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  1. #1
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    New member...would like some advice

    Hello guys, new member here though I know these forums very well from research

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 192
    BF: 14%
    Cycle experience: Test E/Dbol bulker
    (And tons of reading/researching)

    I am going to run a cutter now that my diet is in check and I want to preserve (or possibly gain) as much muscle as possible. I had two proposed cycles I want you to look over:

    1) 1-10: Test Prop 350mg/wk (50mg/ed)
    1-10: Masteron 525mg/wk (75mg/ed)
    2 wks on 1 off: Clen up to 120mcg

    2) 1-10: Test prop 350mg/wk
    1-8: Tren Ace 350mg/wk
    2 wks on 1 off: Clen up to 120mcg

    I know diet and cardio are KEY to getting shredded, but despite that, which of the cycles will help me maintain/gain muscle best and have more fat burning properties? I have to admit im skeptical on using tren because of HTPA suppresion, sleepless nights, night sweats, etc. Im just not sure now is the best time to incorporate it or wait till i bulk and use it. But at the same time, I know mast might not do much till im at a lower bf, but ive heard it still hardens you up and at the dose I have it at, it would definitely make me harder. Plus its SGBH reducing properties frees up more test that im running.
    Last edited by Chiseled; 06-27-2010 at 07:59 PM.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Both can give you the same results with the right diet, but the second option may carry more sides due to the fact Tren is the harshest compound in the AAS world.

    Since this is your second go, give option 1 a try.

    Keep AI's on hand and what is your PCT plan?

  3. #3
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Both can give you the same results with the right diet, but the second option may carry more sides due to the fact Tren is the harshest compound in the AAS world.

    Since this is your second go, give option 1 a try.

    Keep AI's on hand and what is your PCT plan?
    PCT consists of nolva/proviron /clen (clen for mild anti-catabolics effects)

  4. #4
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    2 please...

  5. #5
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Tren is very toxic, but it is by far my favorite aas. Incredible muscle density, incredibly lean physique, and strength goes through the roof. I only run it at 300mg a week though, and no longer than 8 weeks.

  6. #6
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    2 please...
    lol...could you elaborate bro? Thanks

  7. #7
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    He's not as experienced as some of us are. Ease your way into the AAS world man, you have PLENTY of time to experiment.

    But I will say this, Tren is the best compound ever created. But it isn't for the weak at heart.

  8. #8
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Are you not this guy:
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 185
    BF: 15%
    Cycle experience: Test Enan 500mg/wk 10 weeks
    coumpounds best used for cutting
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 06-27-2010 at 08:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Are you not this guy:

    coumpounds best used for cutting
    who is that? sorry bro this is someone completely different.

  10. #10
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiseled View Post
    lol...could you elaborate bro? Thanks

    Just like the others have stated. Tren is wicked. But being tren a, if you can't handle the sides, you can stop and it will be out in a few days.

  11. #11
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    Yeah right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    true. I should work on my diet alot more. I agree i just wanted something mild that would help me retain some muscle while using clen . Which i still plan to do soon.

    So when i do i think im gunna do something light like this:

    Masteron : 500mg/week
    Test prop: 350mg/week
    Clen: up to 120mcg

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiseled View Post
    Hello guys, new member here though I know these forums very well from research

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 192
    BF: 14%
    Cycle experience: Test E/Dbol bulker
    (And tons of reading/researching)

    1) 1-10: Test Prop 350mg/wk (50mg/ed)
    1-10: Masteron 525mg/wk (75mg/ed)
    2 wks on 1 off: Clen up to 120mcg

    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 185
    BF: 15%
    Cycle experience: Test Enan 500mg/wk 10 weeks

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiseled View Post
    who is that? sorry bro this is someone completely different.

    It's funny how you have similiar stats and have proposed exactly the same cycles, just you're older now?
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 06-27-2010 at 08:20 PM.

  12. #12
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Just like the others have stated. Tren is wicked. But being tren a, if you can't handle the sides, you can stop and it will be out in a few days.
    Gotcha. I am still a little concerned about the HPTA shutdown though. Not so worried about night sweats and cardio issues (i have clen so it would clear/open the lungs making it easy again).

  13. #13
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Its probably a good thing that tren has the sides it does, because if it worked as well as it does, but had the mild sides of something like anavar or deca , i would never go off!

    Sorry, i just get really excited over tren, can't wait till i'm back on it.

  14. #14
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Yeah right?
    im not gunna argue with you bro. You can believe what you want, it doesn't bother me, I actually think it's funny that you have so much time on your hands that you spot out cycle similarities and assume someone is another member. But what does bother me is being unproductive to the thread I made so please if you don't want to contribute, then leave.

    Back on topic, are there any more people out there have used these compounds and can vouch for them and their results?
    Last edited by Chiseled; 06-27-2010 at 08:37 PM.

  15. #15
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    He's not as experienced as some of us are. Ease your way into the AAS world man, you have PLENTY of time to experiment.

    But I will say this, Tren is the best compound ever created. But it isn't for the weak at heart.
    thanks bro. Yeah I am going to hold off on the tren ... i just dont think it would be beneficial long term to run it this early in the game not to mention it being this hot out during summer idk if I could handle the tren sides. Not worth it in all categories IMO.

    Test prop 350mg/wk and mast 525mg/wk it is!

  16. #16
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Much respect for taking the wiser route man, truly.

  17. #17
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Much respect for taking the wiser route man, truly.
    thanks for the kind words bro, dont get me wrong its tempting to use tren , but sometimes you have to think long term, and this is definitely one of those times.

    And knowing how aggressive and pumped I get on test, my strength will skyrocket combined with masteron (more dht). And ill feel great 24/7. So all in all, im glad i chose this route. BTW thanks for the advice bro, always great to have good people point you in the right direction.

  18. #18
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
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    He's trying to help you not hurt himself.
    And when you see the same cycle posted by "two different people" in a short timeframe you sort of get a little sus. Doesnt take too much time on the hands, just a caring attitude and a good memory.

    And if youre a different guy cool. If you just lied about your stats thats cool too. Youre not hurting us.

    Personally I dont think youre ready for Tren ... nothing personal but I know its pretty harsh stuff and can have some crazy side effects. Each person is different. I think though with tren if you have too many sides or cant handle it you can jump off it pretty easily.

  19. #19
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim View Post
    He's trying to help you not hurt himself.
    And when you see the same cycle posted by "two different people" in a short timeframe you sort of get a little sus. Doesnt take too much time on the hands, just a caring attitude and a good memory.

    And if youre a different guy cool. If you just lied about your stats thats cool too. Youre not hurting us.

    Personally I dont think youre ready for Tren... nothing personal but I know its pretty harsh stuff and can have some crazy side effects. Each person is different. I think though with tren if you have too many sides or cant handle it you can jump off it pretty easily.
    I understand, but to call bullshit on me out of no where is uncalled for, especially without any solid proof to back it up. The reason the cycles were similar was because (as i said in my first post) i have been reading thread after thread on this forum for almost 6 months now before i finally joined. I saw a few mast/test cycles along that dosage protocal that seemed to fit my cycle experience, so I am not surprised they are almost the same. I apologize if that has caused some issues, definitely not intended.

    And thanks man, as I said before earlier in the thread, I am not ready for tren . Even if I can jump off easy, id still be pissed i wasted the money when i could have bought something better suited for me. It would be time and money wasted. Something I dont have alot of.
    Last edited by Chiseled; 06-27-2010 at 09:58 PM.

  20. #20
    scarface313 is offline New Member
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  21. #21
    wharton is offline out of here
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    second cycle stay away from tren no need for it yet. Prop and mast is a good cycle

    Can an admin check the ip of the accounts just to put this at rest plz its strange how in the other thread it was suggested to be 25 before cycleing also lol
    Last edited by wharton; 06-28-2010 at 04:00 AM.

  22. #22
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Sorry hopefully this doesn't sound like i have grudge against that "another" character but it's good to keep on reading but perhaps before especially that hard cycle just to get results that with your stats and age can be archieved very easilly and theres still long way to the potential you can get without using all those extra cards you have in your sleeve especially when you can't really win even if you get what you want by taking shortcut. Then what ? If you havent gained some shape naturally and been able to keep it you think you actually can keep what you get from very strong cycle that you got there which will shut down you for good. Then what ? Another even harder cycle, are you ready for tren then ? All im saying you're an adult, you will make your own choise which i will respect especially if you truly aren't writing with two accounts asking same questions which tells that you are damn unsure what you are doing. In that case i will try to say eventually few words for you to consider, not because i propably didn't like that another character very much but to respect all of you who have chosen this "sport".

    Then again you are going to do it anyway. Consider option 3. X

    Or what i would do is to simply cut down the BF as low as i can trying to preserve musclemass as much as possible. Propably start the clen at the end of that process.
    Would try to keep strength levels up anyway, learn what works for me and the fact is anyway you will eventually get all that lost muscle back in no time after diet due to many factors that will eventually improve. Plus self knowledge and confidence you'll get.

    I would say you will get all the muscle mass/strength you have back after going down and then back up plus lot more. Thats if you haven't supressed your own production with previous cycling allready or are still recovering from those.

    My point being:

    My personal opinion being that AAS should only be used to archieve goals that cannot be archieved "easilly" enough without them or if you get your living from something that requires fast improvement of those areas, when you have to consider on your main sport and get full potential out of your talent when career is being limited by factors like age and competition which may close door if you're not willing to make that desicion and propably live with the conceses even if you won't succeed. Atleast you gave your best shot.
    Doing tons of research and reading is good, but that can be done in fields of nutrition and more importantly in practise using yourself as guineapig without risks that AAS carry.

    If you truly feel that cycling will improve your life now and you'll be allright with that desicion or choises made later aswell no matter what happens, permanent things, propablty never being able to reach the maximum potential or learning something the hard way. Ok you know what you are doing. You're not unsure about it. You wont regret it. Theres no going back. Ok then you are good to go. Do it wisely and keep it simple.

    Anyway good luck mate what ever you'll do. It's not shame to change plan completely but hey welcome to TRT or endless cycle group if you feel like, that may be the best option ahead soonish Nothing wrong with that, our own choise.

    Take care.
    Last edited by anabolix112; 06-28-2010 at 05:00 AM.

  23. #23
    Chiseled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolix112 View Post
    Sorry hopefully this doesn't sound like i have grudge against that "another" character but it's good to keep on reading but perhaps before especially that hard cycle just to get results that with your stats and age can be archieved very easilly and theres still long way to the potential you can get without using all those extra cards you have in your sleeve especially when you can't really win even if you get what you want by taking shortcut. Then what ? If you havent gained some shape naturally and been able to keep it you think you actually can keep what you get from very strong cycle that you got there which will shut down you for good. Then what ? Another even harder cycle, are you ready for tren then ? All im saying you're an adult, you will make your own choise which i will respect especially if you truly aren't writing with two accounts asking same questions which tells that you are damn unsure what you are doing. In that case i will try to say eventually few words for you to consider, not because i propably didn't like that another character very much but to respect all of you who have chosen this "sport".

    Then again you are going to do it anyway. Consider option 3. X

    Or what i would do is to simply cut down the BF as low as i can trying to preserve musclemass as much as possible. Propably start the clen at the end of that process.
    Would try to keep strength levels up anyway, learn what works for me and the fact is anyway you will eventually get all that lost muscle back in no time after diet due to many factors that will eventually improve. Plus self knowledge and confidence you'll get.

    I would say you will get all the muscle mass/strength you have back after going down and then back up plus lot more. Thats if you haven't supressed your own production with previous cycling allready or are still recovering from those.

    My point being:

    My personal opinion being that AAS should only be used to archieve goals that cannot be archieved "easilly" enough without them or if you get your living from something that requires fast improvement of those areas, when you have to consider on your main sport and get full potential out of your talent when career is being limited by factors like age and competition which may close door if you're not willing to make that desicion and propably live with the conceses even if you won't succeed. Atleast you gave your best shot.
    Doing tons of research and reading is good, but that can be done in fields of nutrition and more importantly in practise using yourself as guineapig without risks that AAS carry.

    If you truly feel that cycling will improve your life now and you'll be allright with that desicion or choises made later aswell no matter what happens, permanent things, propablty never being able to reach the maximum potential or learning something the hard way. Ok you know what you are doing. You're not unsure about it. You wont regret it. Theres no going back. Ok then you are good to go. Do it wisely and keep it simple.

    Anyway good luck mate what ever you'll do. It's not shame to change plan completely but hey welcome to TRT or endless cycle group if you feel like, that may be the best option ahead soonish Nothing wrong with that, our own choise.

    Take care.
    I gotcha man completely. And for the record admin can check my IP, i actually encourage it so this BS of thinking i am a different member will be done with. It's quite insulting.

    As for my cycle use, yeah I know for sure there's no way in hell I am ready for tren. But I know a test/mast cycle is light compared to test/tren because tren will shut you down big time.

    I am actually happy I am going to use test/mast because since ive barely had any AAS in my system, and my diet is now in check, I might not even loose any weight but drop all the fat because i might gain while cutting. I promised myself after this cycle I would take years off from AAS use. I just want to use this cycle to properly cut down to a super low bf (under 8%) without loosing much if any muscle. Then run a proper bulker drug free, and continue to do so until I am older.

    I wanna thank you guys for the words of advice, and helping me realize tren would have been a big mistake. I think what also helped me realize this was my buddy back in high school who ran tren by itself, had sex drive issues up until a few years ago. F*UCK THAT! He still wishes he never would have done it.

  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Sorry guys this guy is a con man, he is giving false information to you all because really he is this guy coumpounds best used for cutting

    Ive just checked his IP,

  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry guys this guy is a con man, he is giving false information to you all because really he is this guy coumpounds best used for cutting

    Ive just checked his IP,
    Great find.....

    Whats the betting he will come out with some kind of crap like, " someone was using my computer"...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    great find.....

    Whats the betting he will come out with some kind of crap like, " someone was using my computer"...

  28. #28
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry guys this guy is a con man, he is giving false information to you all because really he is this guy coumpounds best used for cutting

    Ive just checked his IP,
    LOL... I don't understand why people do this....

    good work detective!

  29. #29
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Good catch M.

    I feel like my posts are worthless half the time due to these kinds of situations.

  30. #30
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    What am I chopped liver? See post 11.

    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Great find.....

    Whats the betting he will come out with some kind of crap like, " someone was using my computer"...

  31. #31
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    Like an episode of dog the bounty hunter..

  32. #32
    Nor★Cal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry guys this guy is a con man, he is giving false information to you all because really he is this guy coumpounds best used for cutting

    Ive just checked his IP,
    yep, I'm a dumbass
    I'm so pathetic that after all my accounts were ip banned I came back with a proxy server. I really should get a life but I lack the social skills necessary to have friends.

    • Shredded1
    • EternalStud 76.14.105. 244
    • ♠Ace♠
    • CaliPride
    • Chiseled 76.14.105. 244
    • Nor★Cal 76.14.105. 244
    Last edited by Big; 06-29-2010 at 03:07 PM. Reason: because I can

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