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  1. #1
    jim apple is offline Banned
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    Takin 400mg of test cyp a week for 10weeks.......should I use hgc comin off or will I be fine with just nolvadex since I ran .5 mg of arimidex everyday during my cycle

  2. #2
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    So you have already started the cycle?

    Assuming yes, you could use hgc during pct if you want, the fact that you took arimidex during cycle does not mean you can do less pct,

    what is your complete pct plan?

  3. #3
    jim apple is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    So you have already started the cycle?

    Assuming yes, you could use hgc during pct if you want, the fact that you took arimidex during cycle does not mean you can do less pct,

    what is your complete pct plan?
    No I haven't started pct plan is 5 weeks of 20mg of nolvadex a day

  4. #4
    Charger527's Avatar
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    ok first of whats your stats?

    And you might want to research a bit more into pct, why no clomid?

  5. #5
    jim apple is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    ok first of whats your stats?

    And you might want to research a bit more into pct, why no clomid?
    6'1 230lbs 13%body fat 25 years old.....okay help me on this everybody tells me clomid and nolvadex are the same thing

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    6'1 230lbs 13%body fat 25 years old.....okay help me on this everybody tells me clomid and nolvadex are the same thing
    clomid and nolva are definitely NOT the same thing, though both are SERMs.

    While you can recover just fine with only nolva, adding even a low dose of clomid would make for a stronger pct.

    you should continue researching before you start.

  7. #7
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    PCT starts 3 weeks after last test inj
    clomid 100mg Ed / nolva 40mg week one
    clomid 50mg Ed / nolva 20mg weeks 2-4

    This is what was suggested for me althought this is for a test prop and tren a cycle. For my cycle pct will start 4 days after my last test injection, but with test cyp or test e you should wait three weeks. I think this would also be a good pct for your cycle. If these guys say differently listen to them they know a lot more than me.
    Last edited by tomt45; 06-23-2010 at 03:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    Takin 400mg of test cyp a week for 10weeks.......should I use hgc comin off or will I be fine with just nolvadex since I ran .5 mg of arimidex everyday during my cycle
    You need to stop taking all compounds, they are clearly affecting your brain, from week to week your age changes like the weather...

    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    24 years old
    body fat is 14%
    previouse cycles-
    dbol ,sust,eq
    win,deca ,test prop
    anadrol ,win,test cyp

    Im lookin for somthin new that wont kill my body and ive never tried primo but my research says its easy on the body
    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    I'm brand new to anabolics. Im running primobolan 400 mgs a week and now im on my last six weeks wondering how to run this winny since I only have 200 tabs. Now listen Im not trying to get massive and explode 385 on bench 4 times im simply just looking to trim somebody fat and get a little bigger with some cuts.I've been on a great diet for the last 6 months and just want an edge to help. I'm 28 years old my body fat is at 17% im 6'2 230 lbs. I used to play college football back in the day This will be my second cycle in my life my first cycle was testoviron and deca.
    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    I'm 6'2 240 age 26 and i have 16% body fat...I just want a little edge to help my diet I'm not looking to get massive and go up 50lbs on my squat or bench just wanna trim up a lil look good for the sluts at the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    Hello im 21 years old and i want to take anabolic steroids. Ive done some research and would like to start off with test cyp and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate and run nolvadex while im on it and hit myself with HCG after 3 weeks after cycling off. OR I considerd test cyp and winstrol and doing the same pct. My goal is to lose some trunk fat and gain about 10lbs along with toneing up. My stats are....6'2 238lbs body fat 15%. I have been on a heavy diet and cardio trainning for a month now Im paying a trainer 300$ and a nutritionist 400$ to help me.I would like help with dosage and peoples opinions on what they would do. I only want to be on for 8 weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by jim apple View Post
    I'm 25 years old my body fat is 13% im 6'1 230lbs ....I will be taking 400 mgs of tests cyp for 10 weeks and taking.5mgs of arimidex idk how to set up my pct nor do I understand looking at 100000 different websites....please help!
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    007 has layeth the smack down... all is quiet.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    007 has layeth the smack down... all is quiet.
    I really dont understand people sometimes bro, makes you wonder if the op's even 18...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  11. #11
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    Well, I love to say something dumb in repsonse to really dumb cycle ideas, but the proposals are getting so damn rediculous Im even dumbfounded as to what to say

  12. #12
    Stigmata101's Avatar
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    This is too funny.....lmao

  13. #13
    steakline is offline New Member
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    LOL I like this site the directness I think I will stay a while.

  14. #14
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    Just shakin my head over here....

  15. #15
    Exilus is offline Banned
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  16. #16
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Now thats gettin called out Hard!! Don't think he'll be responding to this anymore.

    Nice job 007!

  17. #17
    calgarian's Avatar
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    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 22

  18. #18
    calgarian's Avatar
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    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 24

  19. #19
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    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 26

  20. #20
    calgarian's Avatar
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    ok fine screw u guys
    yo I am 18 looking for something so i can get jack......take it easy Yo

  21. #21
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 22
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 24
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i dont know what u guys r talking about I am 26
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    ok fine screw u guys
    yo I am 18 looking for something so i can get jack......take it easy Yo
    Well.... it was funny......... then you had to go an wreck it....

  22. #22
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    when school is out this happens almost daily, it's sad. I'll bet the op is no more than 17. I hate fvcking liars.

  23. #23
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [B
    Bertuzzi;5238134]Well.... it was funny......... [/B]then you had to go an wreck it....

    so u hitting me with a chair cause i did my job????

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