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  1. #1
    sleggio is offline New Member
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    45 and want to try my 1st cycle

    Greetings all! I'm 45 and have been training seriously for 11 years. I have never used steroids but am contemplating it and need guidance.

    I have made significant progress during this time: I am 5'9" 230lbs with 34" waist (I don't know my bf%), my best bench is 500 and squat 500x8. I train each bodypart twice per week (1day heavy, 1 day. The only supplements I take are whey protein and creatine. I get about 300-320 grams of protein/day from a variety of sources, lots of fruit and vegetables and eat about 4,000 calories per day.

    However, the past year I've seen negligible improvement, hence my interest in cycling. My goal over the next 2-3 years is to get to a solid, lean and sustainable 250lbs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA

  2. #2
    TxRxIxPxLxE is offline Junior Member
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    Impressed, sorry can't give that much of a advice since I'am only new to this too. But with alot of comitment and training even harder than before, you could reach that weight in a year or two if you pushed hard enough.

  3. #3
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board,

    A good beginners cycle is either test only or test/d-bol. A ton of people have amazing results from a test only cycle for their first go..

    Test E/or C
    500mg/wk 10 weeks. Could go 12 as well but you're sure to respond well from a 10 week cycel as well.

    Not sure what your bf% is so, that aside, you should make sure its as low as possible before you start and you may want to get your blood checked before and afterward as well.

    Anyone else? Am I forgetting anything?

    Good luck,


    Have you read up on pct? If not, do so in the pct forum.. wealth of information all around you.

  4. #4
    sleggio is offline New Member
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    I understand there are different types of test - which one are you referring to? I know that people have varying responses to test, but what would be considered a successful outcome in terms of true muscle gained vs water retention vs body fat? As far as bf%, I am currently dieting to get to the 218-220 range. I'll be there in 6 weeks.

    Also, I am very concerned about gyno - what can be done to prevent it during and after a cycle?

  5. #5
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Hey Bro welcome to the board..

    first offI would like to say I was 42 when I did my fisrt cycle off test c 500 mgs a week for 12 weeks which I kickstarted with dbol @ 30mgs and increased to 40mgs

    As far as cycling test I love it and surely have no regrets whatsoever.. Just the sense of well being alone is a great plus My starting weight was 205 and I increased to 230 on cycle of course some of that being water I now weigh in at 223 so I kept most of those gains

    If I were you I would make sure your bf is down to 12-15 no higher then run a simple test enthanate or test cypionate at 500mgs for 10-12 weeks
    I did not like dbol personally the excessive water sucked for me and I got sides from it but others love it
    Do you know injection protocol for test e/c ?
    what about pct?
    do you know how to control estrogen related side effects ?


  6. #6
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Its hard to say; there are all kinds of variables that come into play. Age, diet, excersise routine.. looking over your stats (although you still haven't posted a bf% but instead waist size) and considering your routine and lifting experience, I would guess that a beginners cycle would yield increadible results for you. I say that because you have fitness experience over the past decade and it sounds like you have reached a plateau, perhaps becuase of your age, that testosterone would likey help you overcome.

    I'll post a thread in a moment to help you with your gyno questions..

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
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  8. #8
    sleggio is offline New Member
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    The link you posted is broken (at least when I clicked on it). Regarding the 500mg TestC, would these be administered 1/week or 250mg 2/week?

  9. #9
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    You can take an ai during your test cycle to combat gyno. Works wonders for me. Have your pct and ai on hand before running any cycle.

  10. #10
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    At your age, you may want to get tested to see if you need HRT.

    Have you checked out this yet:

  11. #11
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    You can take an ai during your test cycle to combat gyno. Works wonders for me. Have your pct and ai on hand before running any cycle.
    not even that, get some proviron which will combat estro to some degree and compliments test. They are very synergistic together.

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Proviron (Mesterolone)

    The more and more I research it, i think we under estimate provirons benefits in every cycle.

  12. #12
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    not even that, get some proviron which will combat estro to some degree and compliments test. They are very synergistic together.

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Proviron (Mesterolone)

    The more and more I research it, i think we under estimate provirons benefits in every cycle.
    Proviron isn't strong enough to prevent gyno. Anyone that's gyno prone should be taking an AI.

    To the OP, you need to continue to read the informative stickies at the top of this page and research PCT. You will see suggested beginners cycles and learn for yourself how to run a successful PCT. Once you have researched, post your tentative cycle including PCT for experienced members evaluation.

    Regarding your stats, you're obviously ready to use AAS.

  13. #13
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    I would get blood work done first so you have a baseline or to see if you qualify for HRT. I am your age and pick up my test at the grocery store. Anyway, first cycle I would do 500MG test-c spilt twice a week. I wouldn't worry about an AI unless you are prone or just want to have on hand.

  14. #14
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Proviron isn't strong enough to prevent gyno. Anyone that's gyno prone should be taking an AI.

    To the OP, you need to continue to read the informative stickies at the top of this page and research PCT. You will see suggested beginners cycles and learn for yourself how to run a successful PCT. Once you have researched, post your tentative cycle including PCT for experienced members evaluation.

    Regarding your stats, you're obviously ready to use AAS.
    I never said it was strong enough. I said it will combat it to some degree...and I dont remember the OP saying he is gyno prone besides mentioning he's worried about it because its not something he knows alot about, so I am not sure where you bring up an AI out of nowhere without knowing his situation.

    Even if the OP decides he is, he shouldn't use an AI right away. It could hinder gains and all one needs to help prevent gyno (in most cases) would be nolva. It would bind to estrogen receptors ONLY in the breast region to protect against gyno. It doesn't cut estrogen in the rest of the body down so that is why it is better on cycle. Nolva with proviron while on cycle would promote more free circulating testosterone and cut down on unnecessarily high amounts of estro.
    Last edited by Shredded1; 06-26-2010 at 08:04 PM.

  15. #15
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    I never said it was strong enough. I said it will combat it to some degree...and I dont remember the OP saying he is gyno prone besides mentioning he's worried about it because its not something he knows alot about, so I am not sure where you bring up an AI out of nowhere without knowing his situation.

    Even if the OP decides he is, he shouldn't use an AI right away. It could hinder gains and all one needs to help prevent gyno (in most cases) would be nolva. It would bind to estrogen receptors ONLY in the breast region to protect against gyno. It doesn't cut estrogen in the rest of the body down so that is why it is better on cycle. Nolva with proviron while on cycle would promote more free circulating testosterone and cut down on unnecessarily high amounts of estro.
    Use an ai while on cycle, not nolva. Use nolva for pct.
    Last edited by AlphaGenetics; 06-26-2010 at 08:51 PM.

  16. #16
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    I never said it was strong enough. I said it will combat it to some degree...and I dont remember the OP saying he is gyno prone besides mentioning he's worried about it because its not something he knows alot about, so I am not sure where you bring up an AI out of nowhere without knowing his situation.

    Even if the OP decides he is, he shouldn't use an AI right away. It could hinder gains and all one needs to help prevent gyno (in most cases) would be nolva. It would bind to estrogen receptors ONLY in the breast region to protect against gyno. It doesn't cut estrogen in the rest of the body down so that is why it is better on cycle. Nolva with proviron while on cycle would promote more free circulating testosterone and cut down on unnecessarily high amounts of estro.
    He said he was worried about gyno and an AI was suggested for gyno prevention. You recommend proviron as an alternative, which it is not. I take an AI every cycle as opposed to nolva and it hasn't hurt my gains one bit.

    You could learn a thing or two from experienced members. The written profiles don't always accurately describe the compound.

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