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  1. #1
    rocafella's Avatar
    rocafella is offline Associate Member
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    Cutting Cycle, What do you think ?

    hey guy's, this is what my cycle looks like :

    wk 1 - 2 winstrol 50mg ed - Test P 100 mg eod - clen 60mcg

    wk 3 - 4 winstrol 75mg ed - Test P 125 mg eod - clen 80mcg

    wk 5 - 6 winstrol 75mg ed - test P 125 mg eod - clen 100mcg

    wk 7 - 8 winstrol 75mg ed - test P 125 mg eod - clen 120mcg

    wk 9 - 10 winstrol 75mg ed - test P 125 mg eod - clen 120mcg

    wk 11 - 12 winstrol 75mg ed - test P 125 mg eod - clen 120mcg

    then PCT for four weeks,

    if any one has any suggestions, please do tell, my main goal is to look shredded, thanks to everyone

    stats : 25 yrs old, 190lb, 5'9ft, 14%bf, tarining for 1.5 year

    this is my third cycle, done one bulk cycle, and one cut cycle, been clean for 6 month thought i start a new cycle. thanks for the help guys

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No need to pyramid the dose at the start of the cycle,
    Running winny for 12 weeks is going to seriously hurt your joints IMHO, reconsider!
    No need to run the cycle for 12 wks this type of cycle can clearly be cut down to around 6-8weeks,
    Dont put a weekly dose on the clen , slowly increase the dose accordingly to how you feel and react to it and I would go with 2 wks on 2 wks off,
    I will start cutting before the cycle and get as much bf off as possible and then when you hit a sticking point start the cycle for a springboard effect further into fat loss.

  3. #3
    rocafella's Avatar
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    i was thinking about 8 weeks, but last time i cycled the result came around 7th week, so i wanted to extend a little, 12 weeks is too much your right, and for the clen , im going to do 2 weeks on/of and get some fat burner, but what do you think about the dosage ?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocafella View Post
    i was thinking about 8 weeks, but last time i cycled the result came around 7th week, so i wanted to extend a little, 12 weeks is too much your right, and for the clen, im going to do 2 weeks on/of and get some fat burner, but what do you think about the dosage ?
    You only saw results before in wk 7 of a prop cycle?

  5. #5
    rocafella's Avatar
    rocafella is offline Associate Member
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    i mean fat-loss not muscle gain, lol

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocafella View Post
    i mean fat-loss not muscle gain, lol
    That's determined via diet and cardio not the cycle.

  7. #7
    rocafella's Avatar
    rocafella is offline Associate Member
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    ok, honestly diet was on check really strict, now that i remember i dont know how i did it, i swaer, but cardio, only 5 min a day lol,

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