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  1. #1
    Bama21 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    About to get into my first cycle.

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'10''
    Weight: 190lbs
    BF: 14% (PT estimate--glance on gym floor)

    Been working out off and on since middle school, but have been motivated and consistant for a year now. 1 Year ago, I was about 198 so I have lost weight but toned up a good bit.


    5:15am- activia yogurt with oats, blackberries, PWO shake

    7:45am- 3 spoons PB, post shake, Atkins protein bar

    9:00am- apple, protien bar

    10:00am- handfull nuts, 1 can drained tuna with hot sauce, crackers

    12:00pm- Subway:foot long turkey breast (double meat) on wheat, mayo

    2:00pm- Shake, protien bar, banana

    4:00pm- handfull nuts, 3 pieces wheat bread

    8:00pm- 2 baked chicken breast, asparagus, corn

    9:30pm- casein shake...bedtime.

    Training Split
    Monday- Chest/tris
    Tuesday- shoulders, cardio
    Wednesday- rest
    Thursday- back/bi's
    Friday- Legs
    Saturday- Cardio
    Sunday- rest

    Looking to start with test-e 400mg/week (mon/thurs) and clen . Have Nolva on hand for PCT....

    A friend of mine got started first. He is running 500mg/week of Test-e, ??mg/week Tren , and 400mg week EQ. I'm not into doing all these stacks though. He is on week 5 and is a ton bigger and has noticed only agression and ball shinkage as sides.

    As far as the nolva goes, do I need to just hold off on it until I start to see any estrogen-type sides if any at all. From what I have read, if you can hold off, you see better gains, but sometimes it may be necessary to start 20-40mg a day during the cycle if you start to see these sides.

    There is only so much that you can read from websites until you're reading the same thing over and over again. I'm here to gain knowledge from real people who have experience and get tips and take suggestions. Whatever response I get I will take it in stride, but I will continue to browse this forum and gain the knowledge I need to start my first cycle of AAS.

    Thanks to all in advance!

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    your stats look good. Your cycle should be a basic test 500mg ew week 1-12 pct as follows

    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    Your diet needs work you have way to many bars and shakes. check out this link on diet not your ordinary diet videos. So you wanna learn how to Diet?
    once you have watched them and come up with a proposed diet post it with your stats in the diet section and let them critique it.

    Also you should try a prime leading up to your cycle The Prime explained before cycling..

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Bama21 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    I know that my diet needs work. My job has me there about 9-8 daily and I am always busy and running around so it's hard to get a solid diet in when I can hardly sit down and eat my lunch without being disturbed.

    Crap job I know, but I'm in that trapped stage where I make just enough that I cant leave and go anywhere else.

    I appreciate the comments and suggestion!

  4. #4
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    If you can't get your diet together a cycle would be a waste of time imo. Try pre cooking meals and stop making excuses for not being able to eat.

  5. #5
    ty357's Avatar
    ty357 is offline Member
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    somewhere near you
    Bro cycle looks good. just fix diet as stated and add clomid as well for pct

  6. #6
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    x4 on a decent cycle but only if that diet gets 100X better. I know what its like to try and arrange eating around work, but it is far more important than the gear you take. In fact, if you worked on that diet, I bet you could add 10lbs of lean mass in the next year which would make your following cycle even better. Just a thought

  7. #7
    Jaakoppi is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010
    I wonder what if to use only 250 mg of test e/week in my next cycle for 12 weeks? What do you think, anyone?

    My stats are: 5'7,5 and 185lbs with 15-18% bodyfat.

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