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Thread: Next cycle

  1. #1
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Next cycle

    about 9 years
    3 previous cycles, including, test e, prop, deca , npp, drol, dbol .
    diet currently aprox
    carb 360g
    protein 300g
    fat 100g

    Proposed cycle, burst cycle, 4-6 weeks undecided yet
    Prop 420mg week (can adjust to nearly any amount)
    NPP 700mg week (4 weeks) 525mg (6 weeks)
    Proviron 350mg week or 700mg depending on how i go with it.

    Will be carb cycling 3 off 1 on 3 weeks prior, then High carb entire cycle, aiming around 400g +

    nolva 40mg day 1 -14 20mg day 14 -21
    clomid 100mg day 1 -7 (depending gives me depression) day 8-21 50mg
    Provirion 100mg day 1-7 ?????

    Ok, should Proviron be ran during pct? ive read no, but want to hear if anyone has actually tried it.

    Should i up my prop amount?

    Any other opnions?


  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    3 weeks isn't much time to prime for a burst cycle, imo. It's not just about loosing fat (since you're already pretty lean), but it's also about creating the right environment for growth...and that takes some time.

    I wouldn't run proviron in pct.

    If you don't react well to clomid, no need to run it at 100mg/ED, 50mg/ED will suffice.

    I personally don't like using highly suppressive compounds (NPP, Tren ) in burst cycles, but that's something you'll have to experiment with and see what works best for you.

    I would also run the cycle at minimum 6 weeks, at maximum 8 weeks.

    Finally, be very, very careful when you start re-introducing carbs. If you're carb cycling prior to your cycle, and suddenly jump to 400g of carbs a day, you're very likely to put on too much unwanted fat. I would slowly re-introduce carbs. But again, that's pretty individual. I've tried it that way: priming, then starting to slam the carbs with high amounts of anabolics, and I just put on a bunch of fat (after priming and being really lean!).

    What were your previous cycle doses?

  3. #3
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Previous cycles, 500mg test e for 14 weeks

    125mg prop week 1-4 to 125mg test e week 4-20 (recovery cycle)
    300mg NPP week 1-4 to deca 300mg week 4-18
    525mg drol week 14-18 (burst)

    Yeah, i should be priming for more like 6-8 weeks right?

    My first burst cycle i jumped on carbs at around 400 i did put on some fat but not to much, though i dont think my prime was as good as it could of been.

    Should i slowly increase carbs up to 400 over maybe the first 2 weeks?

    I like NPP as it really helps my joints, would it help to possibly run prop longer or go to hrt test dose for few weeks before cracking into pct? (possibly stronger pct)

  4. #4
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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