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Thread: !st cycle advice

  1. #1

    !st cycle advice

    Heys guys new member here. Been lurking for awhile and have decided to take the plunge. A few stats: 26 yrs, 6'3", 245 lbs, bf ~15%, lifting for about 10 years. have run several ph cycles in the past but no aas. Let me start out by saying i have ordered my cycle but do not plan on running until late august early sept. I am currently cutting to try and get to 230 lbs before starting.

    Proposed cycle

    1-12 Test E (500 mg week; mon/thurs)


    14-17 clomid 100/50/50/50
    14-17 nolva 40/20/20/20


    1: how does it look?
    2: i have adex on hand should i run it .5mgs a day or wait til gyno signs occur (if they do)? I would like to keep bloating under control if possible.
    3: I have an unopened bottle of superdrol could i run a kickstart for weeks 2-4 at 20 mgs a day or should i not bother?

    thanks for all the input and please if i left anything out i will be happy to share any info necessary.

  2. #2
    let me also add that i am not a body builder i am an ex fb player turned coach and i incorporate more of a powerlifting/strength style program. but hey who doesnt like to look a little better while doing it. lol. didnt know if that was relevant but thought i would share

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    The cycle looks good. Its nice to see someone who has researched before starting. Personally i run my clomid at 50 mgs/day the whole time but i know many who run it the way you are.

    The adex shouldnt be used from the start unless you know you are prone to gyno. Wait and try .5 mg EOD if needed. If that isnt enough then bump it to ED.

    Finally i wouldnt bother with the superdrol. Just run the Test

  4. #4
    thanks for the reply. yeah ive been going back and forth on the superdrol kickstart. I know a lot of people use dbol as a kickstart on their first cycle but i would like to keep mine simple, however, i have the bottle and i heard the its a pretty good kickstart but hey thats why i asked first. again thanks for the reply

  5. #5
    oh and one more question. this is really off topic and any suggestions on my cycle is def more important than this do you guys get your gf/wives to feel comfortable with you using aas? my wife is not one to tell me what to do however she is def not "supportive" of it. i was completely honest with her for a while about me wanting to do a cycle before i even ordered and i explained to her that yes there is a chance of sides however aas gets very bad press and a lot of it derives from idiots that do not know how to use them safely and properly. anyways sorry for the side track just wondering if anyone else has these issues. i guess im opening myself up to some bashing with that question lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    did you explain to her that one of the side effects can be a heavier sex life? This may sound like a joke or something to giggle about, but when the cycle kicks in and you want it VERY frequently, you should plan out how often she is willing to satisfy. Cant just expect her to at any point, not fair, they need to recover as well. And sometimes they will just not want to and this can cause a rift in the relationship... "you just want me for sex" kind of thing... communicate before hand, this is very important.

  7. #7
    funny but true. and yes i did talk to her about that and i think that was the one and only thing she liked lol. without getting into detail "not in the mood" is not really something that she says a whole lot lol but hey we are newlyweds so im sure thatll change haha thanks for the reply

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach84 View Post
    funny but true. and yes i did talk to her about that and i think that was the one and only thing she liked lol. without getting into detail "not in the mood" is not really something that she says a whole lot lol but hey we are newlyweds so im sure thatll change haha thanks for the reply
    congrats man, sounds like a decent attitude on her. Best of luck, I like your simple cycle a lot, train hard and cycle safe.

  9. #9
    thanks man much appreciated

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