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  1. #1
    Midds is offline New Member
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    worried about acne

    I ran my last cycle of test prop at 525mg per week 7 months ago, i got severe acne whilst on and especially during pct, i had to run ro accutane for 6 months its cleared my skin up perfect! I am shit scared to get back on because i am worried my acne will come back. They do say once you run accutane your acne should never come back because it shrinks the sebatious glands permanantly. Has anyone had any issues with acne after running roaccuatne. Thanks

  2. #2
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I have some little tricks that should eliminate all if not most of your acne.

    1. Your diet is 95% of the problem. Clean your diet up and cut 99% of the sugar out of your diet unless it is post work out, also take in alot more good essential omega 3 fats! they are anti inflammatories...get about 10 000mg a day split between meals.

    2. Drink alot of water!

    3. Make sure your skin is clean, moisturized, and disinfected. Try adding some epsom salts, and a cup of bleach to a hot bath and sit in it for 10-15 mins a couple times a week...kills the bacteria and sofens the skin. Also use a non oil based moistuizer.

    p.s if a doc tells you diet has nothing to do with acne then they have no idea wtf they are talking about! blood sugar level have alot to do with acne! If it comes from a can or you cant pronounce the words on the box then it shouldnt be in your body...veggies, meat, potatos...also try to get plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midds View Post
    I ran my last cycle of test prop at 525mg per week 7 months ago, i got severe acne whilst on and especially during pct, i had to run ro accutane for 6 months its cleared my skin up perfect! I am shit scared to get back on because i am worried my acne will come back. They do say once you run accutane your acne should never come back because it shrinks the sebatious glands permanantly. Has anyone had any issues with acne after running roaccuatne. Thanks
    when did you stop the 6 months accutane?

    During your next cycle just buy accutane from your source, and run it at 10mg/eod while on cycle.

    You're right that using accutane down permenantly reduce your oil glands; however, once you introduce hormones into your body again, they can reactivate. Also, it can depend on the dose you ran, that will dictate the effectives the accutane had on your oil glands.. so yah, did you run it at >60mg/ed for most of the 6 month period?

    Also, continue to use it throughout the PCT, during this time you can become very vulnerable to severe acne, as your hormonal levels will be fluctuating the most during this time.. so if you're prone increase to 10mg/ed of accutane while in PCT.

    Run some Liv52 at the same time. Perhaps even a gram of milk-thistle each day as well.


  4. #4
    Ferdinand is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midds View Post
    I ran my last cycle of test prop at 525mg per week 7 months ago, i got severe acne whilst on and especially during pct, i had to run ro accutane for 6 months its cleared my skin up perfect! I am shit scared to get back on because i am worried my acne will come back. They do say once you run accutane your acne should never come back because it shrinks the sebatious glands permanantly. Has anyone had any issues with acne after running roaccuatne. Thanks
    I ran roaccutane for 1 year straight (in my youth, didnt use AAS, was 17-18 years old) it also cleared up all my acne.

    Am now 24 and i have ran 2 cycles, one with Test only and one Test/Deca and i have NOT had any acne problems, only some small pimples during pct weeks.

    This is my experience, you might not be as never know until u tried really.

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midds View Post
    I ran my last cycle of test prop at 525mg per week 7 months ago, i got severe acne whilst on and especially during pct, i had to run ro accutane for 6 months its cleared my skin up perfect! I am shit scared to get back on because i am worried my acne will come back. They do say once you run accutane your acne should never come back because it shrinks the sebatious glands permanantly. Has anyone had any issues with acne after running roaccuatne. Thanks
    I think accutane is a last ditch effort. It works but it has so many various side effects and effects people differently. Clean diet is crucial as well as drinking plenty of water. We have been using a topical scrub for around 2 years that works miracles on skin,,,acne,,oily skin,,razor burn..etc..
    if interested in the link to the product pm me and I will forward it. I have zero interest in the company but I just know they sale somethng that really helps. My whole camp uses it and in 20+ yrs its the best thing ive seen on the market that has no side effects.

  6. #6
    thetruthc32 is offline Associate Member
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    i take 3 showers a day, after my first, i take sea breeze on a swab and do my shoulders, chest and face. 2nd shower, apricot scrub, 3rd shower antibacterial soap, almost completely cleared up .

  7. #7
    kenny1022 is offline Associate Member
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    i use sea breeze before going to bed and it seems to keep the zits away (500 mg of sustanon EW).

    i did accutane - 6 cycles - in my youth. face is fine now but it really depends on how persistent your acne is.

  8. #8
    thetruthc32 is offline Associate Member
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    just cant stop once you see it clears up

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