by cherrydrpepper; 06-17-2010 at 04:13 PM.

  3. #3
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Go see a fvcking doctor, immediately. Don't take advise on medical issues on a forum, unless it's something like a soft tissue damage...even then.

    Headaches from training can be just a benign issue, but.... they also can point to a more serious issue, like bleeding in the brain.

    I have had these sharp headaches when lifting once before and it turned out to be my BP, but it could be something as basic as your not breathing correctly while lifting...

    Get it checked.

  4. #4
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    yeah i think it is BP my buddy said the levels should drop down a bit soon, just that the test is starting to really kick in right now. Never had this problem off cycle, and this is first cycle.

  5. #5
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Get it checked, no good just thinking it is something.

  6. #6
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Probably Blood pressure, but I would get it checked, it's not worth a heart attack or stroke is it?

  7. #7
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    What do i say that im on cycle?

  8. #8
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yep, it's a doctor...they have heard it all before, in the worst case you get a warning about steroids .

  9. #9
    myosaurus is offline New Member
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    I've had that several times when doing high rep leg pess and heavy incline. it's caused by overfiring or uppertrap/neck musces when straining with weights. peope have habbit of ducking head back against bench when straining. keep head/chin in neutral position and should solve that problem. also strengthen your scapuar depressos(lats, pec minor, mid/low trap)

  10. #10
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    Hmm, I use good form, All those muscles are pretty built. If I were to get it checked out, Should I go to a chiropractor to see if its related in some way? I know its my BP building up to extremes as it is in my last rep. If I went to the doctor he would only confirm what I already know that its my BP I assume, unless i told him I'm on test and obviously would tell me to end the cycle and dont lift for two weeks. Any time I ever have a problem with ANYTHING "take it easy dont work out for two weeks". So that would totally mess me up, I know its important to get it check but I'm not sure he can tell me anything. So alternatively should I go get an MRI and what not to rule out that its anything else really serious in my dome. Or go to the lame doc and have him tell me its my BP and to not lift for a while... Like i said I know i should get it checked but by who?

  11. #11
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosscokid View Post
    Hmm, I use good form, All those muscles are pretty built. If I were to get it checked out, Should I go to a chiropractor to see if its related in some way? I know its my BP building up to extremes as it is in my last rep. If I went to the doctor he would only confirm what I already know that its my BP I assume, unless i told him I'm on test and obviously would tell me to end the cycle and dont lift for two weeks. Any time I ever have a problem with ANYTHING "take it easy dont work out for two weeks". So that would totally mess me up, I know its important to get it check but I'm not sure he can tell me anything. So alternatively should I go get an MRI and what not to rule out that its anything else really serious in my dome. Or go to the lame doc and have him tell me its my BP and to not lift for a while... Like i said I know i should get it checked but by who?
    Dude really...

    I don't listen to a lot of what the medical field says about steroids , but if I might have a health issue, I want to know what I am dealing with.

    You have meds and OTC supps that can help the BP issues, but BP issues are not to be ignored.

  12. #12
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    What are you 17 years old? Be a man and fess up, otherwise you're just guessing. It's your life?????????????? If you know it's your BP, then why make a post?
    Let's get some details here too:
    Age? 23
    weight? 260
    height? 6'1"
    body fat? A LOT?
    cycle exp?
    diet? w/ macros?

    Quote Originally Posted by rosscokid View Post
    Hmm, I use good form, All those muscles are pretty built. If I were to get it checked out, Should I go to a chiropractor to see if its related in some way? I know its my BP building up to extremes as it is in my last rep. If I went to the doctor he would only confirm what I already know that its my BP I assume, unless i told him I'm on test and obviously would tell me to end the cycle and dont lift for two weeks. Any time I ever have a problem with ANYTHING "take it easy dont work out for two weeks". So that would totally mess me up, I know its important to get it check but I'm not sure he can tell me anything. So alternatively should I go get an MRI and what not to rule out that its anything else really serious in my dome. Or go to the lame doc and have him tell me its my BP and to not lift for a while... Like i said I know i should get it checked but by who?
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 06-17-2010 at 08:26 PM.

  13. #13
    glennyo1981 is offline Junior Member
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    i had a similar pain but it was not when i was on a cycle... mine was when ever i did certain exercises and when i strained.. when i would even do heavy curls. it would be a sharp headache pain from basically where my spine went into my dome piece(head). it actually went with my heartbeat too. by bp at that time was like 150 80

  14. #14
    glennyo1981 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by glennyo1981 View Post
    i had a similar pain but it was not when i was on a cycle... mine was when ever i did certain exercises and when i strained.. when i would even do heavy curls. it would be a sharp headache pain from basically where my spine went into my dome piece(head). it actually went with my heartbeat too. by bp at that time was like 150 80
    i asked my chiro about it and he said it was nerves, i cant really remember exactly what he said. it went away though

  15. #15
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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    Age? 24
    weight? 253
    height? 6'1"
    body fat? Not sure 13?
    cycle exp? First
    pct? Will update tommorow
    diet? Will update tommorow , but its solid
    Last edited by rosscokid; 06-17-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  16. #16
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    How much letro are you using and why? It's a super strong estrogen destroyer.

  17. #17
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    had a similar issue with test e, found out i have discs in my neck that are close in the outer part and when i shruged or strained id get sharp pains up my neck to my head, like a headache in my neck.

  18. #18
    coldfear is offline Junior Member
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    If you feel the back of your neck/ where it connects to your head does it feel sore? I'm pretty sure I've had this problem and its scary as all shit. Really painful. I thought it was breathing of bp but they were fine. I just started stretching my neck for a few minutes every day and trying to keep it in a neutral position while lifting and its gone away.

  19. #19
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    Blood pressure you better get it corrected.

  20. #20
    rosscokid is offline New Member
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  21. #21
    anabolix112's Avatar
    anabolix112 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosscokid View Post
    Sure first thing that came in mind was BP but then again you might have pressure in some place thats pressing your nerves or causing problems that you cannot possibly connect to that by just thinking or asking advices. Tho here has been good suggestions and experiences so you can see a professional and take care that those possibilities get eliminated and you find the cause of your situation.

    Also someone mentioned estrogen destroyer, you're taking, it might be offtopic to point that out but like said before and experienced personally, those are really serious medications for cases that you never want to be in so true, extreme illness requires sometimes medications that are really harsh for body and its balance but necessary for cancer patients disregarding the side effects that can be something that you cannot link to what you're using to fight estrogen caused by excessive amounts of aromatising medication. Theres other ways to battle that too Just bad experiences from arimidex , it really did its job but blah, when i was getting flu after flu i got little lecture about that subject where i thought i was ahead of time. Yes there was cure for that, another medication combined to it but found better and inexpensive ways to handle things. Sorry for offtopic.

  22. #22
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    dude look up "Exertional headaches" I seem to get them on occassion but when I get one several usually follow over the next couple of weeks. they seem to come in waves.
    The first one I got was during sex then for the next several days in the gym I would get them on any set that I pushed myself on. I could go and get a light pump but I could not lift heavy. the pain felt like my brain was too big for my skull and my brain felt like it was pumping and every pump made my wince. Ironically my fear of confided spaces lead to a cure. They wanted to give me an MRI-(which I have had in the past and did not like) and I requested a benzo(xanax or valium) to relax me for the test. they induced the headache and stuck me in the machine but benzo(valium) resolved most of the pain.

    here is some quote from some website

    Exertional headaches are a group of headache syndromes, which are associated with some physical activity. These headaches typically become severe very quickly after a strenuous activity such as weight lifting or sexual intercourse. Exertional headaches can, in some instances, be a sign of abnormalities in the brain or other diseases. Activities that can precipitate these headaches include running, coughing, sneezing, sexual intercourse, and straining with bowel movements. Anyone who develops a severe headache following these types of exertion should certainly be checked to rule out any underlying organic cause. Tests may include a MRI of the brain and MRA of the blood vessels in the brain.

    Most exertional headaches are benign. Although these may occur in isolation, they are most commonly associated with patients who have inherited susceptibility to migraine.

    Benign exertional headaches respond to usual headache therapy. Some are particularly responsive to indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory agent taken before the exertional activity or to others such as Rofecoxib and even aspirin.

  23. #23
    LouHulk's Avatar
    LouHulk is offline Associate Member
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    Go see a doctor. A Full check up with even a MRI would be your best bet. Headaches are nothing to take lightly. Look up High Intercranial Pressure. Not a good thing.

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