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  1. #1
    kramrassac is offline New Member
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    Boldenone and Test Enathate


    I am thinking of starting a cycle which is made up of 400mg boldenon and 500mg Testosterone Enathate.. I am also will be having arimidex day in day out... What do you guys thing? and should i make some real gains when implementing this cycle with proper nutrition, training and rest?and what do you think about side effects?


  2. #2
    cobra305's Avatar
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  3. #3
    kramrassac is offline New Member
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    185lbs (low bodyfat)
    training for 3 yrs
    prior cycles
    -250mg sustanon + dianabols for 8 weeks
    -100mg trenbolone + 100mg testoverone for 10 weeks + winstrol 30mg e/d for 6 weeks

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    How about posting your diet, 2 cycles and your only 185lbs tells me your not eating correctly..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    kramrassac is offline New Member
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    Comapred to what i was wieghing 3 yrs ago i gained over 50 pounds and right now i am in my best condition i have ever been.. in Off season i weighed around 204 pounds..

  6. #6
    anabolix112's Avatar
    anabolix112 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kramrassac View Post

    I am thinking of starting a cycle which is made up of 400mg boldenon and 500mg Testosterone Enathate.. I am also will be having arimidex day in day out... What do you guys thing? and should i make some real gains when implementing this cycle with proper nutrition, training and rest?and what do you think about side effects?

    Consider if you really need that arimidex. Boldenon if its legit combined with enanthate should make pretty steady and simple run, less water retention, more strength and somewhat hard and veiny look without being too extreme. However enanthate might bloat a bit but afterall muscles need that water retention for optimal growth enviroment. No stress to liver, shouldn't be too bad for sleep and psyche and ofcourse everyone is individual and gets different effects and maybe won't need even that much test in machine. I would drop test bit lower, you won't need propably that arimidex and you will propably get more motivation when your gains are pretty much the lean stuff that boldenon is to give. Nothing dramatic but im sure you'll be happy what you get and have still tricks in reserve for future if you're really intrested on continuing in that road. Its up to you.

    If you run arimidex still, combine it with clomifen. If you dont need it really drop it at first place along with the test amount. You wont get that much sides and your gains will be more solid and recovery from cycle much easier.

    Its upto you afterall. Boldenone is pretty safe choice and eh i have a friend who has a friend who has a friend who actually liked the results (ok im not buing that magazine)....

  7. #7
    kramrassac is offline New Member
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    Actually i was thinking of not including the arimidex because there is not much estrogen involved right??.. i am not looking to get that real bulky look because i am planing to stay lean all year round but adding pure mass to my base. thanks!!

  8. #8
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kramrassac View Post
    Actually i was thinking of not including the arimidex because there is not much estrogen involved right??.. i am not looking to get that real bulky look because i am planing to stay lean all year round but adding pure mass to my base. thanks!!
    Yea wise choice and besides, arimidex does kill estrogen which should be present in some amounts but i don't remember the whole mechanism that actually causes in many cases more harm than benefit. Someone with more knowledge and national competition experience explained the mechanics and actual side effects of that medication when i was using it and had some problems with my health that i didn't connect to that. He also recommended to add up clomifen with that if i was to continue it and also told me the details why. Too bad i cannot refer to those since my mind works this way:

    I study, get info from different sources and experiences, form an opinion knowing what affects to what and why then years later i only remember what should be done but not specifically why.

    The thing that happened to me during arimidex, yes i was able to use aromatising gear without bloating or water retention but with the cost that i was sick all the time before i added clomifen to the mix and it did work but what was the point. Body gets used to excessive amount of gear and youre pushing just too much in when it starts to show adverse effects, in that point gains got from that excess aren't comparable to volume and receptors will eventually downgrade even more thus making situation where you're out of ammo. So went back to basics, learned what works with me, and dropped even nolvadex . Actually i noticed that i was only prone to progesteronic effects caused by some brands fex. deca but those i was able to fight of combining little winstrol in the mix. Actually now i know that it truly isn't about the amounts, sometimes, and in most cases and goals less is more and continuity is the key. Solid and steady gains, less injuries, healthier way in every possible aspect. And theres also life outside the bodybuilding.

    EQ will give what you want, keep the test down if you respond well without that amount. You will always have that in reserve if you're completely sure it will lead to better gains. Sometimes it might be even opposite. And hey ofcourse leaner look gotten from anabolics is more motivating and you get to keep what u get and recover much more easilly without that. Good luck what ever you decide.

  9. #9
    kramrassac is offline New Member
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    Thanks alot for ur reply.. so its better if i lower the anathate at first then i increase the mg only if neede right? EQ is ok with 400mg per week? thnaks

  10. #10
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kramrassac View Post
    Thanks alot for ur reply.. so its better if i lower the anathate at first then i increase the mg only if neede right? EQ is ok with 400mg per week? thnaks
    It takes a while to enanthate to raise your levels since its pretty slow acting, also EQ takes its time before you really get to notice whats going on so you can basically take that first shot of 500mg and then run the weekly average below that amount eg. 300-400mg per week, the lower amount you get going with the better. Eq is good with 400mg but if you want to up something drop rather test for example to 300mg week and up the EQ instead to 500mg week, that should give pretty strong effect atleast to most of us.
    I would run test propably 300-400mg per week and eq 400-500mg a week.
    Fex 400mg test 400mg eq
    or 300mg test 500mg eq
    or propably personally 300mg and 400mg

    Just keep in mind that since thats pretty slow stuff you can keep upto while longer maybe about 12 weeks. My personal preference with that gear available.

  11. #11
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Then again i have gotten great results with 20-30mg win/day and 150mg anadrol a week combined to aproxx 300-350mg test per week average, where personal favourite being propionate . That set i hardly recommend to anyone else because the fact that especially if the product is low quality (anadrol/winstrol ) or if you arent aware how anadrol actually has to be used which is pretty much different than most bodybuilders do. Using method that was being used to group of professional athletes which is sure promoting that substance to number one place in my chart being effective, safe, and not causing disconfortable feeling or elevated values in bloodwork but only when used safely and pure known product. Liver value that gets affected due to mixture of those was around 80-120 so sure it broke the normal limit but just barely and during that period amount was bit higher 175mg anadrol and 210mg winstrol a week tho i didn't notice significant difference to bit lower amounts. Propionate lets you control your testo levels the way you want and giving you that boost when needed. Tho that gives much hassle and constant intake and monitoring yourself and book keeping to run those correctly. Not doin those or anything now but hey your set reminded me from good old eq and having free time from popping and injecting which sounds pretty relaxing and all the time you have your system rigged for very nice and steady gains just be patient at the beginning, eq will built up and so does hunger Enanthate is pretty slow so i would do 500mg on first shot and then continue after a week with the average i suggested, you want to get solid gains which you do get from anabolics, test is mainly there to replace your suppressed own test and give you bit anabolic /androgen effects, just in the limits of not giving you too much aromatising and unwanted effects.

  12. #12
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    Funny. EQ was also one of the few fakes that i have seen. The perfectly legit looking 50mg version that was available contained nothing atleast the bottle that was sent to lab and the underground very crappy looking cheap product with promises of high mg/ml was just what it claimed to be. Hah well no need to do labwork of anything anymore.

  13. #13
    maximus05 is offline New Member
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    boldenone and test are bothe estrogenic steroids ... my approach would be to choose one of them as a base; test is very effective and low toxicity, and add an adrogen like tren or another low estrogenic steroid as the secondary... this would increase anabolic growth and keep the estrogenic sides to a minimum...

  14. #14
    pumpingiron8079 is offline Junior Member
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    If I remember correctly this is the cycle Arod got caught using.

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