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Thread: cycle critique please...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    cycle critique please...

    my boy wants to bulk up and stay pretty lean (bloat is ok as it goes away) he is 21 years old, 5'10'' 170, lean- very strong. lifting for 4 years, done one cycle of sust 500 mg/wk and deca at 400 mg a week- saw good gains, kept most. before that, he shotgunned juice in HS periodically, so he needs higher dosages than most to see gains. so i am thinking....

    1-14 EQ 600 mg a week QV
    1-5 Dbol 40 mg a day Naposim
    3-14 Test Enathalate 750 mg a week QV

    clomid post cycle

    I am thinking that since EQ takes so long to kick in, might as well start it 2 weeks early because he has plenty...

    any thoughts are appreciated. I want him to do really well with this cycle because he works his ass off and I wish I was as dedicated as he is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    cycle looks fine,dont forget the nolva

    he should like that one,good recommendation!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    this cycle doesn't look fine...your friend doesn't need higher doses...why would you have him run the test at 3-14???doesn't make sense...first time eq user doesn't need that high of dose either...more is not always better...below is how high he should go for a second cycle...if he had good gaind off of deca at 400mg and sust at 500mg this one will be fine for him...Madmax..

    test 600mg (1-12)
    eq 400mg (1-12)
    d-bol 40mg (1-5)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    Originally posted by Madmax
    this cycle doesn't look fine...your friend doesn't need higher doses...why would you have him run the test at 3-14???doesn't make sense...first time eq user doesn't need that high of dose either...more is not always better...below is how high he should go for a second cycle...if he had good gaind off of deca at 400mg and sust at 500mg this one will be fine for him...Madmax..

    test 600mg (1-12)
    eq 400mg (1-12)
    d-bol 40mg (1-5)
    oops.... i missed the 3-14(typo?) but im not so sure your idea is so much different from his.he says his friend has aas experience then he has aas not promoting higher dose cycles first time around but i did that same one my first and had great results.i also believe in longer cycles and keeping the gains i have no problem running 14 weekers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    its not really running the test 3-14. the idea was to start the EQ two weeks before the cycle so that it kicks in faster in relation to the test and is being run longer. thanks for the input madmax and matt.

  6. #6
    Run the test till week 15. EQ takes three weeks to significantly drop in levels and the test enath only takes two. If you run the test till week 15 and the EQ to week 14 then you will be able to start the clomid on week 17 and have a better recovery of natural test levels. Good job on runing the EQ 14 weeks, anything less than 10 isn't worth it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by YITBOS
    Run the test till week 15. EQ takes three weeks to significantly drop in levels and the test enath only takes two. If you run the test till week 15 and the EQ to week 14 then you will be able to start the clomid on week 17 and have a better recovery of natural test levels. Good job on runing the EQ 14 weeks, anything less than 10 isn't worth it!

    i have to disagree with the test taking two weeks to kick out of your takes 3 - 4 weeks to fully kick in, why would it only take 2 to kick out...tell the guy to run the cycle like i told's his 2nd cycle no need to run test and eq for 15 weeks...Madmax..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thanks- ill have him run it like this

    test 600mg (1-12)
    eq 400mg (1-12)
    d-bol 40mg (1-5)

    shold he frontload?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you're going to frontload do it with the dbol so you can cut it down to 4 weeks instead of 5, but id just leave that layout.

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