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  1. #1
    JScondition's Avatar
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    How long after cycle for Letro?

    Seems like a lot of AI threads today, so here's another.

    Little background: I am running a Test cycle now taking .25mg liquidex eod to combat gyno. Problem is... I have had gyno since puberty and am just trying to keep it from getting worse on cycle. The plan was to run my cycle and pct... then sometime after that use letro to "reverse" the gyno.

    How long after my cycle should I wait to use letro as a gyno reversal and still keep my gains? or should I use C Bino's advice for reversing gyno while still on cycle?
    here's his thread All you need to know about GYNO. I would be using option 1.
    Last edited by JScondition; 06-25-2010 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Definetely don't administer the reversal process while on cycle as it will severely hinder your gains. You should wait until after your pct is complete and then administer the reversal process. I'm kind of inclined to recommend you wait until the standard time on=time off+pct, but I'm not sure if thats absolutely necessary..

    bump for more info on that..

  3. #3
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Im wondering if I can just add it to the end of my PCT then add two weeks of nolva after the reversal process and count that whole time as "time on" and then go to "time off" after that.


  4. #4
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Just so you know if you do letro at 2.5 mgs a day while not on cycle you can count on your sex drive being totally wiped out

    What week of cycle are you in ?
    how is your gyno now worse or the same ?

  5. #5
    JScondition's Avatar
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    Im half way through week 4(12 wk cycle) of my test c cycle. I kickstarted it with hdrol 100mg/day and I'm running that for 6 weeks. I'm pretty sure test is the culprit because I ran hdrol last December and didn't have a problem with gyno.

    My gyno used to have a soft lump, but I feel like it is getting harder. I'm not sure though because it could also be because my pecs are growing a little bit and pushing it more toward the skin/nip.

    I am going to try liquidex @ .25mg ed for a while to see if it helps. I have also noticed a little bit of bloat so I am hoping this will help.

  6. #6
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    adex should control your gyno but wont do S H I T for reducing existing gyno
    are you on dex now or not if not I wouldnt mess around and wait it will jsut get worse
    your test should just be kicking in are you sure it wasnt already there
    I wouldnt do letro off cycle personally if i was gonna do letro I would run a maintenance dose now until you are at a point in your cycle that you feel comfortable to up the dose for reversal protocol say week 9 or 10 thats my .02


  7. #7
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjohnson1968 View Post
    adex should control your gyno but wont do S H I T for reducing existing gyno
    are you on dex now or not if not I wouldnt mess around and wait it will jsut get worse
    your test should just be kicking in are you sure it wasnt already there
    I wouldnt do letro off cycle personally if i was gonna do letro I would run a maintenance dose now until you are at a point in your cycle that you feel comfortable to up the dose for reversal protocol say week 9 or 10 thats my .02

    It's not that bad now, but I def don't want it getting worse. I will up my frequency of dex to .25ed and see how it goes. If it gets worse I will wait till the end of cycle to run reversal.

    Thanks for your help bro

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