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Thread: 3rd shot today..

  1. #1

    3rd shot today..

    hey bro's im gonna be working legs today, and after my workout im gonna shoot my 3rd shot of sust for the first 2 weeks i'll be doing 750 (mon/weds/fri) and then after that just on monday and thurs all the way to week 10........can't wait till this starts kicking in....i know it has short acting esters...but when do u guys think the sust will fullly kick in? haven't really felt anythign yet...?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    3 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro relax ,it takes time 3-4 weeks .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Knoxville, TN
    Was well into my 2nd week when I felt, was long time ago.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    word of advicxe..shoot the divide the 500mg's evenly into 3 syrnges and shoot them on mon/wem/fri....that way you'll maximize the prop in the sust..shooting on mon and thurs will not...check your pm's also've got mail....Madmax...

  6. #6
    actually madmax ur just gonna stick to 750 mgs a week then......much simpler that way and maybe i was thinking of running it for only 8 weeks....since sust tapers off pretty good.........sound good?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    it all depends many cycle's have you done..what are your stats...include your age bro...i wouldn't run 750mg unless it was your 3rd or 4th can get good gains from running the same doses of sust on 2 cycles...example: i ran 750 mg of sust on my 3rd and 4th cycle' results on my 4th cycle were better than on my 3rd cycle. granted i did alot of blow during my 3rd, which contributed to me not keeping my gains, but if you run it at 500mg on this one i belive you'll be fine...try to keep doses low, more is not always's a pain to divide the shit up evenly but you'll be better of for doing so...i love the new avatar...tupacs the favorite artist, by far...hope this helps...i sent you another pm...get back to me bro..Madmax...

  8. #8
    actually bro your right.......this is my first real cycle i would say, the last one got cut short (test/deca) to like 4.5 weeks i just totally messed everything up so yeah this is like my first real cycle....i think i might just end up running 500 mgs like you said, but your also right about it being a bitch to divide the shit check this out, say im running 500 mgs right....that would mean each mon/wed/fri i would have to inject 167 mg's each would i do this? not only that......where would i put the left over sust bro??? thats what really gets me! thanks bro peace and yeah pacs the shit man........he was more than a rapper, i thought he was a prophet or something, talked about some deep get at me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    o.k bro here goes, got my calculator out and i'm have to shoot 166mg on mon/wen/fri...take 3 syrnges and put 167mg in each'll have to open up 2cc's of sust on the same day and preload enough for one week worth of if you do that you wouldn't have any left over would all be in the 3 syrnges...hope this clarify's a little..if not get back to me....Madmax..

  10. #10
    yep makes it nice and clear bro, thanks so i guess when the sust is left in the syringe its cool right? like sterile and all?

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