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  1. #1
    drybones is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    Synovex worthless?

    I Have decided at least for now that trying to find an UG source is beyond me. Useing syno and/or tren conversion seams viable and not so risky leagaly speaking. im deffinately competent enough to make test or fina from the pellets and do the syno conversion correctly but im sceptical that the estro can be removed completely, im decent with chemistry and the process seems to be a little too theoretical and hush hush for my comfort. originaly i wanted to run test only as this is my first injectable cycle. I have used ph/ps before and id concider them to be at least some esperience with androgens. I am estro sensitive and do plan to run ancillaries with anything but i dont want to take an unnessasary risk with any estro in the syno. That leads me to my second idea. just run a small dose of tren as a base cycle and replacement dose of test from the syno conversion. any ideas? Is syno useless? Any advise or critiqueing is appreciated im still planning everything. I read all the stickies and hope im following all the posting rules. I dont want to seem like an ass my first post.

    My stats: age 22, 5years lifting exp. 6' 255bs approx 12% bf, max lifts: bench 350lbs bb curl 160lbs, squat 420lbs, weighted chin 10reps +50lbs. deadlift 450lbs. overhead press 225lbs.

  2. #2
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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  3. #3
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wrong forum mate. Try the Lab forum they'll help you out better in there.

  4. #4
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I have used syno in rough access times. not difficult to make. seems harder to filter, and seems to clog up whatmans after 20 ml. I am not estro sensitive and have never had any gyno issues. I used a kit on line and it seems (through scattered sources) that some of the test prop turns to test w/o ester. so I would assume you would be shooting a very small amount of estro and some level TNE with your test prop.(depending on how long you let the ester remover soak). I actually made a bunch(400ml) once out of desperation and boredum. and it turned out all "fiberglassy" looking. my source came through and I put it away in a box. I came across it about 6 months later added some more BA and reboiled it and it was some really potent stuff. I think it was as much TNE as it was prop cause I rebounded to the cycle priors condition in a week.

  5. #5
    ironflames is offline Junior Member
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    you can find the ester removers which helps eliminate the estradiol. i use my own brew of test prop @ 150mg/ml ED. i f*** my girl more than i ever have, and ive gained decent size in the pasat 5 weeks. syno is def worth if, just take your time, filter filter filter filter filter filter to eliminate estradiol. i get nuts about it. and yes the syringe filters clog up reallly fast, if you heat up your mixture it wont be so bad tho.

  6. #6
    drybones is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    Last edited by drybones; 06-21-2010 at 11:58 PM.

  7. #7
    vlad878 is offline Junior Member
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    how do u guys get syno dosent the government keep track of who buys it or is it gray area like research chemicals where u can buy and nobody cares as long as u dont misuse it

  8. #8
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vlad878 View Post
    how do u guys get syno dosent the government keep track of who buys it or is it gray area like research chemicals where u can buy and nobody cares as long as u dont misuse it
    vet supply and that is all I can say

  9. #9
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
    Mr.Rose is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vlad878 View Post
    how do u guys get syno dosent the government keep track of who buys it or is it gray area like research chemicals where u can buy and nobody cares as long as u dont misuse it
    You must be from Australia. Try orderign from overseas. Its legal to import.

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