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Thread: 1st cycle advice - Test E, Var, HCG

  1. #1

    1st cycle advice - Test E, Var, HCG

    Hi guys

    After quite a lot of deliberation and research I've decided to cross over to the "dark side" I've been checking out the forum for quite some
    time and just joined because being my first cycle any help
    or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Unfortunately I'll be travelling abroad in exactly 11 weeks and won't be able to start until next week meaning I only have 10 weeks. For this reason I was wondering whether this would be a suitable cycle

    Weeks 1-10 500mg p/w Test E (2x250 M&T)
    Weeks 3-10 60mg Anavar
    Weeks 1-10 HcG
    Weeks 13-17 Nolva 40/40/20/20

    I guess my main question is whether the HcG is ok to stop at the same time as the test? If I could I'd stretch it the 2 extra weeks til PCT but as I mentioned I'll be travelling. Is it ok like that or should i scrap the HcG? Also so many different ideas about Var dosage do y'all think 60 for 8 wks is ok? And most importantly is PCT ok as I'd obviously like to keep as much gains as possible (so I won't be cutting straight after, will up calories and keep training, resting and eating as much as possible

    Stats are 29yo 6' 191lbs 10-11% bf lifted since I was an early teen but seriously or last 5 years. Ideally my aim is to put on lean muscle and for
    competition purposes I'd like to be 205lbs at around 7-8% bf although I have no delusions about being able to achieve everything after 1 course. If there's any other info I can provide please let me know otherwise any criticisms or advice greatly appreciated, I've researched alot but thought it's about time I joined up and asked the masters thanks alot guys and may the massiveness be with all of you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I would suggest that you run the HCG in the weeks leading up to the PCT. (i.e. weeks 10-12)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Your goals are ery attainable, but this being your first cycle, I would say drop the Var. Too damn expensive and you will see phenominal gains first time around. Keep the HCG on hand in case you feel the boys shrink on you, but if you dont feel the need, then dont bother with it. I would consider adding clomid for PCT just so you have a stronger PCT your first go with AAS, never know how your body recovers until you try.

    Maybe keep aromasin on hand in case of on cycle estro issues

    Cycle looks good, eat and train well and you will be very happy.


  4. #4
    Whoah thanks for such a quick reply u guys are awesome. Much appreciated ok cool might leave the HcG and only use it if the boys decide to go AWOL and maybe ditch the Var too just waiting to hear back on price. Thanks again.

  5. #5
    And thanks KP good call on the Aromasin and Clomid will do. Cheers

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