Heys guys new member here. Been lurking for awhile and have decided to take the plunge. A few stats: 26 yrs, 6'3", 245 lbs, bf ~15%, lifting for about 10 years. have run several ph cycles in the past but no aas. Let me start out by saying i have ordered my cycle but do not plan on running until late august early sept. I am currently cutting to try and get to 230 lbs before starting.
Proposed cycle
1-12 Test E (500 mg week; mon/thurs)
14-17 clomid 100/50/50/50
14-17 nolva 40/20/20/20
1: how does it look?
2: i have adex on hand should i run it .5mgs a day or wait til gyno signs occur (if they do)? I would like to keep bloating under control if possible.
3: I have an unopened bottle of superdrol could i run a kickstart for weeks 2-4 at 20 mgs a day or should i not bother?
thanks for all the input and please if i left anything out i will be happy to share any info necessary.