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Thread: LArger syringe.......reusing them over and over?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina

    LArger syringe.......reusing them over and over?

    Hey guys this is my second cycle coming up. For my first one we bought a ton of 3cc pinz and just threw them away after each use. If we did 400 we just used 2. However, this time we are mixing in some sust with the deca. 3 questions........

    Lets assume 400 deca and 500 sust for 8 weeks.

    1) Can I mix the 2 drugs together in the same syringe?

    2) Do I need to shoot the sust more than once a week, and if so, should I split up the deca shot as well? (Monday- 2oo deca/ 250 sust and the same on Thursday)

    3) Most important question- can I buy a larger syringe 5 or 10cc and use it over and over of course changing the needle

    If I can use it over and over- how do I clean it each time?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    2.Divide the sust into 3 shots m/w/f, the deca well it's up to you
    3.I don't think reusing is a good idea...they are dirt cheap why do you want to do this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    don't use the same syrnge they are only .15 cent's bro...better than an infection...Madmax..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Do not reuse...

    Not worth the risk... you'd need an autoclave to be 100% sure it's clean, and soaking it in alcohol isn't perfect... plus it kills the rubber gasket in the plunger.

    Besides have you ever tried to push down the plunger on a 5 or 10cc with a 23g or 25g pin? Not ideal...

    Just get a big box of 3cc's. It's like $14can for a box of 100 here. My 2 cents only of course...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    DO NOT USE THE SAME SYRINGE! That is extremely unsanitary. Your odds of getting an infection increases too much. Besides, how would you explain that to your doc when you go to have it treated. Bro, I apoligize if I came across a little harsh, but its just not a good practice to get into. Besides their not THAT expensive. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Eastcoast U.S.A
    NEVER USE THE SAME SYRINGE TWICE!!!!! INFECTION REALLY SUCKS!!! Dude they're cheap enough that you don't have to do that just work the extra 30 seconds so you could buy another gross of pins. As for splitting shots, sure why not.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    Thanks guys......... it actually was a misunderstanding on my part. I went to and looked up the 10cc one. It was like $7.50 or something like that. I didn't realize that was for 10. Thanks for the replies

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