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Thread: hcg

  1. #1
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England

    Arrow hcg


    6 foot to the dot
    195lb (including water I think)
    12.5% using an electronic machine and solo user callipers
    This is my 4th/5th cycle all testE only till this one which is prop with the last 6 weeks with winny
    I've only ever used tamox and clomid, although upped the dose of tamox as I've stopped using clomid!
    I've been training for about 8 years properly. Current cycle/training/diet and pct is from a expert off this forum.


    Is someoen was wanthing to use HCG during a cycle but could only use it three weeks on and then have to take two weeks not using it (can not refridgerate it at work) is it worth taking or can it be taken like this without negetive sides?
    I know little about it so go easy on me.

    If i was just using it at teh end of a cycle how would it be used?
    I've looked for a good post to help but i'm getting contradicting messages


  2. #2
    ArmyMan04 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Far away
    HCG - How important is it?

    That is Swifto's post... hes prolly one of the most knowledgeable people on HCG ... read his post and the continued pages of peoples questions and answers... if you ahven't already...


  3. #3
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England
    Can anyone answer my above question? I can't find an answer in and posts?

    Q. Can HCG be take three weeks on and then take two weeks off using it during a 12 week test prop cycle with winny the last six weeks (can not refridgerate it at work).

    Is it worth taking like this or more so can it be taken like this without negetive sides?

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