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  1. #1
    helpme123a is offline New Member
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    Need help!!!!!! I have a herniated disc in my lumber spine can i take steriods?

    i have a herniated disc and im wondering if i can take deca and tren will this effect me ? plz help

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    uh.... if this is your first cycle tren is def NOT a good choice.... talk about back pain.....

    as for your back, if it feels strong and doesn't bother you then go for it, but remember your muscles will feel and work better while on a cycle so you could injure your self further. I prob would not push it.

    Is there a surgery that can help?

  3. #3
    helpme123a is offline New Member
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    i used to be in pain all day! i would have shooting pain going down my right leg which was a result to sicatca! i had a herniated disc and 3 bulding discs i couldnt sleep walk run sit or lay down i had a muscle spasm in my right leg for a month and i couldnt work out for 8 to 9 months and i used to be a body builder n i ****ed my shit up! i was benching 325! squatiing over 500 shruging with 150 pound dumbells in each hand and with the bar i was shurging over 2 plates on each side! i maxed out all the leg machines tricep machines i maxed out the lat pull down think it was over 210 or more not sure, i did that all with no steriods but i lost so much! but recently my doctor told me i can work out again but i cant run yet, they told me i can only lift 5 to 10 pound dumbells and i tryed to lift more and i can feel it in my back and its not a good feeling now these days i can sit normally sleep normally i just cant twist or bend to much! surgery is way out of the question my doctor told me no i am 19 to young for it she told me it will heal but im sick of waiting its been almost a full year n it feels like its healing way to slow, so your saying not a good idea? Doesnt a cycle mess up your joints so that would make my herniated disc even worse?

  4. #4
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    Well since your 19 no you shouldn't take steroids at all. For sure no tren at all. I have been recovering from back surgery from the same injury you have and I still don't feel good enough to cycle. If I had an existing injury like yours I wouldn't consider it at all. What your doc told you is kinda only half true. You may start to feel better but if the disc is herniated it will always be there. The ones bulging could go anytime also but I would still not do any squats, deadlifts, or anything that puts pressure on your spine. So to sum it up yes steroids could make your back a lot worse.

  5. #5
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Dude, you can't possibly work out to your potential with a herniated disk.. you need to heal yourself before even considering intense excersise.. nevermind juice..

    Also, you're 19.. you'll shoot your eye out kid (too young)..

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