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  1. #1
    rsd86 is offline New Member
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    Need help figuring out what this stuff was?

    Hello all, I really could use some help bros.
    My last cycle was in spring of 05 and I have no idea what it was. I need to identify it cause the mindf**k it played on me was horrible, and I don't wanna end up with the same product for my upcomming next cycle.
    It was called "test" and "dblol" by the friend that came up with it. It came in a 10ml vail with a blue lable. I lost track of the guy that got it so I can't just ask him what it was.

    The cycle my friend came up with was one shot per week for 5 weeks then 2 off then another 5 on. At the time I didn't know anything about injectables, plus the friend was a surgical tech, so I kindof took his word for everything.
    One friend went from chubby to in pretty good shape after the two 5 week cycles. Another friend had crazy strength gains, but also got a mean case of gyno, he only made it through the first 5 weeks.
    I made it two weeks.

    Two days before my 3rd shot I my mood swings were crazy. I felt no effects of the shots other than one minute happy, next wanted to die, next wanted everyone in the world to die. So I put the brakes on it quick. After a week I felt back to my old self, so I never worried about it.

    My first cycle was oral only, 30 mg dbol ed for 5 weeks. I was very satisfied with it, and had no negative mental sides. I need to know if it was me or the meds. Could it have been a short estered test and my system was on a rollercoaster of high and low test levels.
    I want to do another cycle, but if I can't figure this out I'll stick with what I know works for me and do oral only.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I've never heard of any steroids causing mood swings like that, and there are no steroids that should be cycled 5 weeks on, 2 off, then 5 on.
    in any event,
    body fat%?
    years training?
    planned pct?

  3. #3
    glennyo1981 is offline Junior Member
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    thats you stereotypical case of roid rage ....

  4. #4
    sirrah2508's Avatar
    sirrah2508 is offline Associate Member
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    Mood swings could have come from injecting a short estered compound only once a week but its still hard to tell if you didnt know what you were taking

  5. #5
    rsd86 is offline New Member
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    Yea too bad I didn't know what google was back then, could have saved some trouble. Anyways
    Age 28
    5' 9"
    13-15% fat
    training on and off last 10 years, but regularly the last 4
    as far as pct I'm gonna get nolva and run it 40mg ed 2 weeks after cycle then slow it down to 20mg ed for 2 more weeks

    I was thinking I might try 500 mg test e for 10 weeks and 30mg dbol ed for the first 4 weeks to kick it off.
    I just don't want the injectable to crawl ontop of my head like the last one. It's made me a little leary.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirrah2508 View Post
    Mood swings could have come from injecting a short estered compound only once a week but its still hard to tell if you didnt know what you were taking
    if a short ester once a week caused this, there are serious underlying problems:
    "one minute happy, next wanted to die, next wanted everyone in the world to die"

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsd86 View Post
    Yea too bad I didn't know what google was back then, could have saved some trouble. Anyways
    Age 28
    5' 9"
    13-15% fat
    training on and off last 10 years, but regularly the last 4
    as far as pct I'm gonna get nolva and run it 40mg ed 2 weeks after cycle then slow it down to 20mg ed for 2 more weeks

    I was thinking I might try 500 mg test e for 10 weeks and 30mg dbol ed for the first 4 weeks to kick it off.
    I just don't want the injectable to crawl ontop of my head like the last one. It's made me a little leary.
    sounds fine to me

  8. #8
    rsd86 is offline New Member
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    Well then I guess there's only one way to find out, just have to give it a try. When I get things rolling I'll start a log to track everything.
    Thanks everyone, it's good to talk to people that know what the hell they're talking about.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    sounds good, you should also consider adding clomid to pct

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