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Thread: Steroids for Swimmers

  1. #1

    Steroids for Swimmers

    Hi Guys,

    Ive been looking around online to see what steroids swimmers use and I cant seem to find anything anywhere. I know they would have to be a chemical which would minimise water retention and a 'pump' which doesnt affect them in their training but what?

    Any guys got any idea what a recommended cycle would be for a swimmer?

    Perhaps I should ellabhourate a bit more about me and my goals since I seem to not be putting in enough detail, it may help a bit....

    Ive previously been very skinny till I was 22, only a 26" waist and through a lot of eating and changes in training, now at 30, Im a 31w and currently 76KG. I was on a growth/bulk cycle of Test Cyp with Winstrol which gave me amazing results. I grew like no body's business and went from 74KG to 82KG with great shape. Unfortunately, that really left me dead in the water as far as swimming goes. I went from being able to easily swim 2 miles to not managing even 10 lengths. I was like a tank; breathless and very heavy, restricted movement and basically, my swimming was wrecked.

    I have an outdoor swim event in September to get ready for and I need to be able to swim it in a good time for personal acheivement. I am thinking my best target until Ive done my swim would be to make reduced gains, make sure theyre ultra lean and clean, maybe lose some bodyfat and increase my endurance and CV ability.

    Hence, Im looking for advice which would help me make the best decision of what cycle would get the best results without giving me problems or adversly affecting my performance like the last cycle.

    Come September, I will be looking for size again but I would really love some advice about this cycle for a swimmer. Please guys, any constructive help would be appreciated.

    Last edited by gympigi; 06-20-2010 at 04:53 AM. Reason: Critisism and lack of response

  2. #2


    Ive been reading something like Anavar and Winstrol maybe good for this kind of gains. Making very clean hard muscle gains, little weight gain and increased fat metabolism. Does anyone have any views on that?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    UK West yorkshire
    anavar is good,, the winny will play on ur joints tho bro.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    My advice forget steroids,what you want to achieve it can be done with diet and training,

  5. #5
    Thats what Im diet is good and clean and I know if I stop training in the gym and focus on the swimming that Ill get a good time. What I wont be able to do is imrpove my physique to make a difference to my perfomance, not that much in 8 weeks anyway. Im thinking it may be best to wait until after the swim then have another bulking cycle and gain some size, then follow that up on the next cycle with something like the Ananvar to harden the muscle and lean down again. How does that sound?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    long island new york
    I'm with marcus leave the AAS out.
    For certain things size is a hindrance, and i can't see how swimming isn't one of them.
    More bodymass will equal more drag through the water. Without your hands and feet (your means of propulsion) getting larger a can't see how getting bigger would help. Sure you may pull your strokes with more power but i doubt it'll fully compensate for the increased drag AND loss of bouyancy.

    Just my .02


  7. #7
    No, I appreciate your opinion, thank you. Im pretty much decided that Im not going to focus on size for a while, just performance and power. I will be training in the pool a lot heavier shortly so if I were taking anything it wouldnt get its best result anyway. Thanks guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Matthews, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxl83 View Post
    I'm with marcus leave the AAS out.
    For certain things size is a hindrance, and i can't see how swimming isn't one of them.
    More bodymass will equal more drag through the water. Without your hands and feet (your means of propulsion) getting larger a can't see how getting bigger would help. Sure you may pull your strokes with more power but i doubt it'll fully compensate for the increased drag AND loss of bouyancy.

    Just my .02

    +1 agreed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'd assume that swimmers use the same compounds as cyclists (mainly HGH, Epo, EQ, and a bit of test). But doing it naturally does sound like a better option for you at this point, seeing as how you aren't at the very highest level of performance.

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