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  1. #1
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!

    Cycle ? and when you doods say get blood work done...what exactly

    do you 'ask' the doctor to look for or tell you in terms of test results there after?

    The reason i'm asking is i've lifted weights for about 15 years now? ..give or take a year...but, without missing longer than 2 weeks maybe 3 or 4 times cause I was sick or something like that...

    I've done a test prop and tren cycle that lasted a couple months...put on some came off over time I guess. I made me bloated and fukin angry was for the best.

    I've been considering doing a var only keep my shit together while I diet down a bit here beat the fuk outta myself with cardio and training including martial arts, plymetrics, weights and banging chicks. I dont care to grow any bigger at all and I dont care to do alot of test and or any other compounds that will **** with me cause i'm old and my liver is near shot to hell from all the booze, hookers and blow over the years...fukin downtown livin has taken its toll. So I dont wanna **** myself anymore than I have to so to speak.

    I've read about var and its seems a pretty good route. It's mild, it wont bloat me up, bald my head and I can apparently run it for awhile. I was thinking of running about 40mg ed for about 4 months...while I diet and work out like a fukin maniac. I'm talkin 2 times a day maybe even 3...very isolating movements.

    So, what do I ask the doctor to to speak? So I can be sure my shits ready to go....


  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Scenic Purgatory
    I just tell them that I sometimes feel tired (which I do, when its late at night, so I am not lying), energy levels are sometimes low (again, when I am tired, they are) and tell them I have heard low testosterone levels can cause these symptoms. I then ask if I can have blood work done to check my levels just to be sure.

  3. #3
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    good man...thank you sir

    will do

  4. #4
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    actually what about liver and kidney function etc...? can they test that out to make sure i'm 'healthy'?

    thanks again.

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Understanding Post Cycle Blood Tests

    Not a wise decision if your liver is already screwed and your considering an oral only cycle. Var is still hepatoxic. If you don't care to grow any bigger, and you don't want to damage yourself any further, then there are no Steroids on the planet that you should be taking.

    Your health sounds in bad shape, but your Avatar looks pretty good. Stick with your diet and keep up the intense training.

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