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  1. #1
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Arimidex during/after cycle

    Doing my first cycle. its a 10 week cycle. On day 3.
    Test Cypionate 300, 100mgs/eod
    Tren E 200, 100mgs/eod


    So my buddy Im doing this with told me to take Arimidex during the cycle, as thats what he does. After all my research, I decided to go with .5eod. There are so many conflicting and not enough answered questions for what Im looking for out there so wanted to ask.
    A) Do i need to take Arimidex?
    B) If so does this sound like the right dose?
    c) What are the down sides of taking Arim during a cycle?
    d) do i need it for PCT as well? (i got novladex for after)
    E) Do I need anything else like Arim during my cycle?

  2. #2
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    I would save the armidex until you start showing signs of gyno. Apart from wasting it (and thus wasting money) you will know whether you are gyno prone or not, which is valuable knowlege.

  3. #3
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Stop your cycle... you are too small to be running a cycle. You must not have a solid diet. You also shouldn't be running Tren in your first cycle.

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I could BB curl you bro. Stop the drugs, and go buy 80lbs of meat/poultry, 80lbs of rice, and 80lbs of vegetables with some healthy fats on the side. ***Supplements are optional***

    Begin recovery protocol NOW. Your wasting your cycle and by the time PCT ends, you'll be back to weighing what you are now.

    Take the experienced advice to heart. The diet section has a wealth of information. Come back when you ready and we'll be glad to steer you in the right direction in regards to Steroid usage.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JScondition View Post
    Stop your cycle... you are too small to be running a cycle. You must not have a solid diet. You also shouldn't be running Tren in your first cycle.
    x 2...

    jing jai

  6. #6
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Ok, why should i stop my cycle? Ive always wanted to try it and now I am. I finally have the chance to do it and access to it. Im trying to put on muscle and weight and yes I am eating a lot and working out. If i have it and doing it why should I stop? Im working out hard and eating lots. So what is bad about that?

    Whats recovery protocol?

    Also, why not run Tren in first cycle?

  7. #7
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    And its ok to start arimidex once I notice any sides? Its not too late then?

  8. #8
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Plus, im not trying to be huge, im trying to put on some muscle and a few pounds and have a lean but muscular build, which is what I have now. But im lookin to add more. There are 5 other guys at my gym, doing this, just like me and they look great. So im doing the same as them. Im not big and huge like you all nor want to be so.

    So is there any harm in me doing this? I dont see any

  9. #9
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoganDC View Post
    So is there any harm in me doing this? I dont see any
    Refer below. You'd be wasting your cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Begin recovery protocol NOW. Your wasting your cycle because by the time PCT ends, you'll be back to weighing what you are now.
    Dude, if your trying to only put on a few lbs, eat. It's simple as that. Your goals don't require drugs, they require food. And not even a lot at that considering your goal is to up on a "few lbs".

    You can't just jump into steroids with no knowledge of nutrition. Steroids don't work without proper nutrition intake.

    Hell man, I take terds that weight as much as you want to gain off this cycle.

    Take it from me, spend a whole month eating the right foods. If you want me to guide in nutrition wise, I will. It'll put you to where you want to be without ****ing with illegal substances and risking health issues.

  10. #10
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Sorry i meant to say I wanted to put on like 20 lbs. But with my body type I eat and eat and I havent been able to get above 155. So I wanted to do this cycle to help me with that. And ive already put on 4 lbs this week. So again, why is this bad?
    And when you say risk health issues...what health issues am I risking that you all arent risking? Am I prone to something different? Please explain.
    Im just looking for help and advice here, not looking to be chastised for doing something other friends are doing just like me, esp after doing lots of research and feeling im learning a lot. Thanks

  11. #11
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoganDC View Post
    Sorry i meant to say I wanted to put on like 20 lbs. But with my body type I eat and eat and I havent been able to get above 155. So I wanted to do this cycle to help me with that. And ive already put on 4 lbs this week. So again, why is this bad?
    And when you say risk health issues...what health issues am I risking that you all arent risking? Am I prone to something different? Please explain.
    Im just looking for help and advice here, not looking to be chastised for doing something other friends are doing just like me, esp after doing lots of research and feeling im learning a lot. Thanks
    1. Please list your diet in detail.
    2. The risk of losing gains because you don't know how to diet. You eat and eat and eat and can't get over 155lbs @ 5'10. That's because your diet blows.

  12. #12
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    ok I will post my diet
    But again, tell me what Im doing wrong by doing a cycle?
    Why shouldnt I be doing Tren first time? I dont see much on this site to say diffrent?
    And what are these health issues that i am supposedly risking that others arent?

  13. #13
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Alright, where to begin...

    You don't understand how to diet. Which in turn will lead to lose of all your gains right after your PCT ends. Why? Because you don't know how to eat. Furthermore, since you don't know how to eat, the gains you get during the cycle will me minimal.

    If you knew how to eat, then the food intake would enhance the results of your steroid cycle and help maintain nearly all of your gains once finished.

    Tren is the harshest compound out there in terms of AAS. You need to see how you react first to Test and see how the sides come out. You can't just jump into using the steroid that has a reputation for bringing on the most side effects out of all AAS. And it's potency is the highest there is per 100ml being 83% or so, next to suspension.

    Everybody is at risk of health issues, the biggest one you are at risk for is the simple fact that you eat like my little niece and the steroids will not work, and whatever gains you might make, will disappear. So a complete waste of cycle/money.

    And I don't see the diet..

  14. #14
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Not saying you are old, but at your age, have you gone in to have any blood work done to see what your test levels are at?

    Keep in mind, steroids are not a 'why not, just try them' drug. You can do serious damage to yourself if your body is not ready for them. If you just want to add 20lbs, then you need to adjust your diet.

    Do extensive research before you put anything into your body. Using steroids should be a last resort to push your body further than it can go naturally.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  15. #15
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    I havent gone in recently to get my test levels done. I did have them done like 2 years ago and they were like 600. I dont have a reason to just go ask for bloodwork...I was having bloodwork done at one point and asked them to check my test levels. so im not sure where 600 lies on the good/bad scale.

    I will add more cal to my diet, i eat 6 times a day, 3 square clean meals, 2 protein shakes, snacks, like nuts, fruit, 1 protein bar. Plus vitamins, fish oil and such.

    So Ive already done two shots of test and two of tren this week. Not sure when side effects would start. So are you saying I should stop the tren and just go with the test? My friend is doing the same and has for several years and told me test would be better with tren.

  16. #16
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    And I guess I cant go in now and get my test levels check right... since ive started the cycle...

  17. #17
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    anyone??? hello?

  18. #18
    not so slim's Avatar
    not so slim is offline Junior Member
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    Don'T get mad they are being harsh but just trying to help! you need to post your diet in detail what you eat every meal, and how much!
    And you should just run test for your first cycle so you will know how your body reacts good and bad!

  19. #19
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Soory guys know i am the new guy. But i think this guy realy realy want to do this cycle. LOL !!

    Ok this is my advise Mr. This is ur first cycle ever. So just do it simpel and clean. Tren is not a joke. So do not mess with it.

    We all react difrent to difrent things. So just do the test alone. With no SERM or AI to protect u from sides. This way u kan see how u react to the test alone. Some get bad sides and others do not.

    Why dont u post ur diet ??

  20. #20
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    haha... who told you to shoot those long esters EOD?


  21. #21
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    haha... who told you to shoot those long esters EOD?

    Some are prone to gyno. And do it because of that. And more stedy blood levels.

  22. #22
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Well my bud whos been doing this for 4 years, certified personal trainer and everything, very well worked out and seems to know what he's talking about, has advised me on this. He told me I should do the test eod, the tren eod, the Arimidex eod so as to not get gyno.So ive done three shots so far. So I guess this is wrong? is there an issue with doing Arimidex? why wait til symptoms show up?

    So i should just stop the tren now after 3 shots? If there are issues with it, would I have noticed them by now?

  23. #23
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Stop using the tren . This is ur first cycle. And u not know what u are doing. Was ur first car a Ferari ?? I gues not. So just step on them breaks. And do the cyp alone. By the way do u have Dostinex or Bromo in hand ??

  24. #24
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    Well it seems that after everything Im reading and the comments that its best to stop the Tren . No problem doing that.
    I will stick to test.
    Ive had 3 shots of the Tren so far, 100mgs each. Didnt think i needed Dostinex and read mixed reviews. Would I need it now after three shots? Is it only if I was have having a low sex drive?
    Im taking arimidex eod .5mg.
    Is there anything else I should be taking during this 10 week cycle, just the test and the arim?
    Thanks all

  25. #25
    LoganDC is offline New Member
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    I also have Nolvadex for PCT. Again, anything else I should do? Ive read about HCG . Seems a good thing to add to PCT? If I do this one cycle, do the PCT, I should be back to where I was before I started in terms of everything normal in my system pretty much?

  26. #26
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    I had a friend tell me it was ok to do a deca cycle alone one time before i knew better.....guess what at 25 i couldnt get it up (thankfully i recovered) but the point is dont always believe what your friends say do more research on your own......ST

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